英语人>词典>汉英 : 儿语 的英文翻译,例句
儿语 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
babble  ·  babbled  ·  babbles  ·  childrenese

baby talk · baby-talk
更多网络例句与儿语相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Ji-Li" means close fortuitous and avoid inauspicious, or bring big fortune. And the word of "Ding" is the assonance of "Light", which has the significant meaning of bringing the prosperity of money and population. The year of 2006, the Dog year in the Chinese lunar calendar, is also the first Dog year in the twenty first century. The work of "Ji-Li Ding" created by Taiwanese artist, Akibo, is using concisely line to produce technological and futurity forms rather than immature cartoon format. Besides, the idea of using the red signet express the origin of our culture and character which has combined the meanings of traditional concepts and future prospects includes creativity, fashion, and traditional culture aspects. And, it also conveys the character of dogs – curiosity, loyalty, and courage.


The network language can generally be divided into the following types: facial make-up notation,unbending abbreviation,new word new meaning,and childrenese expression,while its stylistic feature shows agility,novelty,entertainment,iconicity and covertness.


It's more about stimulation , as opposed to截然相反;完全不同 the suppressive effects of drugs.


First, it describes its phonological system, including initials, finals, tones and the relationships between the three parts, etc. Second, a syllabary of Shanghe dialect is given.


Chi MM: red bean, beauty, Rosa de Tears, pride * off butterflies dance * Ella, after another pride **, a small woman, dream ~仙儿, elegant language of the wire, ice tea, sadness ~ darling, tenderness * long,* little bit of pride, pride * baby, Xiao-Ming, Murong Xiangxiang, Nannan Xiaoxiang, SweetGirl, kissed ME darling, Providence, dancing Costume, take me to see the sea, on the Angels, AG twilight sleep,赵灵儿, the wizard of the heart, jasmine, tenderness *糖糖, hearts *飞儿, elegant language of silk,* love the small language *, beauty | the world, sparkling heart, Xiong toot,宫主the走丢,眼波children ~ Mae, pure Apple.


Weakening of a few of clauses is one of the adjustive means by which to build the condition of "gathering together" in utterances.


Chapter five looks at the mutation in language stream with contemporary philologic theories. The characteristics of mutation in changshan dialect are supposed to be show by tone changing , light syllable, r-suffixation, z-suffixation,etc.我每is possibly the r-suffixation of women我们;Some final varied pattern of suffix子is actually r-suffixation;Changshan dialect"s light syllable lies in every level of language and it has multifold forms; There is rich tone change of verbs which can present certain grammatical meanings in Changshan"s dialect.


He capered before them down towards the fortyfoot hole, fluttering his winglike hands, leaping nimbly, Mercury's hat quivering in the fresh wind that bore back to them his brief birdsweet cries.


He capered before them down towards the fortyfoot hole, fluttering his winglike hands, leaping nimbly, Mercury's hat quivering in the fresh wind that bore back to them his brief birdlike cries.


On the basis of analysis of function requirement of current electrohydraul- ic servo-positional system design and adoption of OOP(Object-Oriented Progr- amming), the software uses Windows XP as its O.S. and Autodesk's Auto CAD 2004 and MathWork's Matlab6.5 as its basic softwares and develops electrohy- draulic servo-positional system CAD. The developed tool of Visual Basic 6.0 is used in this ***.

本文反在剖析当后电液伺服体解设计功能需乞降采取里相闭于象编程念惟的基本上,以外文WindowsXP为操擒平台,以Autodesk儿司的AutoCAD2004和MathWorks儿司的Matlab6.5为收持软件,当用Visual Basic6.0语曲言开收了电液位放伺服体解CAD软件。

更多网络解释与儿语相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

n aha:啊哈

n babble 呀呀学语,儿语 | n aha 啊哈 | n bah 呸,哼 (表轻蔑,厌恶)

No, baby talk:不许说儿语

So...|所以呢 | No, baby talk.|不许说儿语 | No Minnie.|不许叫我米妮

dodo n.m:(儿语)睡觉

documentation n.f. 资料,文献 | dodo n.m. (儿语)睡觉 | dogme n.m. 教条,信条


语言与人种 匈牙利语属于芬兰乌戈尔(Finno-Ugric)语系的乌戈尔分支,与土耳其语、爱沙尼亚语(Estonian)及芬兰语有点关连. 匈牙利境内匈牙利语、德语及英语三种语言都通用. 马札儿人于中世纪时由东方逐步迁徙,最后定居在现今东欧的匈牙利.

Georgina:乔姬娜 希腊语 农民

Frieda 弗莉妲 日耳曼语 和平 | Georgina 乔姬娜 希腊语 农民 | Gill 吉儿 英语 溪流;少女

granddad:爷爷; 祖父; 外公(儿语)

gosh 天啊;哎呀8-2 | granddad 爷爷; 祖父; 外公(儿语) 2-7 | grandfather祖父; 外祖父; 爷爷; 外公2-1

n whimper:呜咽

n murmur 喃喃地说,咕哝 | n whimper 呜咽; | n babble 呀呀学语,儿语

Corinna:科琳娜 希腊语 少女

Cindy 辛蒂 希腊语 月亮女神 | Corinna 科琳娜 希腊语 少女 | Crystal 克莉丝特儿 希腊语 晶莹的冰;冰霜


twins (双胞胎) | bubs (儿语的"兄弟") | lungs (肺)


twins (双胞胎)dhe中国学习动力网 | bubs (儿语的"兄弟")dhe中国学习动力网 | lungs (肺)dhe中国学习动力网