英语人>词典>汉英 : 修女 的英文翻译,例句
修女 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
conventual  ·  nun  ·  religieuse  ·  sister  ·  vestal  ·  cloistress  ·  sanctimonial  ·  convents  ·  nuns

vestal virgin · The Nun
更多网络例句与修女相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now, without a shard of proof besides her moral certainty, Sister Aloysius locks into a battle of wills with Father Flynn which threatens to tear apart the community with irrevocable consequence.


A charismatic priest, Father Flynn, is trying to upend the schools' strict customs, which have long been fiercely guarded by Sister Aloysius Beauvier, the iron-gloved Principal who believes in the power of fear and discipline.


Nun courtyard captured to mix in midnight the man is adulterous nun, all along the dean of fame clear copy out climbs hastily from the bed, get dressed, take good babushka, place to go manages before.


A French nun who says the late pope John Paul cured her Pakinson's disease has been given details of her recovery, her case could lead to the beatification of John Paul lived in Vatican confirms it is a miracle, the nun Sister Marie Simon-Pierre said her symptom suddenly disappeared after she prayed to the pope following his death.

一名法国修女说治愈了她的帕金森病的已故教皇约翰保罗已经告知了他治愈的细节,她的情况能导致约翰保罗的在梵蒂冈赐福生活确认这是一奇迹,修女的姐妹Marie Simon-Pierre 说她的症状在像已故教皇祈祷后突然消失了。

It is 1938. In Nonnberg Abbey in Austria, as the nuns gather for evening prayers it becomes apparent that the postulant, Maria Rainer, is not among them. Maria is out on the mountain, singing of the joy she finds in nature, and she returns to the Abbey late, as usual. The Mother Abbess and her assistants are forced to conclude Maria is not yet ready for the religious life.


The presence of the pontiff, a great admirer of Mother Teresa's founding of the Missionaries of Charity, could speed up the scrutiny process. The Vatican might be able to announce the validation of Mother Teresa's "heroic acts", or her miracle, or both.


Firstly, the article described the general situation of convent in early modern Italian city, including the function of convent in Catholic society which explaining the reason of its existence and the problems existing in convent, which provided one reason for later Catholic Reformation. Secondly, the article will narrate how clausura law came, out in 1563. On this base, by tracking development of Cloistering Nuns thought, It shows that how enclosure was equal to monk and nuns turn exclusively to nuns. Meantime, through talking about the omission of Trent council—tertaries nuns, explained the conflict between Cloistering Nuns and the needs of time.


Under the Reformation, nuns in nunneries had made different choices with their different situations, some kept on to live in the convents, some other returned secular society.


A collection of small houses surrounded by a wall and occupied by a community of Beguines.

而 Beguines 是修女的意思,特指贝居安女修士会修女:13世纪建于荷兰的几个凡人修女团体的成员。

Ten years after the manifestation of the Miraculous Medal to St. Catherine Laboure, the Blessed Virgin Mary, on September 8, 1840, the Feast of her Nativity, entrusted the Green Scapular of her Immaculate Heart to Sister Justine Bisqueyburu, a religious of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.


更多网络解释与修女相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To wit: Fornication with a novice:因为你与新信徒通奸 (第一年加入修女会的修女)

You are charged with debauchery, trespass, heresy.|你被控... | To wit: Fornication with a novice.|因为你与新信徒通奸 (第一年加入修女会的修女) | Well, she was hardly a novice.|这,她可算不上什么新手 (与新...

Mother Superior plays right into it:修女长

There's always something wrong, and there's never a reason for it.|有一些不对 但是这不是问题的原... | Mother Superior plays right into it-|修女长 | lets Augustine off work duties,|让Augustinw修女不要工...

Stand up, Mother Teresa:站起来,特丽莎修女

Calcutta.|加尔各答 | Stand up, Mother Teresa.|站起来,特丽莎修女 | Sophie Maes is Mother Teresa in|"The Making of a Saint".|>|苏菲.梅斯扮演特丽莎修女


早期医院的工作是由教会承担的,教会出于上帝的仁慈收留老弱病残,交由修女(nun)照看. 后来科技发达了,医院从教会里独立出来,修女摇身一变,成了护士. 大概是变的太快,服装都没来得及换. 大家不难发现,护士的服装和修女没有大的差别,

Suor Anne Thole:修女 斯威士兰 圣家方济各修女会 拉齐兹 (南非)

4. Fransiskus Madhu神父 印度尼西亚 圣言会SVD 吕宋 (菲律宾) – ? | 5. Suor Anne Thole 修女 斯威士兰 圣家方济各修女会 拉齐兹 (南非) – ? | 6. Richard Bimeriki 神父 刚果(金) 教区司铎 卢旺达 – 7/4

vestal virgin:维斯太贞女,贞女,处女,修女

vestal女社神的,贞洁的,处女的,处女,修女 | vestal virgin维斯太贞女,贞女,处女,修女 | virgin处女,处男,处女的,童贞的,纯洁的,洁白无瑕的,


maiden少女,处女,未婚的,初次的,纯洁的,处女的 | vestal女社神的,贞洁的,处女的,处女,修女 | vestal virgin维斯太贞女,贞女,处女,修女

The Nuns Story:修女传

片名: 修女传 (The Nuns Story)一九五九年华纳电影故事大纲: 嘉百列 (Gabrielle Van Der Mal) 进入一个比利时的女修道院而成为修女路加. 在比利时刚果医院曾帮助过扶隽纳提 (Dr. Fortunati) 医生的年轻修女路加 (赫本)在二次大战爆发后,

Maria Nuns Chorus:玛利亚 -修女合唱团

03. Morning Hymn And Alleluia Nuns Chorus 晨祷和哈利路亚 -修女合唱团 | 04. Maria Nuns Chorus 玛利亚 -修女合唱团 | 05. I Have Confidence Maria 信心 -玛利亚

Sisters Of Charity Of St. Vincent de Paul:慈善修女的聖文森特德保羅

Sisters Of Charity慈善修女 | Sisters Of Charity Of St. Vincent de Paul慈善修女的聖文森特德保羅 | Sisters of Christian Charity姐妹的基督教慈善機構