英语人>词典>汉英 : 公证人 的英文翻译,例句
公证人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
actuary  ·  notary  ·  scrivener  ·  graffer  ·  actuaries  ·  notaries

notary public
更多网络例句与公证人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Protest: A declaration by a Notary Public that payment or acceptance of a draft has been demanded, but refused by the drawee.


The first thing I did, was to recompense my original Benefactor, my good old Captain, who had been first charitable to me in my Distress, kind to me in my Beginning, and honest to me at the End: I shew'd him all that was sent me, I told him, that next to the Providence of Heaven, which disposes all things, it was Owing to him; and that it now lay on me to reward him, which I would do a hundred fold: So I first return'd to him the hundred Moidores I had receiv'd of him, then I sent for a Notary, and caused him to draw up a general Release or Discharge for the 470 Moidores, which he had acknowledg'd he ow'd me in the fullest and firmest Manner possible; after which, I caused a Procuration to be drawn, impowering him to be my Receiver of the annual Profits of my Plantation, and appointing my Partner to accompt to him, and make the Returns by the usual Fleets to him in my Name; and a Clause in the End, being a Grant of 100 Moidores a Year to him, during his Life, out of the Effects, and 50 Moidores a Year to his Son after him, for his Life: And thus I requited my old Man.


"Where a dishonoured bill or note is authorized or required to be protested, and the services of a notary cannot be obtained at the place where the bill is dishonoured,"


Her them march the guilds and trades and trainbands with flying colours : coopen , bird fanciers , millwrights , newspaper canvassers , law scriveners , masseurs , vintners , trussmakers , chimney sweeps , lard refiners , tabinet and poplin weavers , farriers , italian warehousemen , church decorators , bootjack manufacturers , undertaken , silk mercers , lapidaries , salesmasters , corkcutters , assessors of fire losses , dyers and cleaners , export bottlers , fellmongers , ticketwriters , heraldic seal engravers , horse repository hands , bullion broken , cricket and archery outfitters , riddlemakers , egg and potato factors , hosiers and glovers , plumbing contractors .


After them march the guilds and trades and trainbands with flying colours: coopers, bird fanciers, millwrights, newspaper canvassers, law scriveners, masseurs, vintners, trussmakers, chimneysweeps, lard refiners, tabinet and poplin weavers, farriers, Italian warehousemen, church decorators, bootjack manufacturers, undertakers, silk mercers, lapidaries, salesmasters, corkcutters, assessors of fire losses, dyers and cleaners, export bottlers, fellmongers, ticketwriters, heraldic seal engravers, horse repository hands, bullion brokers, cricket and archery outfitters, riddlemakers, egg and potato factors, hosiers and glovers, plumbing contractors.


His father was a notary who served the bishop of Noyon, and as a result Calvin, while still a child, received a canonry in the cathedral which would pay for his education.


I left him about five minutes ago, and he is now occupied in dictating his will to two notaries.


"And you disinherit your granddaughter," continued the notary,"because she has contracted an engagement contrary to your wishes?"


"Notary," said she,"do you want a notary, dear grandpapa?"


Notaries public are primarily concerned with the preparation and verification of legal documents for using abroad.


更多网络解释与公证人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nautical assessor:海事公证人

nautical assessor 海事公估人 | nautical assessor 海事公证人 | nautical astronomy 航海天文学

authenticate writing:(公证人)证明文书

authentically | 确实地, 真正地 | authenticate writing | (公证人)证明文书 | authenticate | 鉴别

Notary Public:法定公证人

拒付证书(Protest)是由付款地的法定公证人(Notary Public)或其他依法有权做出证书的机构如法院、银行、公会、邮局等,作出证明拒付事实的文件,是持票人凭以向其"前手"进行追索的法律依据.

NP notary public:公证人

nf.n.f no funds 无款 | NM no mark 无商标;无标志 | NP notary public 公证人

Chief Notary Public:主任公证人

主任公证人 Chief Notary Public | 驻卫警小队长 Chief of Security Guard | 参谋总长 Chief of the General Staff


"公证人"(notary) 指高等法院司法常务官根据>(第159章)第40条予以妥为注册的公证人; (由1997年第123号第3条修订)"以司法人员身分行事的人"(person acting judicially) 指依法有权收取经宣誓而提供的证据的审裁处、委员会或其他人;


公证人actuaryscrivener | 公证人的notarial | 公证员greffier

notarial:公证人的; 公证的 (形)

notandum 备忘录; 值得注意的事项 (名) | notarial 公证人的; 公证的 (形) | notarization 公证状; 公证人的证实 (名)

notarize vt.1:证明, 确认 2.对...公证,以公证人资格证实

notable a.值得注意的,显著的,著名的 n.名人,要人 | notarize vt.1.证明, 确认 2.对...公证,以公证人资格证实 | notary n.公证人,公证员

register of notaries public:公证人注册纪录册

以及履行或执行根据本条例赋予该团体的职责或责任;"公证人协会理事会"(Council of the Society of Notaries) 指按照该协会的组织章程细则的条文委出的执行理事会;"公证人注册纪录册"(register of notaries public) 指司法常务官按照第40C条条文备存的注册纪录册;