英语人>词典>汉英 : 充分地 的英文翻译,例句
充分地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adequately  ·  enough  ·  fully  ·  maturely  ·  richly  ·  sound  ·  sounded  ·  sounds  ·  sufficiently  ·  plenarily  ·  afond  ·  inextenso

to the full · to the teeth · a fond
更多网络例句与充分地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dream analysis has also sensitized me to the value of using dreams as bridges to more fully understanding people's fears, preoccupations and goals.


The theme uses structure design of WUHAN DAMING company OAS for example, to actualize GIS and OAS integration exploitation, preferring two settlement ways: firstly, if you wants GIS and other computer system for integration no suture, you must use integration exploitation of GIS fully, and use tools software of GIS and graphic exploitation language in integration re-exploitation;then it is fully to utilize space data, to achieve effective assistant decision-making system;and, to research and to design database of based on metadata technique, distributed data management and share technique.

论文以武汉达明公司的办公自动化系统的结构设计为例,对实现GIS与OAS的集成开发,提出了两种解决办法:一是如果要让GIS 可以很方便地与各种计算机信息系统进行一体化的无缝集成的话,就要充分地利用GIS 的集成开发方式,结合GIS 工具软件与可视化开发语言进行集成的二次开发;二是要充分地利用空间数据,实现有效的辅助决策系统,对基于元数据技术的、分布式的数据管理与共享技术的数据库系统进行研究和设计。

With this pledge taken, I assume unhesitatingly the leadership of this great army of our people ated to a iplined k upon our common problems.


Determination by the CRB that the organization has sufficiently translated legal requirements into suitable EMS elements may come from an onsite walk-around, and by taking examples of significant aspects and following the trail back through the EMS to specific legal requirements.


Wide separation of these layers has a dual benefit, as it allows visualization of the iliohypogastric nerve, and creates sufficient space for insertion of a wide sheet of mesh.


The literary implication contained by the parabolical images has long time been richly exploited whereas the philosophical meanings has not.


Specifically, Saturn was in the constellation of Scorpii and Mars and the north node of the Indian texts are full of information on weather and planetary transits and a fuller exploration and scientific study of this phenomenon could be useful.


To make them let people air views freely calls for plenty of persuasion and,what is more,considerable pressure,that is,issuing an open call and holding many meetings,so that they find themselves checkmated and "driven to join the Liangshan Mountain* rebels".


The knits are thick with 3D patterns, the fake furs are soft and plush, the hand dyed coats are degradating in color sunsets, and the silk-milk mix ballgown has the texture of pure raw silk.

Lea Seong 简洁清晰的线条,优雅的版型以及含蓄的色调在不经意间充分地体现出个人职场魅力;具有奢华情调的晚礼服充分地展现出经典的黑白灰搭配,但更多地添加了华丽、繁复的手工细节;可与皮草相媲美的牛奶纤维大衣灼灼生辉,让穿着者在人群中和聚光灯下都无比瞩目。

It is the great multiplication of the productions of all the different arts, in consequence of the division of labour, which occasions, in a well-governed society, that universal opulence which extends itself to the lowest ranks of the people.

他充分 地满足他们的需要;他们充分地满足他的需要,于是,普遍富裕散播到各个社会阶层。

更多网络解释与充分地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dreadfully 可怕地;非常地 | adequately 可胜任地;充分地 | drastically 严厉地;严重地;

all to nothing:百分之百的; 十足地, 完全地, 充分地

all to nothing 百分之百的; 十足地, 完全地, 充分地 | amount to nothing 等于零, 无结果 | apropos of nothing 凭空地, 突如其来地; 没有任何联系地; 顺便地


belustigend [德] 高兴的. | bem [葡] 充分地, 彻底地, 完全地. | bemerkbar [德] 显著的, 明显的.

a fond:彻底地, 充分地

a foe worthy of sb.'s steel | 劲敌 | a fond | 彻底地, 充分地 | a fool of circumstances | 受环境摆布的人


lightly 轻轻地,轻松地 | sufficiently 充分地,足够地 | indifferently 不在乎地; 冷淡地

to the full:完全地;彻底地; 充分地

to tell you the truth 实话给你说 | to the full 完全地;彻底地; 充分地 | to the point of 到...的程度

to the full:充分地,彻底地

持不同观点[见解]take a different view | 充分地;彻底地to the full | 充分利用put ... to good use

to the fullest:最充分地,最完全地

be full of 盛/充、装满... | to the fullest 最充分地,最完全地 | fully ad.充足地,完全地

plenarily:充分地; 有全权地; 完全地 (副)

Pleistocene 更新世; 更新世岩 (名) | plenarily 充分地; 有全权地; 完全地 (副) | plenary session 全体会议; 全会

without measure:过度地, 无限地, 充分地

within measure 适度地 | without measure 过度地, 无限地, 充分地 | Measure for measure . [谚]一报还一报.