英语人>词典>汉英 : 使暖和 的英文翻译,例句
使暖和 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
toast  ·  toasted  ·  toasting  ·  toasts

更多网络例句与使暖和相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Delivery room accoucheuse cannot repeat mechanically " not impatient bearing a dot, do not be fond of no less than unripe coming " and ignore a patient experience, should go up in spirit, support gives on physical strength, make the puerpera is in the process that faces anguish, do not feel loneliness is mixed helpless, make its acquire contented feeling and safe move in mentally, experience comfortable reach the warmth like the family member. 2 increase love, patience, guidance applies an abdomen to press palace mouth to leave complete hind, the puerpera is advanced delivery room, because palace shrinks painful reach an environment to change and cause mental tension, produce scared psychology, need human nature to change more right now nurse.


Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may findThee sitting careless on a granary floor, Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep, Drowsed with the fume of poppies, while thy hookSpares the next swath and all its twined flowers:And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep Steady thy laden head across a brook; Or by a cider-press, with patient look,Thou watchest the last oozings, hours by hours.Where are the songs of Spring?


This made her sorry for the creatures which live in there, which she calls fish, for she continues to fasten names on to things that don't need them and don't come when they are called by them, which is a matter of no consequence to her, as she is such a numskull anyway; so she got a lot of them out and brought them in last night and put them in my bed to keep warm, but I have noticed them now and them all day, and I don't see that they are any happier there than they were before, only quieter.


Take regular short breaks, keep warm-cold muscles do not extend properly-and don't overstretch to do a task.


Holiness━as I then wrote down some of my contemplations on it━appeared to me to be of a sweet, calm, pleasant, charming, serene nature, which brought an inexpressible purity, brightness, peacefulness, ravishment to the soul; in other words, that it made the soul like a field or garden of God, with all manner of pleasant fruits and flowers, all delightful and undisturbed, enjoying a sweet calm and the gentle vivifying beams of the sun.


Snuggle up to me and I'll keep you warm.


Right now the nurse answers with gentle language, patient manner sucks phlegmy necessity and importance to patient and family member specification, and the serious consequence that rejects to suck phlegmy likelihood to bring about, and signal patient and gentleness of movement of family member operation, at the same time directive and sober patient cooperates to may decrease those who suck phlegmy place to bring is unwell, cooperate in order to obtain what the patient reachs a household. Whether do the 5 distances that check tracheal spile to be apart from fore-tooth have fluctuant reach auscultation sound of double lung breath is symmetrical. Sound of breath of 6 auscultation double lung, in order to judge the place of phlegmy fluid. The 7 patients as a result of tracheal spile, what aeriform exchange does not pass nose pharynx ministry is wet change, make inside tracheal spile drier, reason should time do pulverization inspiratory 2 / D~4 second / D, arrive in order to rise the wet path that spend energy of life, avoid the end with phlegmy scabby fluid.


Buck had tried not to fight Spitz be-fore, but this was too much.


Mrs. Harden, be it observed, was the housekeeper: a woman after Mr. Brocklehurst's own heart, made up of equal parts of whalebone and iron.


Advocate love is to illuminate play the part of the sunshine in wintry day to make the person of suffering from both poverty and sickness feels warm; advocate love is a night in one shines beautiful beacon makes stray regular boat finds harbour; advocate love is spring the person that the spit that confused of one gourd ladle asperses makes desolate lonely is enjoyed, warm my lifetime.

概要: 主的爱是照扮在冬日的阳光使贫病交迫的人感到暖和;主的爱是黑夜中一座亮丽的灯塔使迷途航船找到港湾;主的爱是春天一瓢纷洒的小雨使落寞孤寂的人享受心灵的滋润主的爱是夏夜一泪流淌的清泉严浦使躁动不寐的人领略到诗意鳃主的爱是永不泯灭的灯火,暖和我的一生。

更多网络解释与使暖和相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agitate for:鼓动, 煽动(改革、自由、运动等)

warm up 1.使...变热(暖和) 2.(体育锻炼之前, 音乐演奏之前的)热身 | agitate for 鼓动, 煽动(改革、自由、运动等) | agitation for 活动, 鼓动

burn down 1:烧毁 2.火势差弱

bundle up 把...捆扎(或包)起来使穿得暖和 | burn down 1.烧毁 2.火势差弱 | Let's leave the fire to burn down and go into our tent.让火慢慢熄灭,我们到帐篷里去吧.

move over:挪过去

neck n. 颈,脖子 | move over 挪过去 | warm vt. (使)暖和

thawn:融雪; v. 使融解,暖和

3692that is to say换句话说,这就是说 | 3693thawn. 融雪; v. 使融解,暖和 | 3694the accused被告