英语人>词典>汉英 : 八个 的英文翻译,例句
八个 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与八个相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of various cephalopod mollusk s of the order Octopoda,such as an octopus,having eight tentacles.


The first part is the author"s special viewpoint about the thinking ability, such as the meaning, the essence, the classification and the operating process. The second part describes the relations between developing thinking ability and the urgent needs of country, society and individual development from five aspects. The third part is about the connection and differences of thinking ability, intelligence, ability, creativity and the constructivism theory. The forth part analyses the teachers" nine injudicious actions that will influence the students" thinking ability. The fifth part discusses the students" seven bad learning behaviors that will cause the degradation of thinking ability. The sixth part is about the unsuitable policies or actions adopted by school, society or family that will cause the degradation of the students" thinking ability. The seventh part discusses the countermeasures that can maintain and develop the students" thinking ability. The eighth part brings forward twelve countermeasures that can exercise the student"s thinking ability in chemistry teaching. The last part gives a brief account of the task.The author expects that this article can enhance the coteries" attention to the students thinking ability.


The main finding were:(1) the 2;8- year-old children could use novel causative and inchoative verb alternation.(2) the children (from 2;8 to 4;7) were productive in novel causative and inchoative verbs alternation.(3) the 4;7-year-old children uttered periphrastic causative verbs more than the two younger groups.


This project focuses on work being done in eight groups of twinned state school, eight in ordinary education and eight in special education.


I, lose or win Up, or down ten, I'ma fight to the end Let's go Ain't no way they ...are just hackin So there's, three of us now - me, A.I. and Shaq'n From the look to the as I say Hover man with ...

Love U Now and Forever已经等了八百八十八个无奈的小时一直都没有收到你给我的回应只能像傻瓜的等等你做出个决定你知道我需要的是爱情不是友情但是让你拖泥带水也不是办法你对我Passion已经太过明显 So 快点对我说。。。

Zhou, who shot a 2-over 74 on Thursday, was 10 strokes worse on Friday, his chances of making the weekend cut all but erased after his opening eight holes resulted in five bogeys and two double bogeys.


The people who selected and edited their proses together in The Coupus of the Eight Masters first was Zhu Hou at the beginning of Min Dynasty,afterwards,Tang Shunzhi also excerpted their prosed in Proses Compilation.


The eight figures of eight calabashes are a symbol of the eight diagrams of the Book of Changes, eight immortals seating on the calabashes are passing through the sea with their own theurgy; the figure of "8" has a attribute meaning of: Land is Yin, the name of the land number sum, the number sun used in the trademark by our factory is 3591, and the trademark is used in balance, because 3591 trademark means nine calabashes, the attribute of nine is Yang, Yang means sky, the land combined with the sky is the balance of Yin and Yang, and the balance of Yin and Yang is the crystal of four diagnostic methods and eight principles of Chinese medicine, and the balance of Yin and Yang in the human body makes human have a healthy body, therefore, it is also a symbol of health.


After examining all the fifty-four presidential inaugurals the author concludes that there indeed exists an identifiable schematic structure in presidential inaugural addresses by which the information is organized, and that a typical presidential inaugural address may contain eight moves through which the form-function correlation is revealed and the understanding of cognitive structuring of presidential inaugurals is improved.


BaShiBaGe gold 88-year-old father-in-law sent to shoot BaShiBaZhi bow silver bullet hand mynah


更多网络解释与八个相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

eighteenth:第十八的, 第十八个的; 十八分之一的 (形)

eighteen 十八; 十八人; 十八个; 十八点 (名) | eighteenth 第十八的, 第十八个的; 十八分之一的 (形) | eighth note 八分音符


seventeenth第十七,第十七个 | eighteenth第十八,第十八个 | nineteenth第十九,第十九个


octacosane 二十八烷 | octad 八个一组;八价元素 | octadecane 十八烷


octonary 八个一组倍频a.八进制的 | octonary 八个一组倍频八进制的 | octonary 八进制


octonary 八个一组 | octonary 八个一组倍频a.八进制的 | octonary 八个一组倍频八进制的


octode 八极管 | octonary 八个一组 | octonary 八个一组倍频a.八进制的


octet /八位组/八比特组/八位字节/ | octette /八重唱/八重奏/八个一组/ | octillion /千的九次方/千的十六次方/

Beatitudes:八副bafu (实在有九个而不是八个)

Barabbas 巴拉巴Balaba | Beatitudes* 八副bafu (实在有九个而不是八个) | Beelzebub 别西伯Biexibo

That time scale isn't in months. It's in weeks:不是八个月,是八个星期

Six to eight months? That can't be.|六... | That time scale isn't in months. It's in weeks.|不是八个月,是八个星期 | Flooding has caused numerous closures, including the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels.|大豪...


duodecillion 美国一字后加三十九个圈,英国一字后加七十二个圈. | tredecillion 美国一字后加四十二个圈,英国一字后加七十八个圈. | quattuordecillion 美国一字后加四十五个圈,英国一字后加八十四个圈.