英语人>词典>汉英 : 光圈 的英文翻译,例句
光圈 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aperture  ·  aura  ·  halo  ·  haloed  ·  haloes  ·  haloing  ·  halos  ·  apertures  ·  diaphragms

iris aperture · light ring
更多网络例句与光圈相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rbs were then photographed in haunted locations suggesting that it was a form of energy associated with the paranormal.


Gaetano skirted the light, carefully keeping the boat in the shadow; then, when they were opposite the fire, he steered to the centre of the circle, singing a fishing song, of which his companions sung the chorus.


Each F-number is known as a "F-stop".


F f-Number: A symbol that expresses the relative aperture of a lens.


The relation of the surface shape error to f-number and relevant spherical radius was achieved according to the reducing analysis model ignoring the local f-number. Two kinds of rhombic prism model are established by ZEMAX. According to the simulation results from ZEMAX, the correctness and limitation of the former methods are proved and analyzed. The results are used to analyze the effect of the surface shape error of the rhombic prism on parallelism of the emergent beam. The assignation plan of the surface shape error for each working surface is presented.


Meter the scene, select an f-stop, set the autoflash aperture to the same f-stop, and shoot.


Stop Down: To decrease the diameter of the light-admitting orifice of a lens by adjustment of an iris diaphragm.


This paper is the discussing about the aperture -coefficients of the Zoom Lens, the formula for the calculating is: F=f/d where.

该论文是探讨变焦镜头的光圈系数,镜头的光圈系数的计算公式:F=f/D(其中:F为光圈系数,f 为镜头焦距,D为光圈开口直径)。

Typical for many ultra-large aperture lenses you can experience some purple fringing in extreme contrast conditions at wide-open aperture.


This works with slide film and digital.


更多网络解释与光圈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


镜头不单有对焦之调较功能(此稍後再提),更重要是"光圈"(aperture)的调较,光圈之设定作用为设定f值,...光圈 (Aperture) 光圈英文名称为Aperture,光圈是一个用来控制光线透过镜头,进入机身内感光面的光量的装置,它通常是在镜头内.

effective aperture:实效光圈

editor 剪辑者 | effective aperture 实效光圈 | effects 效应,效果

relative aperture:相对光圈

register pin 定位针 | relative aperture 相对光圈 | relative log exposure 相对曝光量对数


其实光圈的大小,是可以用公式来表示,见加粗黑体字如下: 光圈值(F Number) = 镜头焦距(mm) / 光圈口径(mm) 我们以 50mm 标准镜头为例,假若其的最大光圈口径(也就是光圈叶片的开口,不是镜头的口径)是 36mm,


光圈,*有效孔径 Aperture | 光圈号数 f-number | 光圈号数 stop-number

f-number, stop-number:光圈号数

03.032 孔径(又称"光圈") aperture | 03.033 光圈号数 f-number, stop-number | 03.034 象场角 objective angle of image field, angular field of view

f-stop f:制光圈

f-number f数,光圈数 | f-stop f制光圈 | far point 远点

iris diaphragm:虹彩光圈

聚光器由聚光镜和虹彩光圈(iris diaphragm)组成,聚光镜由透镜组成. 虹彩光圈由簿金属片组成,中心形成圆孔,推动把手可随意调整透进光的强弱. 调节聚光镜的高度和虹彩光圈的大小,可得到适当的光照和清晰的图像.

iris diaphragm:光圈

另一种实验(在第二章已有描述)也表明了类似的方向,那就是虹膜光圈(iris diaphragm)实验. 借助虹膜光圈,人们可以在一间完全黑暗的房间里看到一个明亮的表面. 如果光圈开着,白色圆圈便似乎趋近,当光圈闭合后,

iris diaphragm:锁光圈

孔径(或光圈,光线透过它进入相机)由镜头里的锁光圈(iris diaphragm)控制,例如一组重叠的金属薄片形成一个中心有孔的圆环,这个孔的孔径可根据需要调大或者调小.