英语人>词典>汉英 : 使锐利 的英文翻译,例句
使锐利 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
edge  ·  edges

更多网络例句与使锐利相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These timely reflections anent the brutes of the field occupied his mind somewhat distracted from Stephen's words while the ship of the street was manoeuvring and Stephen went on about the highly interesting old.


But, when we are discussing this problem, In Starbucks or more "Starbucks" place, there is some taste sharp-edged, the makeup pemits fine, the genersosity of spirit is extraordinary, certainly making moves more extraordinary, clothes gorgeous and dont make open of the woman smiles or at the despise ground mouth-----they make probably the copy chief of vogue magzine, plan exhibition person, costume design teacher, domestic the first yoga gives up the founder of guest guild, they have been sheared bare-headed, cutting through trousers in Yunnan, listenning to Nico and underground velour, exhibitted in the most sophisticated science and technnlogy with the most underaround literature performed a company to appear and disapear, also ever from drive cross-country long got rid of Tibet, even once ascended the jade dragon snow mountain........


BlowUp includes advanced features such as photo grain controls,enlargement-specific sharpening, and support for most image modes.

Blow Up 2例如照片包括先进特徵谷类控制,使锐利的扩大细节,以及对大多数图象模型的支援。

As he did he caught the track, the dissipate and minuscule trace of coppery scent, and just as quickly his eyes adjusted to the darkness, the world spread out in a sharp detail of dusky colored shapes sliced by moonlight silver and streetlamp light.


They threw edged weapons and explosives, but with another crackle, all of their weapons vaporized.


The sharp edge is slightly dulled with very fine (320 grit) emery paper, sufficient to make it safe to the touch.

锐利边缘略dulled非常精细( 320钢砂) emery文件,足以使它安全的触摸。

Besides lets MG6 in the contour have more sharp overall visual effect and the more intense speed feeling, the Fastback design also lets MG6 the wind resistance coefficient be smaller, the whole smooth modelling can enable the air current to have more formidable under pressure to the vehicles rear part, enhanced MG6 in the high speed travel time stability.


He had a haughty bearing, a look either steady and impenetrable or insolently piercing and inquisitorial. Four successive revolutions had built and cemented the pedestal upon which his fortune was based


If you're going to sit through someone's presentation, find out what it's going to be about and do some preparatory legwork in advance so you can ask a few astute questions.


The weather was chilly, sharp-edged and clear.


更多网络解释与使锐利相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


更多信息请登陆:www.sagmeister.com 阅读设计类杂志 职业设计师热衷于看设计类杂志,所以你也应该多看看.阅读设计类杂志,浏览也行,会使你的目光锐利, 思维活跃.设计类的杂志种类繁多,有八种杂志是你必读的:一.>(Dwell)--最令人敬佩的杂志之一,

laser scalpel:激光手术刀

激光手术刀(laser scalpel) 激光手术刀是一种应用于外科手术治疗的激光器. 激光作用于生物机体时,它能被吸收转化成热能,几秒钟内温度可高达数百至上千度,同时可产生很强的光压. 这种机械作用与热效应一起,能使激光成为一把锐利的"光刀",

Smart Blur:特殊模糊

6、特殊模糊(Smart Blur)通过设置半径、阈值、品质和模式得到一些清晰边界的特殊模糊效果. 可以产生多种模糊效果,使图像的层次感减弱. 锐化(Sharpen)对图像产生简单的锐化效果. 进一步锐化(Sharpen More)对图像产生更锐利化的效果.



acumination:锐利, 尖头

acuminate | 锐利的, 尖形的 使尖锐 | acumination | 锐利, 尖头 | acuminous | 锐利的, 敏锐的