英语人>词典>汉英 : 使高涨 的英文翻译,例句
使高涨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hike  ·  hiked  ·  hikes

更多网络例句与使高涨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There would be growing enthusiasm when in the sekond year, it was anounsed that the troublesome 'ph' would henseforth be written 'f'. This would make words like fotograf twenty persent shorter to print.


Mao had always wanted to make China a moral community rather than a democratic state through a "people's democratic dictatorship," in which "people" is just a metaphysical collective noun rather than the citizen group with free right of expression_r and appeals to different interests as in today's sense, with Mao as the moral and political patriarch of a population of 800 million.


Jinks, high jinks, high jinx hike

v。 健行,徒步旅行,使。。。高涨

I deeply inflamed him, he said.


Post-modernism made the elitism consciousness transform to civil love knot. The voice of public participation becomes more and more loud.


Because of the social transformation and heavy influx of immigrants, American nativism evolved into a hysteria movement, Italian immigrants suffered from racial discrimination in settlement and employment, etc.


Such levels of oversubscription ensure sharp rises on the first day of trading, enabling companies to boast of a "successful IPO" and rewarding investors for the long hours spent queuing.

高涨的认购超额水平,势必使股价在交易首日飙升,使上市公司能为"成功的 IPO "而自吹自擂,也使排了数小时队的散户投资者得到回报。

The triumph played a positive role in many aspects, such as the practice of reform policies, the development of capitalistic economy and the formation of plutocrat, that Japan went into a new stage of country's development with steady steps and movement for free civil rights.


Here's how to help him help himself and get your love life soaring again.


On the whole, these officers were remarkably tolerant, considering the dimensions of the anomaly, this tolerance being the result of, first, secret tests conducted by night that convinced them that little or nothing could be done in the way of removing or destroying the balloon, and, secondly, a public warmth that arose (not uncolored by touches of the aforementioned hostility) toward the balloon, from ordinary citizens.


更多网络解释与使高涨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


某些较鲜红或暗红效果的口红,成份中可能含有寄生在仙人掌上干胭脂虫(cochineal),也包含了一些防腐的成份. [口红的原料] 口红的原料正在不断更新,使口红作为近似医药品的呼声也在不断高涨,这给化学界和医学界又提出了新的课题.


soar v.猛增,剧增,高飞,高涨 | shrunk 收缩,(使)皱缩,缩短,减少 | stagger摇晃,蹒跚,交错

To surge up:增长,急剧上升,高涨

vt.使汹涌奔腾, 急放 | 1.To surge up. 增长,急剧上升,高涨 | 2.a surge of smoke 浓烟滚滚

Rosewood Balancing, enlivening, uplifting:花梨木 平衡、使活泼,使情绪高涨

Rosemary Focusing, invigorating, restoring 迷迭香 使精神集中、精神充沛的... | Rosewood Balancing, enlivening, uplifting 花梨木 平衡、使活泼,使情绪高涨 | Sandalwood Sensual, warming, grounding 檀香 肉欲的、...