英语人>词典>汉英 : 入仓 的英文翻译,例句
入仓 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

be put in storage · be stored in a barn
更多网络例句与入仓相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Customs shall check, mark and register the varieties, quantity and amount, etc.


Calculating the pavement fragment adoptioning contradicting -cleft -glue and glass fiber grille ,deal with the existing crevasse, at kaminaka surface layer install rubber asphalt water proof adhesive layer , at the same time guarding against water coming into nakashita surface layer、enhanced interlamination bonding ...


The message in today's era of rapid development in the past under the traditional management mode to manual input of materials, purchase, warehousing, etc., they tend to consume a relatively large number of human, material and time, not at the same time the efficiency of management high, in the management of the process of the occurrence of human error rate is relatively large.


Article 24 In case an export supervised warehouse is approved to enjoy the policy of tax refund upon entry of goods into the warehouse, the Customs shall, after the goods have been cleared and entered into the warehouse, issue the proof page of the declaration list for the export goods.


In case an export supervised warehouse is not entitled to enjoy the policy of tax refund upon entry of goods into the warehouse, the Customs shall, after the goods have actually departed from the territory of China, issue the proof page of the declaration list for the export goods.


It means that the rice in the silo is passed into the weighing feeder through the pinboard valve and the electronic weigher completes weighting after the rice is fed at the second time through the size of the feeding arc door.


Clay and gypsum will be transported into plant by trucks and unloaded into different bins in the crushing station, and then fed onto crusher by speed-governable apron feeder. Crushed materials will be fed onto auxiliary materials stockyard by belt conveyor.


In addition to the proposed paper mill family as soon as possible to improve product quality and requirements for return, the business card printing and membership card making enterprise operators can also be depending on the specific conditions printed on the paper, take the appropriate remedial measures: 1 paper due to raw materials and manufacturing process due to business card printing and membership card making possibly shedding, anti-dropping, accumulate in the rubber blanket on the surface, which affects the correct delivery, dot when printed 1 thousand or so have to wipe down blanket, blanket on bedaubed anti-dropping shedding, cards and membership cards made fell sharply in the gloss of the product.

不兴了倡导造纸厂家尽快调低产物的质量和请求不入仓之外,制卡和会员卡制作企业的不不安作者也可根据所印纸弛的抽象后提,拔取响答的补救措施: 1纸弛由于材料及创作不收明工艺等来因,在制卡和会员卡制作历程洋不定会脱粉、掉毛,积聚在橡皮布的暗地上,从而感化网点不差传达,惨重时每印1千弛把握不离得擦洗橡皮布,否则橡皮布上粘满了脱粉掉毛,制卡和会员卡制作不入来的产物平华量澄辉回升。

Ancient people would harvest grain, melon and fruit, vegetables and Cash crop, through kinds of work such as selecting field , opening up wasteland, renovating field, selecting seeds, planting, protecting young seedling, weeding, irrigation, fertilization, reaping, solarizing and airing, storing and so on.


When the goods arrived at the destination it was found that there was a slight leakage caused by the defect in a few packages .however.the chinese company failed to take any measure to save the loss and preve nt the damage from expanding .as a result the leakage worsened after the warehousing of the goods and led to a selfignited fire .


更多网络解释与入仓相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


随后在居民区旁建造一个集市(bazaar)、一个谷仓(granary)和一个猎人小屋(huntinglodg e),之后那些猎人们会猎杀那些在水边或平原上四处觅食的驼鸟--那些驼鸟将被猎人加工成食物放入谷仓,并通过集市向你的居民们分发食物,

Hunting Lodge:猎人小屋

随后在居民区旁建造一个集市(bazaar)、一个谷仓(granary)和一个猎人小屋(hunting lodge),之后那些猎人们会猎杀那些在水边或平原上四处觅食的驼鸟--那些驼鸟将被猎人加工成食物放入谷仓,并通过集市向你的居民们分发食物,过了一小会儿之后,

long position:长仓

买入一张恒指\期货合约的\投资者就是持\有长仓(Long Position),相反卖出的\投资者\则持\有短仓(Short Position). \若合约平仓价高於入市价,买入的一方获利;若合约平仓\价低於入市价,则卖出的一\方获利. 买卖恒\指期货合约\时,


这种机器人的设计由PackBot炸弹处理型(EOD)室外移动评估探测和响应系统(MDARS-E) 该项目将为陆军提供一种能够在室外环境中执行半自主随机巡逻和监视任务的安全车. 车辆可在仓第10山地师的士兵将一个便携式机器人系统(MPRS)放入纽约一个下水道的检修孔里进行试验. IAI/AAI RQ-2 "先锋"(Pioneer)无人机

Product Receiving Order Printing:产品入仓输出

Material Return Order Printing 退料單輸出 | Product Receiving Order Printing 產品入倉輸出 | Product Direct Issue Printing 半成品轉發輸出



Overflow Stockroom:溢量仓

装配线中,看板在溢量仓(overflow stockroom)和使用点(基本仓)之间循环流动.. 当完成品从最后一个制造单位(cell)被移走时,生产线所有使用点的基本仓库存同时减少(倒冲入帐).. 为了针对客户的需求而生产,电子资料交换(EDI)被用来读取客户计算机系统中的在库量.


珥(er)C.钟馗(kui)贾竖子(gu) 隐讳(hui) D.贫窭(ju)亵渎(xie)教坊(fang)2.下列没有错别字的一项是( C )A.纳栗入监 权作浮居 屏去左右 素性方严B.教坊落籍 山水之废 观者如堵 惑于浮议C.凑聚将来 剪江而渡 鸾呜凤奏 萍水相逢D.仓猝难范 说得入港 疏不间亲 命之不辰3.对下列加点词语的解释不完全正确的一项是( A )A.因在京坐监