英语人>词典>汉英 : 使激活 的英文翻译,例句
使激活 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
activate  ·  activize  ·  activates  ·  activized  ·  activizing

更多网络例句与使激活相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One hand mechanical obstruct led to the increase of veinous resistance and the obstacle of microcirculation, the other hand the adhesive PMN was activated in excess, the white blood cells released a lot of enzymes, in which PMN-elastase can decompose the components of cell and many albumens, inclusive of immunoglobulin、alexin and fibrication. These components induced the injury of the pancreatic capillary vessels and cell and lysosome enzy made the tissue protein hydrolyze and produced unsaturated fatty acids, which destroyed the structure and function of cellar membrane. The inflammatory cellar factors activate other immunocytes to produce the injury and necrosis of tissue, which aggravated the pathological injury and led to shock、pyaemia and MODS. So ICAM-1 and LFA-1 played an important role in SAP. Frossard found that the expression of ICAM-1 in the rat model, especially in serum、pancreas and lung. All these showed ICAM-1 is an important factor in AP and concomitant lung injury.


Caffeine - A derivative of coffee, is an efficient arouser of central nervous system capable to drive away fatigue, and improve renal circulation. Its stimulation on the cerebral cortex activates Neurotransmitter receptors in the cell membrane; the adenylyl cyclaseactivated on the other surface of the cell catalyzes Adenosine Triphosphate, forming Cyclic adenosine monophosphate, and thus set off series of bio-chemical reactions, like increase of passionate feel, prompt recovery from fatigue after working etc..


It is postulated that IP induces the release of endogenous protective molecules that interact with cognate receptors to activate PLC through mediation of the chincough virus sensitive proteins. PLC hydrolyzes membrane phospholipid and produces diacylglyccerol,that,by working together with calcium hydronium,translocates PKC from cytoplasm to cell membrane and activates PKC.


Secondly, the athletes should adopt the vibration training method or the strength training method with unstable supporting surface.Because these two methods can not only activate motion element which couldn\'t be activated in most of time,but also add up the harmonization of the nerve muscle and make the proprioceptor trained.Thirdly,we should make or choose special archery shoes which have slip-resistant sole and suitable degree of bend in the front and back,suiting for the competition ground and adding Up the stability,fourthly,we should properly pay attention to the stage of lifting.


Erve growth factor combined with its receptor, activated Ras - MAP kinase , mitogen - activated protein kinase kinase is the important regulating factor that make IkB kinase, IKK, phosphated, IkB kinase make the IκBα:(the subunit of NF -κB ) phosphated, the phosphated IkBα degraded, and p65 - p50 heterodimer can be formed, then the heterodimer translocated to nucleus and combined with the promoter domain or other consensus sequence.


One hand mechanical obstruct led to the increase of veinous resistance and the obstacle of microcirculation, the other hand the adhesive PMN was activated in excess, the white blood cells released a lot of enzymes, in which PMN-elastase can decompose the components of cell and many albumens, inclusive of immunoglobulin、alexin and fibrication. These components induced the injury of the pancreatic capillary vessels and cell and lysosome enzy made the tissue protein hydrolyze and produced unsaturated fatty acids, which destroyed the structure and function of cellar membrane. The inflammatory cellar factors activate other immunocytes to produce the injury and necrosis of tissue, which aggravated the pathological injury and led to shock、pyaemia and MODS. So ICAM-1 and LFA-1 played an important role in SAP. Frossard found that the expression of ICAM-1 in the rat model, especially in serum、pancreas and lung. All these showed ICAM-1 is an important factor in AP and concomitant lung injury.


Bitter compounds in saliva activate particular T2R/TRB isoforms activate gustducin heterotimers, activated α-gustducin stimulates PDE to hydrolyze cAMP, the decreased cAMP may disinhibit cyclic nucleotide-inhibited channels to elevate intracellular Ca2+.


Salty and sour directly transduction by apical channels that are non-gated channel or chemically-gated channel. Bitter compounds in saliva activate particular T2R/TRB isoforms which activate gustducin heterotimers, activated α-gustducin stimulates PDE to hydrolyze cAMP, the decreased cAMP may disinhibit cyclic nucleotide-inhibited channels to elevate intracellular Ca2+.


Bitter compounds in saliva activate particular T2R/TRB isoforms which activate gustducin heterotimers, activated α-gustducin stimulates PDE to hydrolyze cAMP, the decreased cAMP may disinhibit cyclic nucleotide-inhibited channels to elevate intracellular Ca2+.


Results showed that the activity of soil poly-phenol oxidases and acid phosphatase, and soil respiration were suppressed by Starane at 0.5 and 5 mgkg^(-1) dry soil, respectively, during the first several days of experiment, but were slight promoted thereafter. In contrast, treatment with Starane at 50 mgkg^(-1) stimulated at the beginning of experiment but inhibited following that time the activity of soil poly-phenol oxidases and acid phosphatase and soil respiration. Activity of urease was stimulated at the beginning but inhibited in the following days by Starane at 0.5 and 50 mgkg^(-1) dry soil, respectively. However, the pattern of stimulation of urease activity at first several days of experiment followed by reduction to the basil level was observed. With respect to invertase, its activity was constantly depressed in the presence of Starane.


更多网络解释与使激活相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


action 作用 | actionable 可起诉讼 | activate 使激活


38 activate v. 刺激,使...活动,创设 | 39 activated 激活的 | 40 activation n. 激活


COM+将在当前函数返回时检查,如果done 位是true,那么COM+将使这个对象失去激活(deactivate),否则是false,COM+则继续保留这个对象. 3. COM+只有在方法调用返回或是当一个对象失去激活状态时检查done位的值,如果为true,


Q,M,L,D I,Q,M,L,D I,Q,M,L,D I,Q,M,L,D I,Q,M,L,D 描述 启用输入 启用输出 逻辑运算的第一个值 逻辑运算的第二个值 逻辑运算的结果双字 描述 使能(EN)输入的信号状态为"1"时将激活 WXOR_DW (双字异或运算),


[摘要]目的观察拉米夫定(贺普丁)在预防HBV再激活(reactivation)以及停药后安全性. 方法筛选进行免疫抑制剂或细胞毒性等易使HBV再激活治疗的患者,治疗前预防性应用贺普丁作为治疗观察组,并在接受原疾病治疗结束后3个月停药观测.


sensitization /促进感受性/感光度之增强/ | sensitize /使敏感/使具有感光性/变敏感/敏化/ | sensitized /敏化了的/激活的/


如胃蛋白酶原(pepsinogen)、胰蛋白酶原(trypsinogen)和胰凝乳蛋白酶原(chymotrypsinogen)等. 某种物质作用于酶原使之转变成有活性的酶的过程称为酶原的激活. 使无活性的酶原转变为有活性的酶的物质称为活化素. 活化素对于酶原的激活作用具有一定的特异性.

wound hormone:伤激素

释放出"损伤激素"(Wound Hormone)通过旁分泌作用激活贮脂细胞体外实验表明大鼠肝细胞可释放促进贮脂细胞增殖的细胞因子-肝细胞性Ito细胞启动因子(HepitoinHepatocellular Ito Cell Initiator)同时肝脏间质的损伤如果破坏了血窦内皮下的功能基底膜亦可促进贮脂细胞的表型改变而使其激活肝纤维化(Fibrosis)是指肝脏


sensitize /使敏感/使具有感光性/变敏感/敏化/ | sensitized /敏化了的/激活的/ | sensitizer /感光剂/

re-enable all keys:激活所有按键

disable all key 使所有按键失效; | re-enable all keys 激活所有按键; | matrix 不知道干什么用;