英语人>词典>汉英 : 僭越 的英文翻译,例句
僭越 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
arrogation  ·  assume  ·  assumes

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Your spirit knows where God is, but your reasoning is head knowledge arrogantly demanding evidences.


From the information of these two artists, Wang Jinsong came to feel that in today's artistic experimentation, one cannot learn mechanically, but must learn methods of observing and analyzing problems, and must daringly arrogate the various ossified ways of thinking.


After the boundary, religion force and government power should be controlled still willingly by the spirit of toleration and can not arrogate each other.


Based on Webers analysis of three lays of bureaucracy, this thesis discusses the rational foundation of ideal type bureaucracy and its irrational inclination, and points out the bureaucracy is not only an administrative tool which can achieve the highest technological efficiency, but also a kind of social power having its own interests and values which is abounded to arrogate its original functions.


In reality, people usually study the relationship between educational theory and practice from the perspective of theoretical philosophy, but it not only will not bring about the unity of educational theory and practice, but also causes the split of the relation whose reason is the arrogation of practical philosophy by science.


The subjectivity of translator shows itself not only in the differences in the governing of a certain ideology and poetics, but also in the arrogation of power.


To Starling, her transferential relationship with Lecter is obviously connected to her indulgence in obtaining the jouissance from the transgressions of the incest taboo.


Presidents who have arrogated the power of Congress to declare war.


Was hearing evidence in an assumed capacity; Congress's arrogated powers over ''.


Was hearing evidence in an assumed capacity; Congress's arrogated powers over domains hitherto belonging to the states.


更多网络解释与僭越相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


arrogate /独揽/诈称/霸占/僭越/ | arrogation /诈称/霸占/僭越/ | arrojadite /钠磷锰铁矿/

assuming:傲慢的, 不逊的, 僭越的

assumedly | 多半, 大概 | assuming | 傲慢的, 不逊的, 僭越的 | assumingly | 傲慢地, 无礼地

assumingly:傲慢地, 无礼地

assuming | 傲慢的, 不逊的, 僭越的 | assumingly | 傲慢地, 无礼地 | assumpsit | 损害赔偿之诉, 约定, 允诺


assumingassumptive 不逊的 | assumingly 僭越地 | assuminglycavalierlyimperiouslyloftilypertlypompouslysaucily 傲慢地


assuming /傲慢的/僭越的/不逊的/ | assumingly /僭越地/傲慢地/ | assumpsit /损害赔偿之诉/约定/允诺/


"英语中,道德家(moralist)是贬义词. "超人"在我这样有信仰的人来看,也是贬义,而且我认为是邪恶的--僭越了人的位置. 20世纪的"自我实现"意识形态就是其变种. 据介绍,菲利普.瑞夫(Phillip Reiff)的>一书是对弗洛伊德精神分析的有力批判,

unprepossessing prepossessing:引人注意的

unmoved坚定的冷静的 | unprepossessing prepossessing引人注意的 | unpretentious pretend僭越


1. self-approving 自我赞许的 | 2. self-assumed 自负的,自封的,僭越的 | 3. self-assured 自信心强的,很有把握的


self-assertive /自作主张的/倔强的/ | self-assumed /自称的/僭越的/自许的/ | self-assurance /自信的/

unpretentious pretend:僭越

unprepossessing prepossessing引人注意的 | unpretentious pretend僭越 | unprovoked(生气)无缘无故的