英语人>词典>汉英 : 依从 的英文翻译,例句
依从 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
compliableness  ·  compliance  ·  comply  ·  compliancy  ·  complies  ·  complying

更多网络例句与依从相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To realize the current situation and exist question of patients compliance with medication in the agedness asthma in remission period and to explore methods of increasing patients compliance.

目的 了解老年支气管哮喘缓解期患者用药依从性现状以及用药中存在的问题,探讨提高患者用药依从性的方法。

Objective To realize the current situation and exist question of patient's compliance with medication in the agedness asthma in remission period and to explore methods of increasing patient's compliance.

目的 了解老年支气管哮喘缓解期患者用药依从性现状以及用药中存在的问题,探讨提高患者用药依从性的方法。

The adherence to ARV treatment and related impact factors were analyzed among 501 HIV carriers/AIDS patients coming from rural areas of Henan and Anhui province.


On admission and dischargement, depressive symptoms were assessed with the hamilton depression scale and measurements made for the prehension of health education knowledge, compliance, satisfaction to nursing service with the questionnaire on health knowledge understanding, morisy questionnaire on compliance and the nurses' job satisfaction scale.


The relationship between the Morisky score and the severity of target organ damage were analyzed.


Medication nonadherence is a growing concern to clinicians, healthcare systems, and other stakeholders because of mounting evidence that it is prevalent and associated with adverse outcomes and higher costs of care.


The goals of the present report are to address (1) different methods of measuring adherence,(2) the prevalence of medication nonadherence,(3) the association between nonadherence and outcomes,(4) the reasons for nonadherence, and finally,(5) interventions to improve medication adherence.


However, this effect was only seen after a latency of 10 years (years 0–9: 0·92, 0·56–1·49, p=0·73; years 10–19: 0·60, 0·42–0·87, p=0·007), was dependent on duration of scheduled trial treatment and compliance, and was greatest 10–14 years after randomisation in patients who had had scheduled trial treatment of 5 years or more (0·37, 0·20–0·70, p=0·002; 0·26, 0·12–0·56, p=0·0002, if compliant).

但是这种效应只有经过10年的潜伏期才能体现出来(年数 0–9: 0·92, 0·56–1·49, p=0·73;年数10–19: 0·60, 0·42–0·87, p=0·007),其取决于预定试验治疗和依从性的持续时间,并在随机抽样10-14年后在那些进行了预定试验治疗达5年或以上的病人身上体现最明显(0·37, 0·20–0·70, p=0·002; 0·26, 0·12–0·56, p=0·0002,如果依从的话)。

Howeer, this effect was only seen after a latency of 10 years (years 0–9: 0·92, 0·56–1·49, p=0·73; years 10–19: 0·60, 0·42–0·87, p=0·007), was dependent on duration of scheduled trial treatment and compliance, and was greatest 10–14 years after randomisation in patients who had had scheduled trial treatment of 5 years or more (0·37, 0·20–0·70, p=0·002; 0·26, 0·12–0·56, p=0·0002, if compliant).

但是这种效应只有经过10年的潜伏期才能体现出来(年数 0–9: 0·92, 0·56–1·49, p=0·73;年数10–19: 0·60, 0·42–0·87, p=0·007),其取决于预定试验治疗和依从性的持续时间,并在随机抽样10-14年后在那些进行了预定试验治疗达5年或以上的病人身上体现最明显(0·37, 0·20–0·70, p=0·002; 0·26, 0·12–0·56, p=0·0002,如果依从的话)。

Methods A total of 100 patients with HVR were surveyed by Hospital AnxietyDepression Scale and selfmade compliance questionnaire.


更多网络解释与依从相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


compliable 依从的 | compliableness 依从 | compliably 依从

compliableness:依从, 屈从

compliable | 依从的, 屈从的 | compliableness | 依从, 屈从 | compliably | 依从地, 屈从地

compliance criterion:遵从准则;依从准则

complex flat 复式住宅单位 | compliance criterion 遵从准则;依从准则 | component design 组件式设计;组件设计

compliance criterion:遵从准则;依从准则sBs中国学习动力网

complex flat 复式住宅单位sBs中国学习动力网 | compliance criterion 遵从准则;依从准则sBs中国学习动力网 | component design 组件式设计;组件设计sBs中国学习动力网


compliance range 依从范围,顺应区间 | compliant 依从的,顺从的 | component 元件;元素;组件

comply with:依从,服从,遵从

compensate for 补偿,赔偿 | comply with 依从,服从,遵从 | conceive of 设想,构思出


complexity 复杂 | compliable 依从的 | compliableness 依从


compliableness 依从 | compliably 依从地 | compliance 承诺

compliably:依从地, 屈从地

compliableness | 依从, 屈从 | compliably | 依从地, 屈从地 | compliance cost | 税务执行费用

compliancy:依从, 顺从

compliance | 依从, 顺从 | compliancy | 依从, 顺从 | compliant | 顺从的, 适应的