英语人>词典>汉英 : 做为纪念的 的英文翻译,例句
做为纪念的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与做为纪念的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After he had slumber'd, rather than slept, about half an Hour, he wak'd again, and comes out of the Cave to me; for I had been milking my Goats, which I had in the Enclosure just by: When he espy'd me, he came running to me, laying himself down again upon the Ground, with all the possible Signs of an humble thankful Disposition, making a many antick Gestures show it: At last he lays his Head flat upon the Ground, close to my Foot, and sets my other Foot upon his Head, as he had done before; and after this, made all the Signs to me of Subjection, Servitude, and Submission imaginable, to let me know, how he would serve me as long as he liv'd; I understood him in many Things, and let him know, I was very well pleas'd with him; in a little Time I began to speak to him, and teach him to speak to me; and first, I made him know his Name should be Friday, which was the Day I sav'd his Life; I call'd him so for the Memory of the Time; I likewise taught him to say Master, and then let him know, that was to be my Name; I likewise taught him to say, YES, and No, and to know the Meaning of them; I gave him some Milk, in an earthen Pot, and let him see me Drink it before him, and sop my Bread in it; and I gave him a Cake of Bread, to do the like, which he quickly comply'd with, and made Signs that it was very good for him.


For the remaining years of the war, ANZAC Day was used as an occasion for patriotic rallies and recruiting campaigns, and parades of serving members of the AIF were held in most cities.


Apart from meet eight development goals be available to sb. look sth. up in a dictionary / on a website express one's opinion be meant to do sth . a successful businesswoman on behalf of work in remote places be connected to / with specialized agencies loan money to sb. set a standard for aim to sth. eliminate problems can't afford expense be lack of recommend doing sth. break down basic equipment force sb. to do sth. farm the land suffer from malnutrition be in chaos be in a mess put on weight look out for be concerned about/for get hold of remind sb. of sth remind sb. to do sth. communicate with sb. think back to be proud of = take pride in make a difference put sth.

into action from place to place die from if only in honour of on purpose 除了达到八个发展目标可以得到在字典里/网上查找表达某人的观点打算做某事一位成功的女商人作为…的代表在偏远地区工作与…有联系专业机构贷钱给某人为…确立标准目标是消除问题付不起费用缺少建议做某事出故障;抛锚基本设备强迫某人做某事种地遭受营养不良处于混乱状态乱七八糟增肥当心担心抓住让人想起提醒某人做某事和某人交流回想以…为豪发生改变使某事开始实施从一地到另一地死于只要为了表示对某人的尊敬/为了纪念某人故意的 18

This is the best thing that we can do in memory of our beloved teacher.


And we do so for many years with gifts, the experience of the table, you can tailor the design to production, prices of different styles of different needs at different levels to mark the Prestige range of watches.


He selected the date to mark the official time for celebrating Christ's birth.


A distinguished sightseer, Paul Krugman, returned to the LSE on June 8th to give the annual Lionel Robbins memorial lectures. Mr Krugman, who gave the Robbins lectures 21 years ago, tried to answer two big questions in the course of his three talks. Why did economists not foresee calamity?

六月八日,一名著名的参观者Paul Krugman回到LSE为一年一度的Lionel Robbins纪念活动做了演讲。21年前也做过Robbins纪念演讲的Mr Krugman也试着在他的三次演讲中,解答两大问题:为什么经济学家没有预见到灾难?

Holiday refers to the day set apart for religious observanceorfor the commemoration of some extraordinary event total stoppage of work and normal business activities, including feasting, parades and carnivals,ordisplays of flags and speechmaking.


And were supported and laved by a wide range of people Affhough he passed away in 1996 to the great sadness of many people, there are still many Japanese who consider his writings a guide to life, The Shiba Ryotaro Memodal Museum IS an institution dedicated to transmitting his achieveme


As we remember all that was lost, we must take stock of the work being done on recovery, while preparing for future disasters.


更多网络解释与做为纪念的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Francis Bacon:弗朗西斯?培根

今年10月28日是弗朗西斯 培根(Francis Bacon)诞辰100周年. 为纪念这位表现主义绘画大师,英国泰特美术馆将举办"弗朗西斯?培根:早期作品展". 展品包括1929年20岁的培根在伦敦做室内设计师时制作的三张地毯和一个屏风.