英语人>词典>汉英 : 充满压力的 的英文翻译,例句
充满压力的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与充满压力的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In an urban society in which highly structured, fast-paced and stressful work looms large in life, experiences of a different nature, be it television watching or bird-watching, can lead to a self-renewal and a more "balanced" way of life.


For someone who felt his mind was going to pieces, to be put into the stressful situation of the psychiatric examination, even when the psychiatrist acquitted himself with kindness, the situation of the assessment procedure itself, can be 'an effective way to drive someone crazy, or more crazy.


He is still unaccustomed to a life of stress.


Is still unaccustomed to a life of stress .


Imagine the kind of talent the hard-pressed system could attract, drools the Washington Post.


Imagine the kind of talent the hard-pressed system could attract, drools the Washington Post.


Often, the Inquisitor believes a stressful interview unearths a candidate's hidden qualities.


Some researchers divide perfectionists into three types, based on answers to standardized questionnaires: Self-oriented strivers who struggle to live up to their high standards and appear to be at risk of self-critical depression; outwardly focused zealots who expect perfection from others, often ruining relationships; and those desperate to live up to an ideal they're convinced others expect of them, a risk factor for suicidal thinking and eating disorders.


Taking a truly relaxing vacation will help you re-energize and, upon your return, help you cope better with a stressful work environment.


This is 3 km distance can be really, is not wide of the soil on the road by a car full of pressure A deep rut, bouncing off the feeling of sitting in the three roll-over at any time possible, LP have scared all the way down on the car did not dare to sit.


更多网络解释与充满压力的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to be unaccustomed to hot weather:不习惯炎热天气

is still unaccustomed to a life of stress. 仍然无法适应充满压力的生活 | to be unaccustomed to hot weather 不习惯炎热天气 | I am unaccustomed to public show. 我不习惯抛头露面.

ignite douse:点燃熄灭

idyll experience fraught with tension*田园般的充满压力的 | ignite douse点燃熄灭 | ignite extinguish点燃熄灭

idyllexperience fraught with tension:田园般的充满压力的

idyllexperience fraught with tension田园般的充满压力的 | ignitedouse点燃熄灭 | igniteextinguish点燃熄灭

idyll experience fraught with tension:田园般的充满压力的

idyll experience fraught with tension*田园般的充满压力的 | ignite douse点燃熄灭 | ignite extinguish点燃熄灭

The competition is intense:竞争非常激烈

It's full of pressure and lots of tests.充满了压力和许许多多的考试. | The competition is intense竞争非常激烈. | The pressure is heavy.压力非常沉重.


黑色脚套皮革仿佛跳韵律操穿的紧身衣(leotard)的一部分,突兀得可以. 倒是垫高而弓起的脚,万般诱人. 后面的脚跟更绝,犹如女人赤裸的腿部,大腿稍显圆润,在压力下,轻微弯曲......09年的秀场上,圣罗兰(Yves Saint Laurent)的镂空式建筑结构鞋款充满装置艺术特色,


"开伞索"(Ripcord)是防侦查高空跳伞兵种的领队,他对自己的技能、经验都充满自信,在压力面前冷静沉着. "重载"(Heavy Duty)作为特种部队的重型军火专家,热爱古典吉他与作曲家巴赫. 曾有人赞誉,他不管经受多么猛烈的敌人炮火攻击,


172.抱怨,投诉complain | 173.认为,猜想suppose | 174.充满压力的,紧张的stressful

unaccustomed to:不习惯于

true to oneself 安分守己, 坚持自已的原则 | unaccustomed to 不习惯于 | is still unaccustomed to a life of stress. 仍然无法适应充满压力的生活

mantle cavity:套膜腔

以图五中的鱿鱼为例,其外套膜腔(mantle cavity)中充满海水,能保持一定的压力支持体壁. 外套膜腔以一漏斗形的开口(funnel)与外界相通,此一开口位於头的下方. 当鱿鱼游泳时,外套膜肌肉收缩,将腔室内的海水迅速经由开口排出,形成喷射的推进力,