英语人>词典>汉英 : 侦查 的英文翻译,例句
侦查 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
detect  ·  detected  ·  detection  ·  spy  ·  spied  ·  detects  ·  spies  ·  detections  ·  investigations

spy into
更多网络例句与侦查相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A common misconception about a crime analyst's job, is that they go out to crime scenes to investigate; That is the job of a criminalist , to collect forensic evidence, or detective who investigates crimes.


The article attaches importance to the study on fundamental issues of cooperation in criminal investigation in order to enrich and develop the basic theory of criminalistics and guild the practice of enactment and judicature cooperation in criminal investigation.


The military investigation system is the total rule concerned with the nature, duty, organization, active principles and work regulations of the investigation which guided by the national and military law. It is a special part of the national criminal investigation system and the content that criminalistics should research too.


The Temptation investigation is a special investigation.Because it has some special characteristics as initiative, enticement fraudulence and so on, it has a unique value of improving investigation efficiency and the realizing of investigation purposes in the judicial practice.


To compare with the investigating judge system in Germany, there are some problems in the court system in the criminal investigating procedure in Taiwan. For a court to command a coercive means in the criminal investigating procedure, the legal rules in our Criminal Procedure Law are insufficient. Therefore, the jurisdiction of the court and the process in jurisdictional dispute in the criminal investigating procedure are not clear and definite. The organization of the court in the criminal investigating procedure still is an issue. Also, the order of the authority distribution is not formed yet in our criminal investigating procedure. The limits of authority of the court are indefinite. Even on the form of the court's decision and the grievance procedure, there are different opinions in practice and theory.


The theories of the investigation procedure structure has three types:inquisitorial model,accusatorial model and proceeding model.


The main theories on scouting interrogation include: the curriculum construction of the study of scouting interrogation, the basic theory of scouting interrogation, the suspect s psychological activities during the scouting questioning, the position of choosing the breakthrough point of scouting interrogation in the study of scouting interrogation, the comprehensive process of scouting interrogation, the strategies and methods of scouting interrogation, and the protection of human rights in scouting interro...

97'石家庄全国刑侦工作会议和 98'武汉侦查讯问学术研讨会后,侦查讯问主要理论研究全面展开,侦查讯问的主要理论包括侦查讯问学的学科建设、侦查讯问的基本理论、犯罪嫌疑人在侦查讯问中的心理、选择侦查讯问突破口在侦查讯问学中位置、侦查讯问过程、侦查讯问谋略、侦查讯问方法、侦查讯问的人权保障。对这些理论作研究综合述评,有利于对侦查讯问理论的全面把握。

In the present condition, the measures to decrease investigation cost in maximum degree and to acquire the best investigation benefits are below: Reforming the investigation system, changing the "Regarding piece as the dominant factor" to "Regarding piece as the dominant factor","Piece and strip combination". Strengthening educational training, legal propagate and legislation. Improving the professional qualities of investigators and the legal quality of citizen. Uprighting the relation of "Investigation" and "Control", and changing the passive investigation to initiate investigation. Increasing criminal risk and cost to decrease and prevent the occurrence of crime . Displaying the guiding role of media in propagation. Respecting the objective law of new-born things development. Enlarging the input of science and technology and realizing sections link on network, resources enjoy together and examine and approve on network. Ensuring the stability of funds and scientific management.


From the perspective of the structure of spy procedure,this article analyzes how the imperfection of it affects the behavior of extorting a ...


Compared to the traditional investigative techniques, especially in response to increasingly rampant drugs, smuggling, counterfeit money, prostitution and other crimes without apparent victims, the inveigling investigation have its practical significance to safeguard the social stability. The test embarks from the definition of concept of inveigling investigation, and made a strict distinction between "Chance given" inveigling investigation and...


更多网络解释与侦查相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


法律英语 Legal English | 刑事侦查学 Criminalistics | 犯罪心理学 Criminal Psychology

Cub Scout meeting's down the street, boys. [Chuckles]:童子军侦查大会 在大街那头儿开,小家伙们

Come on.|进来. | Cub Scout meeting's down the street, boys. [Chuckles]|童子军侦查大会 在大街那头儿开,小家伙们 | This isn't helping.|你这不是帮忙.

Unite de recherche, assistance, intervention et dissuasion:侦查、援助、干预和威慑股

Central Vehicle Department;中央车辆管理... | Unite de recherche, assistance, intervention et dissuasion;侦查、援助、干预和威慑股;RAID; | Research, Assistance, Intervention and Deterrent Unit;侦查、援助、干...


首先,卧底侦查与诱惑侦查(Encouragement)有着根本的区别. 诱惑侦查是指"为了侦破某些极具隐蔽性的特殊案件,侦查人员或其协助者,特意设计某种诱发犯罪的情境,或者根据犯罪活动的倾向提供其实施的条件和机会,


"附带刑事事宜"(ancillary criminal matter) 指>(第525章)第2条所指的附带刑事事宜;"侦查"(investigation) 指─(ii)就上述其他文件而言,法庭信纳该文件为其正本,或以任何摄影过程制成的副本,

investigative assumption:侦查假设

investigation team 调查组 | investigative assumption 侦查假设 | investigative experiment 侦查实验

investigative reasoning:侦查推理

investigative psychology 侦查心理学 | investigative reasoning 侦查推理 | investigator 调查员

Investigation Pandect:侦查学原理

射击 Shooting | 侦查学原理 Investigation Pandect | 刑事侦查学 Criminal Investigation


再后来监视(surveillance)和侦查(reconnaissance)又被综合进C4I系统,称之为综合C4ISR系统. 它是综合集成的指挥、控制、通信、计算机、情报、监视和侦察系统,其中潜含着通信对抗、反侦查等功能,涵盖了指挥自动化系统的全部内容. 仅仅多少十年的时间,指挥自动化已表现出...

spy on:侦查

spy into 侦查 | spy on 侦查 | spy 间谍