英语人>词典>汉英 : 偏僻的 的英文翻译,例句
偏僻的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
devious  ·  obscure  ·  obscurer  ·  outlandish  ·  outlying  ·  recluse  ·  remote  ·  secret  ·  sequestered  ·  upstate  ·  obscured  ·  obscures  ·  obscuring  ·  remoter

off the map · one-horse · out-of-the-way
更多网络例句与偏僻的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was born in a tiny mountain village out of the way .


I shall be better in the diggings or the backwoods than ever I could be here.


I couldn't bear to be away from him, shut away in the country like that.


So, when the attacking missiles blast off at lonely sites in the darkness, they are immediately seen.


Linus : I don't know this area and I don't want to be lost in the boondocks .


I moved him out of the Glass house and into the boondocks, hating every minute of it


He calls Cobleskill "the boondocks," adding an expletive whenever he is angry at his mother, which is often.


Chrome diopside is mined in a remote location in Eastern Siberia known as Inagli in the state of Sakha.


Everything's been said before There's nothing left to say anymore When it's all the same You can ask for it by name Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don't forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party Sex, sex, sex, don't forget the violence Blah, blah, blah Got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely Stick your stupid slogan in Everybody sing along Are you motherfuckers ready for the new shit? Stand up and admit it, tomorrow's never coming This is the new shit Stand up and admit it Do we need it?


A lonely traveller 孤单的旅客 He lives a lonely life in the tree farm.

他在林场里过着孤单的生活。 34 有时表示"荒凉的","偏僻的",用来说明地方,此时多用作定语。

更多网络解释与偏僻的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

backwoods:未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带)

backwood | 未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带) | backwoods | 未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带) | backwoodsman | 住在边远地区的人


当你的级别到Lawman之后,就可以找在塞德瑞斯莫拉的泰瓦尼参议会里底层的偏僻的寺院(Hermitage)里的鲁尼拉.赫雷兰(Llunela Hleran)商量建造要塞的事情.

hermitage n.1:隐士住处, 偏僻的寺院 2.隐士生活

helmet n.头盔 | hermitage n.1.隐士住处, 偏僻的寺院 2.隐士生活 | hideous a.1.骇人听闻的, 可怕的 2.极其丑陋的,难看的

Pissant, redneck podunk, jerkwater:无用的、乡下的、偏僻的、无名的

. Thank God we live in this quiet, little .|. 感谢上帝我们生活... | . Pissant, redneck podunk, jerkwater .|. 无用的、乡下的、偏僻的、无名的 . | . Greenhorn, one-horse mudhole, peckerwood .|. 幼稚的、简陋的...

out of the way:偏僻的;罕见的

out of the question 不可能 | out of the way 偏僻的;罕见的 | out of the/this world 只应天上有


He is regardless of the result.他不顾虑结果 | Romote 偏僻的遥远的远程的 | The connection between these ideas is very remote.这两种看法之间距离很大.


sequester 幽静的 | sequestered 偏僻的 | sequestra 死骨片


sequester /使隐退/使隔绝/扣押/没收/ | sequestered /隐退的/幽静的/偏僻的/扣押的/ | sequestrate /扣押/没收/

backwood:未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带)

backwinder key | 回卷钥匙 | backwood | 未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带) | backwoods | 未开垦地, (偏僻的森林地带)

farther far away:遥远的,偏僻的

164. explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的 | 165. remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的 farther far away | 166. removal n. 除去,消除