英语人>词典>汉英 : 倚靠人 的英文翻译,例句
倚靠人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
prop  ·  propped

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Jonathan Edwards, considered the greatest thinker to be born in America, combated Arminianism in several sermons, including "God glorified in man's dependence."


She would not be his consolation prize or his shoulder to cry on, it hurt her too much and she just couldn't keep living feeling that pain, feeling her heart broken day after day.


"And if you say to me, Our hope is in the Lord our God; is it not he whose high places and altar s Hezekiah has taken away, saying to Judah and Jerusalem that worship may only be given before this altar ?"


Answer: The sins forbidden in the first commandment are, atheism, in denying or not having a God; idolatry, in having or worshiping more gods than one, or any with or instead of the true God; the not having and avouching him for God, and our God; the omission or neglect of anything due to him, required in this commandment; ignorance, forgetfulness, misapprehensions, false opinions, unworthy and wicked thoughts of him; bold and curious searching into his secrets; all profaneness, hatred of God; self-love, self-seeking, and all other inordinate and immoderate setting of our mind, will, or affections upon other things, and taking them off from him in whole or in part; vain credulity, unbelief, heresy, misbelief, distrust, despair, incorrigibleness, and insensibleness under judgments, hardness of heart, pride, presumption, carnal security, tempting of God; using unlawful means, and trusting in lawful means; carnal delights and joys; corrupt, blind, and indiscreet zeal; lukewarmness, and deadness in the things of God; estranging ourselves, and apostatizing from God; praying, or giving any religious worship, to saints, angels, or any other creatures; all compacts and consulting with the devil, and hearkening to his suggestions; making men the lords of our faith and conscience; slighting and despising God and his commands; resisting and grieving of his Spirit, discontent and impatience at his dispensations, charging him foolishly for the evils he inflicts on us; and ascribing the praise of any good we either are, have, or can do, to fortune, idols, ourselves, or any other creature.


He was not a child clinging to the security of an established order. He was not a nonentity seeking recognition and prestige.


A rosarian tends to her English garden.


He shall be a staff to the righteous whereon to stay themselves and not fall


The following day he proceeded to the Capitolium; here he spoke cordially to those whom he was planning to put to death and then went back to the Palace leaning on the arm of Papinian Aemilius Papinianus, the famous jurist; he had been made prefect of the guard in 205 and was much beloved and trusted by Severus.

次日他又赶赴卡庇托山上的朱庇特神庙,那里,他对那些他打算杀死的人作了一次诚挚的讲话,然后返回宫殿倚靠在帕皮尼安[埃米里乌斯·帕皮安努斯,Aemilius Papinianus,著名的法学家,曾于 AD205年任禁卫军长官,并被先帝鲁斯所爱戴和信任]和奇洛的怀里。

As we see, Moses held up his hands as an act of intercessory prayer and dependence upon God, showing all the people the reality of this dependence.


I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the LORD.

31:6 我恨恶那信奉虚无之神的人。我却倚靠耶和华。

更多网络解释与倚靠人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


例如昨天的三次自由发挥时间就包括了两次自选倒立和一次自选弯背动作;我分别做了头手倒立(Headstand)、全手倒立(Handstand)和拱桥(Wheel post). 其中全手倒立我虽然需要倚靠墙身作支持,但是我这次踢腿一次就把整个人倒立起来,爽!

Leaning together:倚靠在一起

We are the stuffed men 我們是填充著草的人 | Leaning together 倚靠在一起 | Headpiece filled with straw. Alas! 腦殼中裝滿了稻草

Leaning together:彼此倚靠

We are the stuffed men 我们是那种被填塞的人 | Leaning together 彼此倚靠 | Headpiece filled with straw. Alas! 帽子下面塞满的也都是稻草 唉


loll out 伸出 | loll 倚靠 | lollapalooza 非常出色的人


loll 倚靠 | lollapalooza 非常出色的人 | lollingite 砒毒砂

Certainement appuy sur des bancs:当然在长椅上

Devant le monde qui s'incline面前的世界正在倾斜 | Certainement appuy sur des bancs 当然在长椅上 | Il y aura quelques hommes qui se souviennent 倚靠着几个回忆往昔的人

Certainement appuyes sur des bancs:当然 在长椅上

Devant le monde qui s'incline 面前的世界正在倾斜 | Certainement appuyes sur des bancs 当然 在长椅上 | Il y aura quelques hommes qui se souviennent 倚靠着几个回忆往昔的人