英语人>词典>汉英 : 停战 的英文翻译,例句
停战 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
armistice  ·  ceasefire  ·  truce  ·  truced  ·  truces  ·  trucing  ·  armistices  ·  ceasefires

bury the hatchet · cessation of hostilities
更多网络例句与停战相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One of the first conditions as a result of the Armistice was the complete abrogation of the treaty.


You only command my advance guard and you have no right to make any truce without my order.


After the armistice he had spent a month in Paris.


Incidents in 629 ended the armistice, and in January 630, Muhammad and his men marched on Mecca.

在629事件结束了停战,并在1月630 ,穆罕默德和他的部下游行麦加。

After listening to my mother say that we armistice.


This united the world more than anything could, and so an armistice was signed.


They will very likely try to wriggle out of the armistice terms.


The main exchange of prisoners took place after the armistice was signed three months later.


In a confusing series of synods a truce was attempted between adherents of Alexander and followers of Arius; in March of 324 Alexander convened a provincial synod which acknowledged the truce but anathematized Arius.

在一个混乱的一系列主教会议的停战状态企图之间遗民亚历山大和追随者arius ;三月324亚历山大召开了省主教,其中承认停战,但

Last Wednesday was Armistice Day, when on the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month", in 1918, the armistice was signed for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front at the end of World War I. The date is now observed by many of the allied nations from that era as Veterans Day, Armistice Day, Remembrance Day or Poppy Day - a day set aside to commemorate the sacrifices made by those in the armed forces and their families.

上周三是停战一天,在&对第11个月&11日最后一刻在1918年,停战协定是为敌对西线停止签署了第一次世界大战结束的日期现在观察到的,盟军从作为退伍军人节,停战纪念日,纪念日或罂粟日- 1日为纪念留在军队和他们的家人所作的牺牲者时代的许多国家。

更多网络解释与停战相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


目前,北京不愿结束内战而只愿结束敌对状态,此乃相当于停火(Ceasefire)而非停战(Armistice),因为内战结束后两岸相互的地位问题为何?将更为棘手. 易言之,内战状态仍旧是北京牵制台湾的良方,也是其"一中原则"的另类形式. 有关两岸内战的情势,


aiming wire 保险丝 | armistice 停战;休战 | armistice demarcation line 停战分界线


armada 舰队 | armistice 停战协议 | artillery 大炮;炮兵部队

armistice day:停战日

不同的地方对节日有著不同的称呼:阵亡将士纪念日流行於澳洲,加拿大与英国;罂粟花日(Poppy Day)通用於马耳他和南非;退伍军人日(Veterans Day)为美国人的称呼;在法国、纽西兰以及其他英联邦国家则称为"停战日"(Armistice Day),这也是节日本来的名称,

general armistice:全面停战

General Arab Women Federation; GAWF;阿拉伯妇女总联合会;GAWF; | general armistice;全面停战;; | General Arrangements to Borrow;借款总办法(总办法);GAB;总办法

After Armistice:停战以后

铁血男儿/Heroic Soldiers | 停战以后/After Armistice | 庭院深深/Spacious Courtyard

armistice pact:停战公约

armistice agreement 停战协定 | armistice pact 停战公约 | army 部队


着火:catch fire | 停战:cease-fire | 染色:fire-retardant

Cease-fire agreement:停战协议

cease to be the concern of the organization;不复为本组织主管对象;; | Cease-fire agreement;停战协议;; | cease-fire and cessation of outside military assistance;停火及停止外来军事援助;;


五十年代美国人在朝鲜提出停战(ceasefire)谈判,原因是知道再打下去没什么好处. 但那也只是停战而非和平条约. 哪天需要开战了,随时可以打. 因为双方是停战的敌国.