英语人>词典>汉英 : 假定的 的英文翻译,例句
假定的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
assumed  ·  assumptive  ·  conditional  ·  hypothetic  ·  hypothetical  ·  presumptive  ·  putative  ·  supposed  ·  suppositive  ·  suppositious  ·  presumed

更多网络例句与假定的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am not going to argue about whether people who behave altruistically are 'really' doing it for secret or subconscious selfish motives.


MoRGF1 was highly identical in amino acids with its homologs from other filamentous ascomycete fungi. The gene eletion mutants displayed slower growth and obviously reduced conidiation, although with no change in pathogenicity when compared with their wild type strain.


Gerber and Shiu (1998a) and Tsai and Willmot (2002) all consider the renewal equation for the expected discounted penalty function at ruin Ф and its decomposition in this risk process. In their proceeding, they assumed the twice continuous differentiability of Ф,Ф〓,Ф〓 as a premise but its proof isn't obvious.

Gerber and Landry(1998)及Tsai andWillmot(2002)考虑了此模型下的破产时罚金折现期望Ф所满足的更新方程及其分解后的因子Ф〓和Ф〓,但它们的推导过程都是在假定Ф,Ф〓,Ф〓连续且二次连续可微的前提条件下进行的,但实际上此前提假定的成立并非显然。

The team, who presented their results at a joint meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research and the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer in Coronado, California, this week, are now investigating whether their putative cancer stem cells are more resistant than run-of-the-mill cancer cells to chemotherapy or radiation, as research on other putative stem cells has suggested.


Yet this strange supposition apparently underlies Professor Pigou's Theory of Unemployment14 and it is what all members of the orthodox school are tacitly assuming.


Based on the load transmission mechanism of space truss, and referenced theanalysis of test materials, a formula for calculating the bearing capacity of reinforcedconcrete compression strut is introduced. By using the theory of plastic hinge-line, anupper limit solution of bent bearing capacity for four-pile cap, which coincidesprecisely with the practical measurements, is obtained. By utilizing the reaction ofthe soil under cap and by basing on the method of plastic ultimate analysis, an upperlimit solution of punching shear bearing capacity for pile cap is acquired, which. coincides precisely with the practical measurements, and the formula is similar to thecode.A brief discuss on cooperative work of strip beam of foundation and single rankof piles is made. Separately considering the pile-cap and the pile-group, thencoupling their matrix of rigidity, the inner force of pile-cap is solved by the numericalmethod under some reasonable supposition. In comparison with other method, thecalculating results are exact, reliable and convenient in using. The method provides apowerful tQol fOr further analysis and research on this kind of structure.


On the basis of analysis on the dynamic frequency after power vacancy,the reason of unideal function of traditional device are dissected: it is set by using assumed load and power vacancy.The changed range of real load power and real power vacancy lead to big error.


This essay introduced the method and the empirical results of run test, Dickey-Fuller test and variance ratio test on the efficient market hypothesis. Furthermore, reviewed the volatility test method and empirical result on the EMH which relative to the tests based on stock market return.

摘 要:介绍了市场有效性假定的游程检验,DF检验以及方差比检验的方法和相关实证研究的结果,与以上基于股票市场收益的市场有效性检验相对应,对市场有效性假定的波动性检验方法以及实证结果进行了述评。

The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led, in the first instance, to the understanding of a concrete具体的 example of a medium which can transmit transverse横向的 vibrations, and at a later stage to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis.


Under the promise of allowing non-negative assumption or not, using the"solve"function in Excel to get the best portfolio, under the disallowing short-selling and or not.


更多网络解释与假定的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assumed decimal point:假定的小数点,假定十进位小数点,假定小数点,假设小数点

assumed datum 假定基准面 | assumed decimal point 假定的小数点,假定十进位小数点,假定小数点,假设小数点 | assumed fault calculation system 想定事故計算システム


hypotension 血压过低 | hypothetic 假设的,假定的 | unhappy不快乐的/不幸福的/不幸的


我称之为"假定的"(hypothetical)是因为很少有电影能达到艺术的状态. 然而好的声音,如杜比(Dolby)电影所发现的,是一项好交易,所以声音也有了自己的日子. 大多数纪录片是在电视机屏幕上看看到的,所以不时地在电视上看观你剪辑的入展,


presumption 假定 | presumptive 假定的 | presumptuous 专横的


Undetered:不屈不挠的 | Putative:假定的;推定的 | Predator:捕食性动物


apoptotic 细胞凋亡的 | putative 推定的,假定的 | precipitate 沉淀,沉淀物


suppose ;假定/推测 | supposed ;假定的/推测的 | suppress ;抑制

suppositional:想像的; 假定的 (形)

supposition 假定; 推测; 假设 (名) | suppositional 想像的; 假定的 (形) | supposititious 假的; 假定的; 想像的; 推测的 (形)


supposititious /偷偷掉换的/冒充的/想象的/假的/私生的/ | suppositive /想象的/假定的/ | suppository /坐药/栓剂/


-itious[形容词后缀] | suppositious 想象的,假定的 | cementitious 水泥的