英语人>词典>汉英 : 倒置 的英文翻译,例句
倒置 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
convert  ·  inversion  ·  converts  ·  inversions

更多网络例句与倒置相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Result: The nm-HAP-sol present the dispersed and uniformity needle. A431cells inhibition ratio was maximizing at the 5 day in the 400mg/L nm-HAP-sol group, the 200mg/L nm-HAP-sol group and the 100mg/L nm-HAP-sol group, inhibition ratio of the 400mg/L nm-HAP-sol group, the positive control group and the 50mg/L nm-HAP-sol group was respectively (77.89±6.29)%,(77.46±8.26)% and (1.23±0.15)%. It was detected that the number of A431 cells were persistently increasing in the 50mg/L nm-HAP-sol groups while decreasing in the 400mg/L nm-HAP-sol group, the positive control group and abidingly increasing for 4 and 3 days then decreasing in the 100mg/L and 200mg/L nm-HAP-sol group by inverted microscope.

结果:超声乳化法配制的HAP纳米溶胶呈均匀分散的针状;400mg/L、200mg/L和100mg/L溶胶组对A431细胞抑制率在第5天达到各组最大值,此时400mg/L溶胶组与阳性对照组的抑制率分别为(77.89±6.29)%和(77.46±8.26)%, 50mg/L溶胶组抑制率为(1.23±0.15)%;倒置显微镜下见50mg/L溶胶组细胞数目持续增加,聚集成簇,细胞呈现多角形或梭形,胞浆透亮,而100mg/L 和200mg/L溶胶组的细胞数目分别增加至第4天和第3天开始下降,400mg/L溶胶组和阳性对照组细胞数目持续减少,细胞体积缩小,漂浮细胞增多。

The noise seemed to be coming from a large recessed alcove that lay ahead on the right.


The results were analyzed with the statistical software package spss10.0.results ①between two groups,there was no significant difference about the affection of age,sex and the destribution and location of aneurism on prognosis outcome(p<0.05).however,the grading of hunt hess and fisher in group a(gos>3) showed significantly lower than in group b(gos≤3),(p<0.001);② there was no significant difference in the frequency of heart rate, st elevation, st depression,t wave inversion,u wave inversion and ventricular arrhythmia(p>0.05).the frequency of abnormal q wave, supraventricular arrhythmia and the ecg scores in group a showed significantly lower than in group b (p<0.05,p<0.001);③the ecg scores was the most powerful multivariate risk stratified(ecg ≥5 vs ecg<5; p=0.002,or=0.010,95%ci 0.001~0.173).conclusion the ecg score, a new and simple method of semi quantification, was a powerful risk predictor for patients with sah.

应用spss10.0 统计包分析结果。结果①在年龄、性别、动脉瘤生长部位影响动脉瘤性sah预后方面,两组病例无明显差异(p>0.05)。而按sah后hunt hess分级和fisher分级,gos>3病例的分级要明显低于gos≤3的病例的分级(p<0.01);②两组在心率、st段抬高、st段压低、t波倒置、u波倒置、室性心律失常出现的频率无明显差异(p>0.05);在异常q波和室上性心律失常出现频率及心电图评分方面,gos>3的组别明显低于对照组(p<0.05,p<0.001);③心电图评分是sah患者预后最显著影响的变量(p=0.002,or=0.010,95%的可信区间0.001~0.173)。结论心电图评分作为一种新型、简便的半定量方法,能有效的预测蛛网膜下腔出血病人的预后。关键词:心电图;预后;评分;蛛网膜下腔出血

The anisotropy inverted spectra will be determine, when the temperature reaches and goes beyond the temperature of phase transition for the NNPA and NIPA hydrogels that exhibit a LCST phase behaviors. The network is collapsed and the hydrated Cu ion is bound by network chains.

对于具有LCST相行为的NNPA 和NIPA水凝胶,当温度达到并超过其相转变温度时,即可测得其Cu自旋探针各向异性的ESR倒置谱,这种倒置谱是由于凝胶相变后,网格塌陷,网络缠裹水化Cu离子的结果。

The concept of the reverse gcometry CT has been borrowed and extended. The fully reconstruction conditions and the relevant reconstruction algorithm in view of parallel and fan beam projection are given too.


objective: to evaluate the clinical application of helical ct for the location or treatment of maxilla embedded tooth in the dental orthopaedics.method: 18 cases with embedded tooth of maxilla were made with clinical examination, dentomaxillary pantomography, submaxilla lateral projection and helical ct.the operation be done for supernumerary tooth,distorted teeth,inverted tooth.three embedded tooth of non-inverted tooth were done by orthopaedics.result: among the 18 embedded tooth ,there were 11 palatally and 6 labially presented teeth,1 the 18 patients is mediately with completely inverted supernumerary tooth.all preoperative assessment are one and all in operative or orthopaedics and primary wound healing.

