英语人>词典>汉英 : 使颠倒 的英文翻译,例句
使颠倒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
invert  ·  reverse  ·  inverts  ·  reverses  ·  topsyturvies

topsy-turvy · topsy-turvier
更多网络例句与使颠倒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is also advisable to invert the instrument and allow the gas that was released into the burette to be absorbed in the larger bottom bulb of the burette.


Magnetic poles invert in the process causes the Earth to expose in the cosmic radiation.


The editor provides all the required tools for editing audio, including Cut/Paste/Mix, Fade In/Out, Delay, Equalize, Flanger, Normalize, Invert, Reverb, Silence and many others.

编辑提供所有被需要的工具用于编辑音频信号,包括削减/浆糊/相混合,淡入/外面,耽搁,使相等, Flanger,规格化,颠倒的事物, Reverb,沉默和很多另外的。

In the first method 0.2 g of granules were added to 80 mL of water in a 100-mL graduated cylinder.


This single Stick, which you now behold ingloriously lying in that neglected corner, I once knew in a Flourishing State in A Forest, it was full of Sap, ful l of Leaves, and full of Boughs; but now, in vain does the busie Art of Man pret end to Vye with Nature, by tying that wither'd Bundle of Twigs to its sapless Tr unk;'tis now at best but the Reverse of what was, a Tree turn'd upside down, th e Branches on the Earth, and the Root in the Air;'tis now handled by every Dirt y Wench, condemn'd to do her Drudgery, and by a Capricious kind of Fate, destin' d to make other Things Clean, and be Nasty it self: At Length, worn to the Stumps in the Service of the Maids,'tis either thrown out of Doors, or condemn'd to its last use of kindling Fires.


I do promise. Now, if we reflect for a moment, we shall see that this obligation to put the promise interrogatively inverts the natural position of the parties, and, by effectually breaking the tenor of the conversation, prevents the attention from gliding over a dangerous pledge.


Such hairs enable the small reptiles to hang on to vertical surfaces or walk upside down--and have even inspired an artificial "gecko tape" that could someday give its users Spider Man-like clinging powers.


Much the same as the procedure for making a NOR gate behave as a NAND, we must invert all inputs and the output to make a NAND gate function as a NOR.


He thought that "literariness" also enabled a work to be a literary work Russian formalists understood "literariness" from the form linguistics and pay attention to the form and skill of a work.


Groundbreaking research by two french geophysicists promises to shed some light on the mystery.using 80 metres of deep sea sediment core, they have obtained measurements lots of magneticfield intensity that span 11 polarity reversals and four million years.the analysis reveals that intensity appears to fluctuate with a clear, welldefined rhythm.although the strength of the magnetic field varies irregularly during the short term, there seems to be an inevitable longterm decline preceding each polarity reversal.when the poles flip―a process that takes several hundred thousand years―the magnetic field rapidly regains its strength and the cycle is repeated.

答案为d。这一题目是根据上下文判断词意的题。flip的意思是&快速翻转&,它所在的句子的意思是&当两极互换――这一过程需要上万年的时间――磁场会很快重新恢复它的强度,新的一轮循环又开始了。&因此在四个选项中: a.decline的意思是&拒绝;变小、变弱&,b.intensify的意思是&变得更强烈、加剧&,c.fluctuate的意思是&涨落、波动&;d.reverse的意思是&使反转、倒退、颠倒&,例如:writing is reversed in a mirror。写出来的字在镜子里是颠倒的。d的意思与flip最接近。

更多网络解释与使颠倒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这项由Lazareck在工程和物理学教授Jimmy Xu的实验室里完成的工作,是纳米工程"颠倒"(bottom up)方法的一个实例. 与传统的铸造或者蚀刻法将材料制成微小的成分不同,在计算机电路中,工程师尝试使生物分子自己完成装配工作.

freshen up:使精神饱满, 梳洗一番

out of order 次序颠倒, 不整齐, 状态不好 | freshen up 使精神饱满, 梳洗一番 | kneel down 跪下


[摘要] 本实用新型为一种可旋转的复合式水晶球,是将两个各呈半球体(hemisphere)的水晶球底部结合转轴后三者黏固复合为一体,使半球体水晶球以转轴为轴心经手动或自动旋转,令装置于两个半球体水晶球内部的装饰模型通过旋转呈现相对位置颠倒互换(upside down)的动态景观.

turn one's head away turn one's steps homewards:使朝向,使转变思想

Turn 1. 转动,旋转 The wheel of history cannot be turned back. . | 2. 使朝向,使转变思想 turn one's head away turn one's steps homewards | 3. 使颠倒,倾倒turn a bottle of milk into the pot

perversive:颠倒的; 曲解的 (形)

perversity 乖僻; 刚愎; 倔强; 性变态 (名) | perversive 颠倒的; 曲解的 (形) | pervert 使堕落, 滥用, 歪曲 (动)


他用这一神话说明人们对自己在材料中的映像的迷恋,"他在水中的延伸使他麻木,直到他变成了自己延伸(或复写)的伺服机制(servomechanism)". [8] 主客体在此以颠倒的形式存在,人反而成为机器的附件--"从生理上说,


invertir 使翻转,颠倒,投入 | barra 条,棒,棍 | estado 状况,状态,国家政府

inversive:反逆的 (形)

inversion 倒转, 倒置, 否定 (名) | inversive 反逆的 (形) | invert 使反转, 使转化, 使颠倒 (动)