英语人>词典>汉英 : 使扭转 的英文翻译,例句
使扭转 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
twist  ·  twisted  ·  torqued  ·  twists

更多网络例句与使扭转相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I seriously fried the small battery holder I was using for the reversing battery and melted one of my oscilloscope probes on the very hot reversing FET when fiddling with the oscillator circuit so I decided to make the output stage absolutely unable to go into forward and reverse at the same time by putting the two opto isolators back to back from one chopper amplifier to the other so only one of them can ever be on at a time - gets rid of some parts and adds a major safety improvement - bonus!


If the same two single are plied into a double by twisting 100 tpm in the Z direction, the counterclockwise twist will tend to unwrap the single yarns and the internal torque of the single yarns will be reduced to 100 in the S direction.


Due to the effect of torsional vibration arose by eccentricity of the center of mass and the center of rigidity, there will produce stress concentricity in some local location of the structure, which is very detrimentally. This paper discussed the contribution of the reduction of the response of torsional vibration of the accessorial eccentrically braces in structure on emphasis.


Methods A vertical incision was made on epigastrium to accommodate five fingers. The mesocolon was exteriorized and rotated counterclockwise 90 degrees to parallel to the incision. A rubber support was placed beneath the exteriorized colon and sutured to the skin on either side of the wound.


The axially symmetric torsion of rigid circular shaft of varying diameter embedded in an elastic half space is studied by line-loaded integral equation method, where the problem is formulated by distributions of fictitions fundamental loads PRCHS (point ring couple in half space) along the axis of symmetry in interval of the shaft and is reduced to a one-dimensional and non-singular Fredholm integral equation of the first kind and is easily solved numerically.


Pass to count to Wisterch parameter , and the steel wire is different from the molding tool get in touch with the length, and settle the path the research taking the length work the stabber angle to get under differently pull to stir the term, mold core adoption of best severally why size, combine the best work stabber of research the Cape, and settle the path to take the length nextly steel wire is in the molding tool of have fever to measure, air inside dispel-heat calories, winding dispel-heat on the coil-canister , and its molding tool dispel-heat calories of, and cause the steel wire the temperature difference pass in and outing the molding tool to influence steel wire machine function, under the experiment inside pull to stir the term according to the same race different work stabber Cape half of adoption the Cape(7 degree,10 degree,12 degrees, the best mold Cape, experience mold Cape) settle the path to take the length(2-3 mm,3-4 mm,4-5 mms, theories length, experience length) to proceed to experiment, and get the conclusion, work stabber the Cape then is more big the steel wire get in touch with the length with


A third force is known as a torsional force,or a torque since it tends to twist an object.


By applying electromagnetic vibration on solidification front of Sn-10Pb alloy,creation of equiaxed grain zone in ...


Kudai meal-meal-Kudai intra-abdominal pressure can drop, the activities of the digestive organs and ligaments increase the capacity and thereby facilitate the intestines wiggle intensified, prone volvulus, people abdominal distention, abdominal pain, vomiting, Also vulnerable to diseases such as Gastroptosia.


The results show that the torsion energy and van der Waals interaction energy are the main types of energy and the substitution group has a great effect on the total energy of molecular. The aliphatic substitution would lead to the increase of total energy, while the aromatic substitution would lead to the decrease of total energy. The calculated results of bond length show that the bond length of aliphatic C—C is longer than that of aromatic C—C, which indicates that the rupture of aliphatic C—C is easier than that of aromatic C—C on heating.


更多网络解释与使扭转相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

coil spring:圈狀彈簧

圈状弹簧(Coil Spring) 圈状弹簧为独立式悬吊装置使用最多之弹簧,以弹簧钢卷成螺旋状. 扭杆弹簧(Torsion-Bar Spring) 扭杆一端固定在车架上,另一端使用臂与车轮连接,车轮上下跳动时使扭杆扭转,以扭转弹力来吸收震动,构造简单占位置小,


均匀地分布於两桁架(Girder)之中.设计时应使其能承受挤压,挠曲,弯曲,扭转及剪切等作用之各种应力之合成负载.吊重卷筒应具有自卷筒面中心开始往左右两侧均加工之适当沟槽.卷筒在设计时应使其吊钩在最低位置时沟槽内至少应保留[2整圈][ ]之钢索,


前悬架为压杆(Strut)式,但由于采用了带防震绝缘体的副车架(Subframe),因而提高了整车的行驶平稳性. 后悬架为扭转梁式,更显小型化的特点. 此外,行李箱地板高度的降低,使后悬架得以缩短,突出其短小精悍的特点. 日产的March,


悬架减震系统方面,前悬架为压杆(Strut)式,但由于采用了带防震绝缘体的副车架(Subframe),因而提高了整车的行驶平稳性. 后悬架为扭转梁式,更显小型化的特点. 此外,行李箱地板高度的降低,使后悬得以缩短,突出其短小精悍的特点.


这种体制着重中央集权,能使境内人民保持一种集体性 格,称之为"极权主义"(totalitarianism)并不为过. 秦国的集权体制 秦国是一个以警察权为主的国家. 它与现代集权国家的重要区别是后者将一个 业已多元化的社会扭转回去以遂行其狭义之目的.




成功Succeeded | 使系统化Systematized | 扭转Turned around