英语人>词典>汉英 : 使敏捷 的英文翻译,例句
使敏捷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sharpen  ·  sharpened  ·  sharpens

更多网络例句与使敏捷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is the premise of holding the spirit and ability that whether the students can raise questions with originality adroitly.


This unique delivery model will make Enterprise applications more agile and relevant to the company's strategy.


The global network of manipulation that has prevailed astutely on all the aspects of its life is extremely dissapointing and it saddens to us deeply.


Ambition is like choler; which is an humour , that maketh men active, earnest, full of alacrity, and stirring, if it be not stopped.


She spake, and at her words the hellish Pest [ 735 ] Forbore, then these to her Satan return'd: V1:她说罢,那地狱的瘟神竟然停手了;于是那撒旦回答说: V2:她说罢,那地狱的瘟神就罢手;于是那撒但回答说: So strange thy outcry, and thy words so strange Thou interposest, that my sudden hand Prevented spares to tell thee yet by deeds What it intends; till first I know of thee, [ 740 ] What thing thou art, thus double-form'd, and why In this infernal Vaile first met thou call'st Me Father, and that Fantasm call'st my Son?

V1:"你的叫喊声和阻止的话都很奇怪,竟使这敏捷的手停住,无法满足我的欲望,给你看清;我首先得知道你这是什么玩意?你这二重的形像,为什么在这地狱的幽谷中,同我初次相见就管我叫父亲,管那幻影叫做我的儿子,我可不认识你们,从来没有见过像你和他这么奇丑可憎的怪物。"地狱大门的女司阍这样回答道: V2:你的叫喊声真古怪,你阻止的话也真稀奇,竟使这敏捷的手停住,不能逞我所欲,给你看清;我首先得知道你这是什么玩意?

The model of rea-lization and its key technologies are presented,which can make the system agiler,self-management,excellentperformance,practicability and retractility with lower expense.Thus the equipment management information system accommodate the information war in the future.


In order to guide enterprise to construct a agile information system, this paper presents a architecture framework of agile virtual enterprise according the idea of SOA, which aims to realize unclose coupling, self-described, tailored and configured enterprise applications.


Attack, but it will not improve your likelihood of parrying


Increasing your Agility improves your base chance of avoiding an attack, but it will not improve your likelihood of parrying, deflecting, or blocking with a shield.


Generally speaking, satisfied, happiness, happy, positive emotion of adoring etc can raise the circulation of student, make students clearheaded, enlarge the aesthesia range, Memory is quick and firm, thinking is deep and flexible, learning efficiency improves; Unsatisfied, not agitated, painful, sad, getting angry pacifism emotion can weaken student" circulation, make students feel dizzy, memory is confused, notice scatters, Thought is slow-witted, mechanical, learning efficiency is low, Proceeding emotion education Cake improve students" interest at maths greatly, It also can packet students be full of appetite efficiencies, It can improve students" ideation, and improve students" performance .


更多网络解释与使敏捷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

侵略者,攻击者aggrieve v.使受委屈,使痛苦:aggressor n

aggressive adj.好斗的;进取的 | aggressor n.侵略者,攻击者aggrieve v.使受委屈,使痛苦 | agile adj.敏捷的,灵活的

apt a.1:易于..的,有倾向的 2.恰当的,适宜的 3.聪明的,反应敏捷的

bowling n.保龄球运动 | rein n.缰绳 vt.勒缰使(马)停步 | apt a.1.易于..的,有倾向的 2.恰当的,适宜的 3.聪明的,反应敏捷的


尽管如此,笔者还是发现,敏捷开发的基本特点往往决定了直到业务功能建成后才考虑安全问题. 许多时候,安全不是事先添加到最初发布的功能中,因而使敏捷应用程序的安全功能成了事后扩充(bolted on)的,而不是事先内置(built in)的.

celerity:敏捷, 快速

fortify 设防于, 增强(体力,结构等)使坚强 | celerity 敏捷, 快速 | celebrity 名声, 名人


expedient 权宜,方便的 | expedite 使加速 | expeditious 敏捷,迅速的


expedite 使加速 | expeditious 敏捷,迅速的 | expel 驱逐,逐出

fortify:设防于, 增强(体力,结构等)使坚强

thrifty 节俭,节约,节省 | fortify 设防于, 增强(体力,结构等)使坚强 | celerity 敏捷, 快速

nippy:quick in move:敏捷的,动作快的

9.toxoplasmas:弓形体病 | 11.imprint:使牢记,使铭记于心 | 12.nippy:quick in move敏捷的,动作快的


smarten /使潇洒/使整洁/变潇洒/变强烈/ | smartly /潇洒地/火辣辣地/刺痛地/ | smartness /现代风格/敏捷/机灵/

cut a feather:作精细无益的区别, 争论过于细小的事情 船头破浪前进 出风头, 炫耀 行动敏捷

crop sb.'s feathers 杀某人的威风, 挫某人锐气 | cut a feather 作精细无益的区别, 争论过于细小的事情 船头破浪前进 出风头, 炫耀 行动敏捷 | cut sb. out of all feather 使某人黯然失色