四川大学华西口腔医学院正畸科,四川成都 610041摘要:目的:正畸治疗中对上颌埋伏牙如何定性,定位,并要对此是采取手术拔除[1]或者是正畸治疗进行探讨。方法:对18例(其中1例为2颗多生牙,1颗多生牙已长出,另一颗为完全倒置的多生牙),上颌前部埋伏牙采用临床检查以及拍摄全景片、头侧位片螺旋ct轴位和表面成像等检查[2~4]对埋伏的多生牙、畸形牙和倒置牙共15例采用了相应的手术进路拔除,对形态正常且不倒置的3颗埋伏牙采用了正畸治疗。

Results:①The electrotonic modulation of T wave inversion was V1~V2V5~V6 in the right ventricular apical pacing group, and with T wave inversion in leads Ⅱ,Ⅲ, aVF, and without ST segment changes.


By comparing different processes in the same period, following operting modeof interactive reactor was recommend: enhanced A~2/O process fits on spring period,pre-anoxic inverted A~2/O process was recommend in dry/mizzle weather in summerperiod, step aeration process was adopted in rainy weather in summer period,alternating oxygen concentration inverted A~2/O process was appropriate in autumnperiod, and normal inverted A~2/O process was better in winter period.


To improve the conventional difference threshold algorithm.


The morphology and structure of reconstructed tissue was detected by microscope and scanning electron microscope.Results:(1) Compared with the control group, the cellular proportion of laminin group increased in 62 ~M phase, and decreased in Go~Gi phase significantly. As shown by the microscope, the cells of control group were in low density. The cells in mass connected tightly. The microfilament appeared reticular formation. The nucleus were the same in size. The cells of laminin group were in high density and put out so many lamellipodia, filopodia, which connected with the surrounding cells. The microfilament increased, elongated, and changed from reticulodromous to sarciniform, which reached to the pseudopods. The nucleus were different in size .(2) As shown by the inverted microscope and the cell growth curve, comparing with the controlgroup, cells of each test group increased evidently. The cellular proportion of each test group increased in S phase and G2 ~M phase, and decreased in Go~Gi phase significantly, but there was no considerable interations between LN and EGF;(3) As shown by the morphological observations, the cultured cat corneal endothelial cells formed an integrated membrane, and attached to the Descemets membrane closely, which was similar to the natural tissue. The cells connected tightly to each other, and some of them arranged in hexagon approximately.


更多网络解释与倒置相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anastomosis 吻合 | anastrophe 倒置法 | anastrophy 倒置

inverted counterbore:倒置柱坑钻

倒置汽化器 inverted carburator | 倒置柱坑钻 inverted counterbore | 倒置汽缸 inverted cylinder


regressive method 倒溯法 | hyperbaton 倒置法 | front-shift finite 倒置的定式動詞

hysteron proteron:逆序法;前後倒置

hysterology 逆序法;前後倒置 | hysteron-proteron 逆序法;前後倒置 | I language 彝語(屬漢藏語族藏緬語系彝語支)

Inverted Microscope:倒置显微镜

第三节 倒置显微镜(inverted microscope)前面讲的是正立式显微镜的镜检方式,主要用于切片的观察. 而倒置显微镜是为了适应生物学、医学等领域中的组织培养、细胞离体培养、浮游生物、环境保护、食品检验等显微观察. 由于上述样品特点的限制,

lateral inversion:侧向反演,图像左右倒置,横向倒置

lateral intersection 侧方交会 | lateral inversion 侧向反演,图像左右倒置,横向倒置 | lateral irrigation 侧灌

inverted siphon:倒置虹吸管

inverted research microscope 倒置研究显微镜 | inverted siphon 倒置虹吸管 | inverted specimen jar 倒置标本瓶

inverted carburator:倒置汽化器

覆斗形闸 inverted bucket trap | 倒置汽化器 inverted carburator | 倒置柱坑钻 inverted counterbore


hypothetical verb 假設動詞 | hysterology 逆序法;前後倒置 | hysteron-proteron 逆序法;前後倒置

inverted metallurgic microscope:倒置金相显微镜

inverted magnetron 倒置磁控管 | inverted metallurgic microscope 倒置金相显微镜 | inverted ophthalmoscope 倒象检眼镜