英语人>词典>汉英 : 公路 的英文翻译,例句
公路 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
highroad  ·  highway  ·  road  ·  trafficway  ·  highways  ·  turnpikes  ·  calzada

high road
更多网络例句与公路相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By the end of 2008, almost all counties in Tibet are accessible by roads whose total length reached 51,300 km. Tibet now has a road network of five national highways, 15 main highways and 375 branch roads.


The article first analysis on the natures of public welfare and nature of expressway ,makes a detailed analysis on the expressway's natures of inremovability、inseparability、cingulum、reticulation、and wear,demonstrates the importance of engineering projects of maintenance of expressway .


The thesis made a study on the construction of the road transportation in Inner Mongolia. Through analyzing the social economys development, the present of synthesis transportation and the infrastructure, the equipment of goods traffic and the present situation of the operation and the management, the problems between road transportation and social economic development in the structure in Inner Mongolia were pointed out. Then the methods of regression forecast, flexible coefficient, and straight line tendency forecast etc were used to estimate the quantities of the goods and Freight Ton-kilometers. According to the future demands of goods volume of road transported and the development of freight transportation turnover quantity in Inner Mongolia and the existence question, the adjustment plan of the road goods traffic station yard layout, network structure transports strength structure and service system have been proposed, and then the synthesis appraisal of the plan has been carried on, the Inner Mongolia road goods traffic structure adjustment safeguard measure was proposed.


The paper consider actual conditions of Hebei , and carefully analyzied the questions in highway investment and financing. Considering of country investment and financing heavy policy environment, it proposes that Hebei should not stay the highway investment and financings " wait for, by, take ", relying on governmental investment simply, but should fully give play to the role of capital market and financial market. In insist of the policy on " interconnected system loan interconnected system return ", attract social fund extensively, form the macroclimate that the society runs the traffic;Consider the highway assets of the whole province as a whole, make the financing scheme , vitalize the assets. Through capital market, take bid way, project jointlies operate, corporatization, shareholding system, try such ways as franchise operation ,etc. boldly in newly-built project. At the same time, devote more efforts to standing in the government"s policy to highway, set up the capital construction of highway development. Turn to capital market management focal point , investment and financing of management from project management, change direction " melt" from " throw ", open up with innovative idea dissolving enter road construction practice really, try some new financing methods boldly , only in this way , could arouse every side"s enthusiasm further , really open up the unexhausted source for the benign development of road construction of Hebei.


Due to the insufficiency of KEYNES and invest-output methods, the authors analyze the increasing of national economy resulting from highway investment multiplicator, propose a theory of calculating highway investment multiplicator based on the original definition of investment multiplicator, and obtain an improved method to calculate th.


This paper sets up demand mathematical model of highway based on statistical data of population, GDP and total length of highway and theory of production function,and quantify analyses relationship of highway density with population density and PGDP and its development. And research the population, economic and society of different degree affecting on highway, and the note worthily distributing rule of highway density and andlyses its reason by habit depend on index.


In Wu the city zone appoint, below the right leader of district government and the care that save bureau of traffic of traffic hall, city and support, come 5 years Wu the city zone throws highway to build capital nearly 1.5 billion, built 2 link line, gold to install highway, Jin Ya highway, Jin Lan large quantities of one high order and degree such as boreal line, white sandy road highway, the rural highway of road surface of arenaceous stone of the Kang Zhuang project that completed nearly 800 kilometers and prefectural path is transformed, began the early days that section of city of Wu of line of branch line of Jin Hua of freeway of central line of golden bamboo highway, gold orchid, Hang Jinqu, 330 nations revises the project such as the line.


Through investigating,screening langdscape factores which the area of research, We can evaluate highway landscape quality from 3 facets: highway own landscape, highway two sides background landscape, highway two sides human landscape and establishes evaluation system, standards, then using AHP, fuzzy mathematics, public-opinion poll methods to contrast assessment, found out issues, then take some advice and measures in order to providing recovery technology and design basis, coordinating highway and transportation with ecology landscape, planning the along the route traveling economy, Promoting the highway and the traveling, the resources, the environmental protection coordinated development.


Ever since our establishment,by focusing on the over-all planningfor highway construction in lnner Mongolia,we have been actively engaged in the construction of the high-ways of the Autonomous Region in the format of "3 transverse's and 9 longitudinal's with 12 major exits".We have successively built with our own in-vestment the Grade 1 Highway of the section of Qingshuihe-Pianguan of No.209 National Highway, and the Grade 1 Double Lane Highway of the section of Habiriga-Shangdu and the Grade 2Highway of the section of Lamawan-Xiachengwan along the Yellow River of No.304 Provincial Highway, withour builtup mileage of highways at 132.46km and total investment for RMB940 million.


