英语人>词典>汉英 : 使提前 的英文翻译,例句
使提前 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与使提前相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Futures market is a product of the market economy develops to a certain stage. It is also one of the most powerful tools serving the spot trading in finance market. Corn futures market's unique functions of price trend discovery and hedge enable the corn farmers and relevant enterprises to know in advance the long-term price trend, and formulate the correct business strategy according to their own situation, and lock the risk and profit ahead of time.


The research result shows that the best fuel delivery advance angle of diesel engine used has been changed; with the first cylinder as the standard, the deviation of the fuel delivery advance angle between the first cylinder and other cylinder surpasses allowed range; the smoke emission and fuel consumption can be decreased and delivering fuel to each cylinder at the right time can be assured, through the selection and adaptation of fuel delivery advance angle .


The speed also affects combustion noise through variation of advance angle.


By properly using turbocharger,increasing the efficiency of air charge, improving the machining process for the liner and reducing the advance angle of fuel feeding etc, the particles and NOx of improved 4102BZQ diesel engine were reduced so that it can meet EuroⅠemission standard.The develoPMent of Model 4102BZQ improved diesel engine allows the 4-cylinder engine of DCD to meet the emission legislation forced by our country, and extends the life-time of DCD engines, which makes a contribution to the develoPMent of DCD economy and protection of environment.


Drying was important for the acquisition of germinability, and drying induced precocious maturation and played some role in the transition from a development programme to a programme oriented towards germination and growth.


In improving the efficiency and competitiveness, speed up the transmission speed of the press, the use of the railway express shipping retail press, so that arrival time of 3-4 hours ahead, magazines, ahead of 1-3 days; the completion of the postal savings network interoperability and electronic exchange 2 project, realized the postal savings business, complement each other, and built a postal green card intermediary business platform, offering a collection of the bill, utilities, on behalf of the wages, pensions, insurance and so on more than 20 kinds of businesses.


The results are as follows.(1) Long train electrical stimulation at the dMNF facilitated myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle.(2) Short train electrical stimulation of dMNF, when delivered in the inspiratory phase, caused prolongation of myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle; but when delivered in the expiratory phase, myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle were shortened.(3) Long train electrical stimulation at the vMNF inhibited myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle.(4) Short train electrical stimulation of vMNF caused shortening of myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle, when delivered in the inspiratory phase, but a prolongation when delivered in the expiratory phase.(5) The effects of microinjection of glutamate to dMNF and vMNF were similar to those of electrical stimulation.


Effects on reproductive performance: The normal delivery of group B,C and D were 80%、93.33%、93.33%,respectively,were improved by a certain extent comparing with the control group; The mean birth weight of calves were not significantly different between the trial and control groups.But numerical datas shown that supplementing Zn-Met in dietary had the tendency to increase the birth weight of calves; Supplementing Zn-Met in dietary can make dairy cows express empathema earlier,and significantly(P.05).Among the trial groups,the advanced extent of the group C was comparatively large(5.8d);The oestrous cycles were all in normal range and not significantly different; The levels of serum PRL of group B,C and D were significantly(P.05) 1.46 ng/ml、3.08 ng/ml、3.45 ng/ml higher than the group A.


That a schism arises in the future in such a way that two or more persons claim to be supreme pontiffs, then the date of the council, if it is more than a year off, is to be brought forward to one year ahead; calculating this from the day on which two or more of them publicly assumed the insignia of their pontificates or on which they began to govern.


In this study, we established the specialized raising model of reserved heifers, which can make weaning and mating earlier, decreasing the cost of feeding and management, increasing the quality of the whole cattle and the technique level of production management, and raising the returns of the specialized raising farm of reserved heifers.


更多网络解释与使提前相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bring force:使产生,引起

bring about使倒下,使下降 | bring force 使产生,引起 | bring forward 提出建议=put forward/提前

使倒下,使下降 bring force 使产生,引起:bring about =cause, result in, lead to bring down

bring about =cause, result in, lead to bring down 使倒下,使下降 bring force 使产生,引起 | bring forward 提出建议=put forward/提前 | bring in =get in the pops 使得到某种收入

bring forward:提出,提议;提前

bring forth 产生,提出 | bring forward 提出,提议;提前 | bring out 使显出;激起,引起;出版,推出

bring into operation:实施,使生效;使运行

bring forward 提出;提前 (= put forward) | bring into operation 实施,使生效;使运行 | bring out显示出来;出版,生产

bring off:使实现,做成

bring forward 提出,提议,提前 | bring off 使实现,做成 | bring on 促进,助长,引起

convince of:使(某人)信服

解释,说明 account for | 使(某人)信服 convince...of... | 相当提前 well in advance


无论是信息超荷还是角色扮演都使人承受着过度刺激(Overstimulation)其后果是使人紧张、焦虑、烦燥、胸闷气短、肝火旺盛、心神不安. 二三十岁的人仿佛提前进入了更年期. 一句话"活着真累!"几乎成了一切人的口头禅.

AD Adance:提前

ADPT Adapter 使适应 | AD Adance 提前 | AL Aluminum 铝

tabulating machine:制表机,列表机

predate 使提前 | tabulating machine 制表机,列表机 | Tab Tabulate(制表)


"敌我识别器"(IFF)的出现,使英国的海岸雷达网可以把装有这种仪器的英国飞机同敌机区别开来. 雷达网的建立,起码可以使英国提前15-20分钟发出警报. 但这还不够,为了设法为英国的飞机导航以追踪来犯的敌机,并在英国领土上空加以截击,