英语人>词典>汉英 : 停止使用 的英文翻译,例句
停止使用 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
disuse  ·  disusing

go out of service
更多网络例句与停止使用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First: If you often use a variety of facial cleanser who immediately stop use tap water!


Guangdong Province People's High Court sentenced in the final decree that, the three companies had illegally applied patent Circumrotating Coniform Focused Gama-ray Radiation Unit in producing, selling and using gama knife systems, and must immediately stop illegally use the patent; Shenzhen Aowo Medical New Technology Co Ltd and Shenzhen Aowo International Technology Development Co Ltd were sentenced to pay for Yi Du's economic loss 1.17 million RMB.


Compared with women who never used HRT, risk of breast cancer was increased 4.6-fold for combined continuous HRT (95% CI, 2.39 - 8.84), 2.2-fold for combined-sequential HRT (not significant; 95% CI, 0.80 - 5.56) and 1.89-fold for estrogen-only HRT with estriol (not significant; 95% CI, 0.81 - 4.39). Five years after stopping HRT use, there was no increased risk.

持续采用含Progestin荷尔蒙取代疗法者会增加4.6倍的乳癌风险(95%信赖区间,2.39 - 8.84),间断采用含Progestin荷尔蒙取代疗法者会增加2.2倍的乳癌风险(无意义,95%信赖区间,0.80 - 5.56),单独使用estrogen荷尔蒙取代疗法会增加1.89倍的乳癌风险(无意义,95%信赖区间,0.81 - 4.39),5年后停止使用荷尔蒙取代疗法不会增加乳癌的风险。

Mixed saliva and pooled plaque samples from the smooth surfaces of teeth were collected for microbiologic analysis before administration (baseline~ day 0).. during treatment (days 7.. 14 and 21) and after withdrawal of the agents (days 28~ 42 and 56) and plaque index were recorded. Microbial cultivation were performed by serially diluting the samples with PBS solution and cultivating the aiquots on Mitis Salivarius Agar and MS supplemented with bacitracin for Oral streptococci and Mutans streptococci respectively. The plates were incubated at 37~C under microaerophilic condition(90%N2,10%CO.,) for 48 hot:rs. The number of colony-forming unit per plate was counted and the percentage of Mutans Streptococci per Oral streptococci in dental plaque were determined.


Shall be equipped or added with parking lots; if the parking area is insufficient, it shall be rebuilt or extended in time; no one shall discretionally suspend the use of a parking lot which has been put into use or use it for any other purpose


Some used in the past, but to stop using the text, text that is Turkic, Uighur, Chagatai text, the text in Hetian, Yanqi - Qiuzi text, Su Li Wen, Basiba word Khitan characters Khitan Small, Tangut, Nuzhen text, pictures Dongba text, picture text Sabah, Dongba pictograph, Geba text of the water, Manchu and 17 languages.


Replacement of a ureteric catheter this shall be considered an extension of the continuous use of the device.


Guangdong Province People's High Court sentenced in the final decree that, the three companies had illegally applied patent Circumrotating Coniform Focused Gama-ray Radiation Unit in producing, selling and using gama knife systems, and must immediately stop illegally use the patent; Shenzhen Aowo Medical New Technology Co Ltd and Shenzhen Aowo International Technology Development Co Ltd were sentenced to pay for Yi Du's economic loss 1.17 million RMB.


Although the absolute risk was low, investigators stopped this arm of the study and suggested discontinuing this therapy.


Apply to face,throat and bady in the morning and at bed time diacontinue usage if irritation occur lngredients:squalene,vitaminE,vegetable oil,jasmine fragrance gelatin glycerin oil jasmine fragrance gelatin glycerin water jasmlne perfume timiron pearl flake warning:for external and cosmetic use only not for oral use keep out of reach of children


更多网络解释与停止使用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Go cold turkey:突然完全停止使用毒品; 突然完全戒毒或戒烟; 突然终止已成瘾的习惯

12 call the tune定调子,发号施令,操纵 | 13 go cold turkey突然完全停止使用毒品; 突然完全戒毒或戒烟; 突然终止已成瘾的习惯 | 14 at every turn老是; 处处; 事事;

cut out leave out:停止使用,戒除

be beyond one's means be more than one can afford 付不起 | cut out leave out 停止使用,戒除 | at first sight when seen for the first time 乍看之下;第一眼就

Lift out of use:电梯停止使用

Lift out of order 电梯发生故障 | Lift out of use 电梯停止使用 | Meeting in progress, quiet please 正在开会,请保持安静.

Lift out of use:电梯停止使用tRd汕尾全程教育网

Lift out of order 电梯发生故障tRd汕尾全程教育网 | Lift out of use 电梯停止使用tRd汕尾全程教育网 | Meeting in progress,quiet please. 正在开会,请保持安静. tRd汕尾全程教育网

Lift out of use:电梯停止使用hqR汕尾全程教育网

Lift out of order 电梯发生故障hqR汕尾全程教育网 | Lift out of use 电梯停止使用hqR汕尾全程教育网 | Meeting in progress,quiet please. 正在开会,请保持安静. hqR汕尾全程教育网

go into service:投入使用 去当家庭佣工

give service to 为...效劳 | go into service 投入使用 去当家庭佣工 | go out of service 停止使用

discontinued:停止使用的 取消,停用

discard 放弃 舍弃 | Discontinued 停止使用的 取消,停用 | dish 下半球面 圆碟


discontinued 不连续的 | discontinued 停止使用 | discontinued 停止使用不连续的中断

resported discontinued:据报已停止使用

responsorrestart 使)再起动 | resported discontinued 据报已停止使用 | rest bar 支承扁钢

You stop using it and your face disintegrates:如果你停止使用,你的脸就会分崩离析

- I can't be hurt. - Beau-line.|- 我是不会受... | You stop using it and your face disintegrates.|如果你停止使用,你的脸就会分崩离析 | And if you keep using it, skin like living marble.|如果你一直使用,你...