英语人>词典>汉英 : 使摔倒 的英文翻译,例句
使摔倒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chip  ·  founder  ·  tumble  ·  tumbled  ·  foundered  ·  founders  ·  tumbles

更多网络例句与使摔倒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My son proceeds to show me how, in the course of taking a drink of milk, he might be seized with muscle spasms which fling him from chair, causing him to fall to the floor and to thrust his cup out in front of him.


The thought was more than he could bear. He threw himself down on the floor.


One of the men says that Smitty must have blacked out - from the smoke or the solvent fumes.


She has thrown her opponent unto the tatami and held her down for more than 30 seconds.


S back be thrown on one's back behind sb.

on the back 一无所有;一贫如洗在记忆的深处,下意识地跟随某人;支持某人作为某事的主使者巴不得某人离开;希望摆脱某人卧病在床仰卧;卧病;毫无办法,一筹莫展成为某人的负担;不断地挑剔某人被摔倒两肩着地;被打得大败背着某人,背地里使其负担过重而不能胜任;使某人失败完成某事的最艰难部分;挫败;伤其要害使顶不住或忍不住把某事置之脑后,蔑视某事拍拍某人的肩膀表示祝贺或鼓励

The ankle strap can tear or separate from the clog sole, posing a fall hazard.


更多网络解释与使摔倒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

behind sb.'s back:背着某人, 背地里(常带贬义)

be thrown on one's back (在摔跤比赛中)被摔倒两肩着地; 被打得大败 | behind sb.'s back 背着某人, 背地里(常带贬义) | break sb.'s back 使其负担过重而不能胜任 使某人失败[破产]


●铲球(tackle) 足球比赛中,常常为了防守和进攻目的而铲球. 对铲球的判罚原则是:凡是先铲到球,没有附加动作而使对方摔倒,为不犯规;反之,先铲到对方,再触到球,则判为犯规. ●罚球(penalty kick) 罚球点距球门正中端线11公尺(12码).

throw doubt on:对...表示怀疑

throw away...抛弃,浪费 | throw doubt on...对...表示怀疑 | throw down ...扔下,拆毁,摔倒,使沉淀

trip up:绊倒,使失败

7) tumble vi. 翻倒,摔倒 | 8) trip up: 绊倒,使失败 | 9) speculate vi. 投机

tumefy:(使)肿胀, (使)肿大, 浮华的, 隆起的

1889. tumble n. 跌倒, 摔跤, 翻斤斗 i. 翻倒, 摔倒, 倒塌, 滚动, 翻筋 | 1890. tumefy . (使)肿胀, (使)肿大, 浮华的, 隆起的 | 1891. turbulence n. 骚乱, 动荡, (液体或气体的)紊乱


whoosh 飞快的移动 | whoosh 使飞快移动 | whop 突然摔倒


whoosh 使飞快移动 | whop 突然摔倒 | whop 打击声


whoosh /飞快的移动/(使)飞快移动/ | whop /打/抽出/打败/征服/突然摔倒/重击/打击声/ | whopper /特大之物/弥天大谎/


founder-member 创办人 | founderous 易使人摔倒的 | founders shares 创建人股份

founders shares:创建人股份

founderous 易使人摔倒的 | founders shares 创建人股份 | foundling 弃儿