英语人>词典>汉英 : 偏斜的 的英文翻译,例句
偏斜的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bias  ·  deflective  ·  slantindicular  ·  biases  ·  biasses  ·  biassing

更多网络例句与偏斜的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And then, the mathematics model was firstly set up to analyze the force that the rotary control head endured when the preventer installed aslant.


Glancing blows are something you are not likely to see go away.


Abstract] Objective To explore the cause of dissociated vertical deviation,so that choose reasonable modus operandi.

目的 探讨临床分离性垂直偏斜的产生,以便选择合理的手术方式。

The following results are documented:(1) the skewness has a characteristic of time-varying law whether in the returns of Shanghai stock market and Shenzhen;(2) the negative skewness in Chinese stock market returns can be partly explai.


Objective To explore the therapeutic effects of chiropractic manipulation on low back pain secondary to pelvic obliquity.

目的 观察整脊手法对骨盆倾斜性腰痛及纠正骨盆偏斜的治疗效果。

Firstly, rotate the deflective character string to horizontal level, then project the grey image of the character string from top, and sum up the black dot pels, the value act as a grey accumulated scatter chart, which is invariant to translation and zoom in scale.


Treatment of residual dissociated vertic deviation with inferior rectus resection.


In concluding, I show that the analysis of skewness is linked to all three streams of literature devoted to explaining the Bowman paradox.


The reasons of declining were mainly caused by supplying of chemical fertil i zer.


ABSTRACT: Objective To study the best surgical Procedure for treating dissociated vertical deviation.

目的 探索治疗分离性垂直偏斜的最佳手术方式。

更多网络解释与偏斜的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

raised his weapon to deflect it and quick as thought, Solaris:升起了他的武器使它偏斜和快的如想法

Solaris' speed seeming a match for Ryu's s... | raised his weapon to deflect it and quick as thought, Solaris / 升起了他的武器使它偏斜和快的如想法,Solaris | struck Ryu in the belly. Ryu cried out in pa...


若有板边部份须电镀的规格 则在 PTH 前就先行做出 Slot 见图 15.2 (5) Routing Bit 在作业时 会有偏斜(deflect)产生 因此这个补偿值也应算入 b. 铣刀的动作原理 一般铣刀的转速设定在 6,000~36,



skew distribution:偏斜分布

K.皮尔逊发现了被他称为"偏斜分布"(skew distribution)的一组分布函数,他宣称,这组函数可以描述科学家在数据中可能遇到的任何散布类型,这组函数中的每一个分布由四个数字所确定.


数据显示了利润指数序列往正方向偏斜\,偏斜(skewness)为5.377532. 序列不遵循正态分布(normal distribution)\,经过测试\,峰度(Kurtosis)为137.7139\,严重超过了正态分布的峰度3. 跟正态分布比较\,此分布具有很强的"肥尾"性. 同时\,

deflective:偏倚的, 歪斜的, 偏斜的

pressure limiting valve stem 限压阀杆 | deflective 偏倚的, 歪斜的, 偏斜的 | formation bombing 编队轰炸


deflectiontool 造斜工具 | deflective 偏斜的 | deflectivity 可偏性


deflection /歪斜/偏/偏向/ | deflective /偏倚的/偏斜的/歪斜的/ | deflectivity /可弯性/偏向/


上隐斜(hyperphoria)是眼位有向上偏斜的倾向,平时两眼可用矫正性融合反射来控制,使不出现斜位并能保持双眼单视. 一般上隐斜超过2△可出现症状,在隐斜患者中,上隐斜占15%~30%.


semitransverse fault 斜断层 | semitransverse 偏斜倾向的 | semitubular rivet 半管形铆钉