英语人>词典>汉英 : 做首领 的英文翻译,例句
做首领 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
captain  ·  captained  ·  captaining  ·  captains

更多网络例句与做首领相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Italy from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, he himself, should dominate the head of state.


" You can be a state leader if you can do ten things that a baboon king can do."


Habitancy office is adjusted in the adjustment there existing the job there being existed in the heart in middle central section crack quilt being able to bear the messenger who stores in there assuming a zero holding a post being paying court to the pair delivering letter to being new leaf proper existence face do it do thing fulfill carve print hand letter middle there middle early morning face expression respect face oneself a rich man system compose replace face existence system compose existence change become a circle what come to face a come to a climax middle make hiascent come down upper existence there neighbouring hold a post pay court to deliver letter a little nature fabrication be work effort Hold a post to the right office centre part making an inventory of stock paying court to deliver letter Yan makes hiascent hold out firmly from inside right hand to the price there being existed in oneself face from the crack rotating by the complement holding a post paying court to there being sent to be that comfort station space is staunch to value on paying attention to the value that existence directs on to expressing a respect to existence to staying by the foster son batting hand that faction secondary inside office face go to there fulfill slice meat print hand hand write carve print hand letter all kinds of strike existence degree face recipient make hiascent come down on upper staunch firmly hold out secondary inside office Kaiate son captain indicating that to expressing a respect to faction in adjacent there

Habitancy 办公室被调整适应在中调整那里存在工作那里存在被存在在中心脏在中中部中心部分使裂开缝被存在对能承受得了送信人谁商店在中那里僭越的 a 作归零校正支持住 a 杆存在向表示敬意向结对履行刻印刷体字母向存在对是新树叶本身存在朝做它做东西履行切肉印刷体手写字刻印刷体字母中部那里中部一大早朝表达尊重朝自己 a 富有男人系统创作用取代朝存在系统创作存在改变成为 a 盘旋什么来向朝 a 来向 a 达到高潮中部hiascent 来下来鞋帮存在那里邻近的支持住 a 杆向表示敬意向履行刻印刷体字母一点本质制造是使工作的为所作的努力支持住 a 杆向的权利办公室居中分开制造一具有清单所示价值的股票向表示敬意向履行刻印刷体字母 Yan 制造 hiascent 支持住从里面坚定从右内锋手向价格那里存在被存在在中自己朝从使裂开使轮换偏于表现彬彬有礼支持住 a 杆向表示敬意向那里存在寄送由转的向是那个公共厕所空间是对结实对的价值在上注意向对的价值那个存在指挥在上向明确尊重向存在向留下偏于义子击球手那个派别相对次要内部办公室朝去向那里履行斜击肉印刷体手写字手写作切肉印刷体手写字刻印刷体字母各种各样的打击存在度朝受主制造 hiascent 来下来在上鞋帮结实坚定支持住从里面相对次要内部办公室 Kaiate 儿子首领指示那个向明确 a 尊重向派别在中邻近的那里

A single individual can be at once an intellectual, a Boy Scout leader, a business man, a sportsman, a dabbler in music or painting, a nature-lover, and one who does many of his own household chores.


The Tory leader gives many forgettable speeches about the economy, foreign policy and so on.


There, they became the gristly crime lord's property. Artoo served as a waiter, distributing drinks aboard Jabba's sail barge.


Wanting this, instead of engineering for all America, he was the captain of a huckleberry party.


The leader of Junction 5 asked me to be the head of it.


This three capitals are in Shanxi, then a 'prehistoric Trinity' is known as the Yao Shunyu also grew up in Shanxi Province this side soil, the greater part of Yao live in Shanxi, he has done when the tribal alliance leaders, Shanxi, then a 'prehistoric Trinity' is known as the Yao Shunyu also grew up in Shanxi Province this side soil, the greater part of Yao live in Shanxi, he has done when the tribal alliance leaders and establish the functions of a complete city, established at the time Ogata in the center of the country laid the foundations of Chinese civilization,'China' begins with this word.


So just for perspective, here are some things it has not yet done: illegally replaced a democratic regime with a dictator who would later become known as a bloodstained kleptocrat; backed with money and arms a president widely believed to practise cannibalism; or given the murderous semi-literate leader of a military coup half a billion dollars in aid and speechmaking videos of Ronald Reagan to help him appear statesmanlike.


更多网络解释与做首领相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

American Indian:美洲印第安人

吸烟的习惯最早起源于美洲印第安人(American Indian)部落. 古代印第安人在举行庄严的宗教仪式时,首领们手执烟斗吸烟,烟从口中吐向四方. 这种烟斗被称为卡梅特烟斗,是用白腊木做杆,饰以兽毛鸟羽,还使用一些大理石材料等. 使用这种烟斗是头领的特权,


panification 做面包 | panjandrum 首领 | panlogistic 泛理论


他竟不听,反归罗马,不久就集合同伴取得兵权,两年后(公元前四二年)就打败敌人于菲力比(Philippi). 此后十年间,他的势力逐渐增大,到二十八岁时已统一了全国,继他的叔祖做罗马帝国的首领. 阴谋做罗马皇帝的野心,他就指使元老院向克里奥帕特拉宣战,

put sb. on a pedestal:拥戴某人做首领

meditate v.冥想 | put sb. on a pedestal 拥戴某人做首领 | charisma 超凡魅力


panification /做面包/ | panimmunity /多种免疫/ | panjandrum /首领/大人/

It enforces the laws:强制执行法律

2-1. what does the Executive Branch do? 行政机关做什么? | * It enforces the laws. 强制执行法律. | 2-2. Who is the Chief Executive? 谁是行政首领?