英语人>词典>汉英 : 偏见 的英文翻译,例句
偏见 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bias  ·  clinamen  ·  jaundice  ·  preconception  ·  prejudice  ·  preoccupation  ·  prepossession  ·  slant  ·  warp  ·  warped  ·  biases  ·  biasses  ·  biassing  ·  jaundices  ·  jaundicing  ·  prejudices  ·  prejudicing  ·  slanted  ·  slants  ·  warps

parti pris · partial opinion
更多网络例句与偏见相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A prejudiced opinion 偏见 Try not to be prejudiced in your judgments.


The difference between Greece and China, Achaean had completed the breakthrough to mythical history prejudice, and achieved radical comprehension turn on world, but Chinese failed to do this thing.


The reviewers of The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies overturned this viewpoint might be due to the reason that they did not read the records of The Agama Sutras, had read but unable to understand them, or purposely denied it with prejudice.


The impartiality summit found that there was an anti-Christian bias within the corporation, as well as an anti-American bias.


Teacher should never be prejudiced against any student.


The attitude, state of mind, or behavior characteristic of a bigot; intolerance.

偏见:抱偏见的人的态度、思想状况或行为特点;偏执 bigot: n。

Direct Correspondence of Display Data RAM to LCD Pixel Display Data RAM2,500 bits LCD Drivers25-common and 100-segment Selectable Duty and Bias Ratio ; 1/25 Duty 1/6 Bias or 1/15 Duty 1/5 Bias Direct connection to 8-bit Microprocessor interface for both of 68 and 80 type MPU Serial Interface (SI, SCL, A0, CS) Useful instruction set Display ON/OFF, Display Start Line Set, Page Address Set, Column Address Set, Status Read, Write Display Data, Read Display Data, Normal or Inverse ON/OFF Set, Static Drive ON/Normal Display, EVR Register Set, Read Modify Write, End, Reset, Internal Power Supply ON/OFF, Driver Output ON/OFF, Power Save and ADC select.

直接显示数据RAM的对应像素液晶显示数据RAM2,500位液晶Drivers25,共同和100段可选择的职务和偏差率; 1 / 25的责任1 / 6的偏见或1 / 15的责任1 / 5偏见的直接连接至8位微处理器的接口为68和80型微控制器的串行接口(司,沙田至中环线时,A0,CS)的相关指令集显示开/关,显示开始行设置,页面地址设置,列地址设置,状态读取,写入显示数据,读取数据显示,正常或逆开/关设置,静态驱动器/正常显示,腔内注册设置,读取修改写入,完,复位,内部电源开/关,开/关,节能和ADC选择驱动器输出。

They deal in divisiveness and intolerance, no matter how debilitating that might be to the subjects of their prejudice, and no matter how damaging that might be for a country's international standing.


Handlin's A critique of Handlin s interpretation of why legal 1660's slavery did not appear until the 1660 s suggests that assumptions about the relation between slavery and racial prejudice should be reexamined , and that explanations for the different treatment of Black slaves .

的关于为何法律上的奴隶制没有在一个对于 H 的关于为何法律上的奴隶制没有在 17 世纪 60 年代以前出现的原因所作解释的批评显示,代以前出现的原因所作解释的批评显示,关于奴隶制和种族偏见之间的关系的假说应当重新检查,而且显示出,偏见之间的关系的假说应当重新检查,而且显示出,对于在北美和南美之间的对黑怒的不同处理的解释应当被扩展。

That same unease is a mirror to the world's racial and sectarian prejudices , many of which run deeper and are often bloodier than those in the U.S.


更多网络解释与偏见相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a prejudiced opinion:偏见

prejudiced adj.怀偏见的 | a prejudiced opinion 偏见 | Try not to be prejudiced in your judgments. 你作判断时要尽量做到不存偏见.

be prejudiced against:对...偏见对...偏见

be popular with/among sb 受...的欢迎 | be prejudiced against 对...偏见对...偏见 | be present at 出席


3: bestial act 兽行 | 4: bigotry 偏见、偏执、持偏见的行为(态度) | 5: field hospital 野战医院

gender-biased programming:具有性别偏见的方案编制

gender-biased processes;具有性别偏见的过程;; | gender-biased programming;具有性别偏见的方案编制;; | gender-biased teaching;具有性别偏见的教学;;

gender-biased processes:具有性别偏见的过程

gender-biased educational material;具有性别偏见的教材;; | gender-biased processes;具有性别偏见的过程;; | gender-biased programming;具有性别偏见的方案编制;;

gender-biased educational material:具有性别偏见的教材

gender-biased;(有)性别偏见的;; | gender-biased educational material;具有性别偏见的教材;; | gender-biased processes;具有性别偏见的过程;;

without prejudice:没有偏袒无偏见不受损害

without prejudice 不受损害没有偏见 | without prejudice 没有偏袒;无偏见;不受损害 | without prejudice 没有偏袒无偏见不受损害


prejudice 偏见 | prejudiced 怀偏见的 | prejudicial 存有偏见

dismiss without prejudice:无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉)

dismiss with prejudice 有偏见驳回起诉(不可以再诉) 有偏见驳回起诉(... | dismiss without prejudice 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) | disorderly conduct 扰乱治安行为,行为不轨 扰乱治安行为...

dismiss without prejudice:无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) 无偏见驳来回起诉(可以再诉)

dismiss with prejudice 有偏见驳回起诉(不可以再诉) 有偏见驳回起诉... | dismiss without prejudice 无偏见驳回起诉(可以再诉) 无偏见驳来回起诉(可以再诉) | disorderly conduct 扰乱治安行为,行为不轨 扰乱治安行...