Outlined in the Beijing Olympic Games, at 13:30 on August 13 Switzerland and France than was Ankan Qiela La Road Cycling Championship. Ankan Qiela La France in the World Championships: 2004 Bardolino, Italy was eighth, 2005 Madrid, Spain, was third, 2006 Salzburg, Austria received first place in 2007 at Stuttgart, Germany was the first ; France 2005 cycling sai Laise Skopje was seventh; Flanders Cycling Grand Prix E3 second place; Belgium Harelbeke 2007 Road Cycling sai second place; Florence - Bicycle sai Pistoia, Italy Paper 2004 Si Tuoya fourth; Ghent - Victoria Buddhist roots bike sai fourth; Road Cycling Events, the Belgian peacekeepers Buddhist roots fourth in 2006 Belgian peacekeepers were sixth Buddhist roots; HEW Classic Bicycle Germany 2005 Hamburg Road Cycling sai fourth in the 2006 German Beer, Luke second Challenge; Milan - San Remo Road Cycling sai second place; San Remo, Italy, the 2008 Road Cycling sai was the first; Monte Siena, Italy 2008 Paschi Eroica Road Cycling sai was the first Swiss national championships, in 2008 Switzerland was the first Messen; Stettlen 2007 Switzerland was the first in 2006 was the first Ruishiboning root 2005 Switzerland was the first Hagendorn; Highway Cycling Merit 2007 Rui Shibu Kruger was second in Paris - Roubaix bicycle sai , 2006 France was the first Roubaix; Roubaix France was second in 2008; 2005 Roubaix France was eighth; Denmark Post bike sai The 2006 final ranking was the first Danish Frederiksberg; ring The 2006 Belgian Flanders Cycling Road Cycling sai Meerbeke was sixth; Etruscan - Adriatic bike sai , 2008 Italy's Benetton and child care - Badelt-care was the first in the Central bike sai Luxembourg, Luxembourg Central Di Jixi 2005, was second; bike sai Central California, the United States in 2008 in Pasadena, California, was fourth ; Athens, Greece in 2004 was the 10th individual time trial; Olympics

瑞士法比安坎切拉拉在世界锦标赛:2004 意大利巴多利诺上获得第八名,2005 西班牙马德里上获得第三名,2006 奥地利萨尔茨堡上获得第一名,2007 德国斯图加特上获得第一名;2005 法国莱塞比耶自行车赛获得第七名;佛兰德E3自行车大奖赛获得第二名;2007 比利时哈勒尔贝克公路自行车赛获得第二名;佛罗伦萨-皮斯托亚自行车赛,2004 意大利皮斯托亚获得第四名;根特-维佛根自行车赛获得第四名;公路自行车赛 2005 比利时维佛根获得第四名;2006 比利时维佛根获得第六名;HEW自行车经典赛 2005 德国汉堡公路自行车赛第四名;2006 德国比尔,路克挑战赛第二名;米兰-圣雷莫公路自行车赛获得第二名;2008 意大利圣雷莫公路自行车赛获得第一名;2008 意大利锡耶纳 Monte Paschi Eroica 公路自行车赛获得第一名;瑞士全国锦标赛,在2008 瑞士Messen 获得第一名;2007 瑞士Stettlen 获得第一名;2006 瑞士伯宁根获得第一名;2005 瑞士Hagendorn获得第一名;公路自行车赛 2007 瑞士布鲁格获得第二名;巴黎-鲁贝自行车赛,2006 法国鲁贝获得第一名;2008 法国鲁贝获得第二名;2005 法国鲁贝获得第八名;丹麦邮政自行车赛决赛排名赛 2006 丹麦腓特烈斯贝获得第一名;环佛兰德自行车赛 2006 比利时Meerbeke 公路自行车赛获得第六名;伊特鲁里亚-亚得里亚海自行车赛,2008 意大利圣贝内代托-德尔特龙托获得第一名;在环卢森堡自行车赛,2005 环卢森堡迪基希,获得第二名;环加利福尼亚自行车赛,在2008 美国加利福尼亚帕萨迪纳,获得第四名;2004 希腊雅典个人计时赛获得第十名;奥运会 2008 北京奥运会男子公路个人赛季军。

更多网络解释与公路相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accommodate highway:专用公路

支线公路 feeder highway | 专用公路 accommodate highway | 国家干线公路(国道) national trunk highway.

highway afforestation:公路绿化

公路建设:highway construct | 公路绿化:highway afforestation | 农村公路:Rural highway

highway appurtenance:公路附属设施

公路服务设施|highway service facilities | 公路附属设施|highway appurtenance | 公路改善|highway improvement

arterial highway:国有公路,一级公路

travelling feeder 带式移动给矿机 | arterial highway 国有公路,一级公路 | alkali fume 碱性尘雾

County road:县公路(县道)

省级干线公路(省道) provincial trunk highway | 县公路(县道) county road | 乡公路(乡道) township road

highway grade crossing:公路平面交叉

"公路货运","Highway freight transportation" | "公路平面交叉","Highway grade crossing" | "公路立体交叉","Highway grade separation"

Highway Guardrail:公路护榈

Highway geometry, Highway routing 公路路线 | Highway Guardrail 公路护榈 | Highway information 公路资料

road race:公路赛

绕圈赛与公路赛(Road Race)不同之处在於公路赛路线不具重覆性,因此在分站赛中由甲地至乙地的路程多為公路赛,而环南中国海的赛事则是於各主办城市中,举行点状的绕圈赛作為架构.


公路车(road bike) 1.公路车(road),是公路车中最常见的以种车型,特点:轮胎非常小,弯把,速度非常快,缺点:操控性差,长时间骑行容易疲劳. 2.场地车(track). 是公路车速度最快的一种,时速能达到50-60km,车的特点,没刹车,


如高速公路(highway)、快速公路(expressway)、收费高速公路(turnpike)、直通快速公路(thruway)、大路(parkway)等. 在这些公路上行使,时速必须限制在每小时五十五英里以内. 另外,所有偶数号(even numbers)的公路均为东西向(East-West),