英语人>词典>汉英 : 使融化 的英文翻译,例句
使融化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dissolve  ·  dissolves

更多网络例句与使融化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The RITA System, a procedure developed by RITA Medical Systems Inc., uses radiofrequency energy to heat tissue to a high enough temperature to ablate it, or cause cell death.


I seriously fried the small battery holder I was using for the reversing battery and melted one of my oscilloscope probes on the very hot reversing FET when fiddling with the oscillator circuit so I decided to make the output stage absolutely unable to go into forward and reverse at the same time by putting the two opto isolators back to back from one chopper amplifier to the other so only one of them can ever be on at a time - gets rid of some parts and adds a major safety improvement - bonus!


Deaerate but to be unsble the sparging,using atmospheric pressure


Magma, which is molten volcanic rock below the surface of the ground, heats the ground above it, keeping it green, The story goes that an early settler from Iceland gave Greenland its name in order to encourage more people to live there!


At the same time ice crystal and graupel collect more supercooled rain water to reduce the amount of rain water. Graupel grows through the collection of ice crystal and graupel with supercooled rain water and riming of cloud water.


Numerical tests are also conducted to investigate the microphysical effects to the mesocale convective systems. The evaporation of raindrops can strengthen the surface "cold pool" to decease the temperature of rainfall center. The condensation of vapor can lower the air pressure and increase the convergence and updraft so that the convective echo develops stronger. The melting of graupel can cool the air to restrain the convective activity. The falling of precipitation particles can increase the downdraft and induce the outflow nearly the surface. The effect of condensation is the most important among all the microphysical processes. It can change the whole structure of cloud system.


That is why heat can melt ice, vaporize water and cause bodies to expand.


147 That is why heat can melt ice,vaporize water and cause bodies to expand.


147 That is why heat can melt ice,vaporize water and cause bodies to eXP操作系统and.


Melt enough Greenland ice, and you reach the point at which you're not simply dripping meltwater into the sea but dumping whole glaciers.


更多网络解释与使融化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这些"合法化"过程不可避免的代价,在金融视角不妨视之为"贴现"(discounting)及"贴现率"表现,而贴现机制正是货币政策工具. 黑钱通过合法过程使非法所得变成合法财产,洗钱本身是一种金融化过程和金融化形式. 它的后段是"变现"故事,

meat and potatoes:[美俚]重点, 基本

meat and drink 饭食; 乐趣 | meat and potatoes [美俚]重点, 基本 | 524-melt v.(使)融化, (使)熔化, 使软化, 使感动

melt away:(使某物)融化或溶解而消失; 逐渐消失

little by little 逐渐地; 慢慢地 | melt away (使某物)融化或溶解而消失; 逐渐消失 | slow down 减速, 慢下来; 松弛

melt down:将......融化、熔化

melt away融化,使消失; | melt down 将......融化、熔化; | melt in 在......中融化、熔化,溶解于;

mend clothes:修理,修补

melt 使融化,使熔化 The sun melted the snow | mend 修理,修补 mend clothes | merit 长处,优点,价值,功绩 merits and demerits

Northwest Passage:西北航道

"西北航道"(Northwest Passage)成为各国志在必得的地区,因为全球变暖导致这些水域的冰盖融化,使无数自然资源曝光,与此同时,它还是一条穿越北极群岛的有吸引力的航线,与通常的巴拿马运河航线相比,走西北航道可能使北美西海岸与亚洲之间的航程缩短6500公里.

make the settled snowbank steam:使积雪融化

Give the buried flower a dream; 带给埋葬的花儿一个美梦; | Make the settled snowbank steam; 使积雪融化; | Find the brown beneath the white; 发现白雪下的褐色;

thaw out:(使)解冻[融化]

freeze up:冻结 变呆板 | one day: 有一天 总有一天 | thaw out: (使)解冻[融化]

meltage:熔化, 融化, 溶解

compose 组成, 写作, 排字, (使)安定, 调解 | meltage 熔化, 融化, 溶解 | invectively 非难地,恶言恶语地

To refrain from divulging:使...不泄露

tried to keep the ice from melting. 防止冰融化 | To refrain from divulging: 使...不泄露: | keep a secret. 保守秘密