英语人>词典>汉英 : 使平等 的英文翻译,例句
使平等 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

make odds even
更多网络例句与使平等相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finally, I believe in an America where religious intolerance will someday end, where all men and all churches are treated as equals, where every man has the same right to attend or not to attend the church of his choice, where there is no Catholic vote, no anti-Catholic vote, no bloc voting of any kind, and where Catholics, Protestants, and Jews, at both the lay and the pastoral levels, will refrain from those attitudes of disdain and division which have so often marred their works in the past, and promote instead the American ideal of brotherhood.


From the first chapter to the forth chapter, it summarizes four France capitalistic ideas on equality: the idealistic equality, the empirical equality, the systematized equality, and the singular equality. Then, it can be explored minutely from representative character, advance presupposition, doctrinal content, objective state, practical counterpoint, institutional embodiment, the tend of practice, theory extending and so on. In the fifth chapter, it researches into their contradiction and contestation between the four equalities, indicates their class-conscious essence, and tries to find out a direction to sole these questions. In the sixth chapter, as the intrinsic tendency of soling these deep-seated contradictions of the four equalities, the paper traces the process of France communism from chimerical idea to scientific theory, so that it can point out a gospel: the scientific socialism is the one and only way to surmount these embarrassments of capitalistic theories on equality. At the last chapter, according to our reviews about theories of equality during the hundred years in France, it can conclude some political apocalypse from our history. Owning the wisdom, we could choose our road to the equality, by using these experiences in the west political histories.


Only to being affected by Chinese traditional equal thoughts, Maos equal idea embodies certain equalitarianism color.


To bring persons or things to an equal level; equalize .


The law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law.Frederick Pollck ,British jurist

法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的英国法学家波洛克 F

The law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law.----Frederick Pollock ,British jurist


Local loop transmission from the central office to the customer's premises, unbundled from local switching or other services. Local transport from the trunk side of a wireline local exchange carrier switch unbundled from switching or other services. Local switching unbundled from transport, local loop transmission, or other services. Non-discriminatory access to 911, directory assistance and operator call completion services. White pages directory listings for customers of the other carrier's telephone exchange service. Nondiscriminatory access to telephone numbers for assignment to the other carrier's telephone exchange service customers. Nondiscriminatory access to databases and associated signaling necessary for call routing and completion. Telecommunications number portability. Nondiscriminatory access to services or information to allow the requesting carrier to implement local dialing parity (the ability to complete a connection without the use of additional access codes). Reciprocal compensation arrangements.


Economic Opportunity: We especially complain against the denial of equal opportunities to us in economic life; in the rural districts of the South this amounts to peonage and virtual slavery: all over the South it tends to crush labor and small business enterprises; and everywhere American prejudice, helped often by iniquitous laws, is making it more difficult for Negro-Americans to earn a decent living.


Education of Ethinical Solidarity Month, held intensively by the Autonomous Region government all across the region every year, enjoys vival pattern and features time mark as a mean to conduct education and compaign intensively and comprehensively enabling equalness and solidarity and progress to become the main theme of the relationship between all ethnic groups and trusting each other, respecting each other, learnning from each other, supporting each other and understanding each other to become behavior regulation obied by all ethnic groups.


In view of executive power to intervene in the allocation of resources over the reality of the situation, should intensify their efforts to clean up the recent各种乱收费, levies, and shut the power of the currency market of the "gray channel" reflects the strong focus on cleaning up the community, do not lead to monopolies fair competition policy, and actively create a fair and regulated competitive environment, maximizing the contribution of income and reflected on and so on; to be a more effective means of remediation of illegal income, seek to abuse the interests of individuals or small groups with severe punishment imposed for corruption ; At the same time, it is necessary to speed up the reform of the political system, and promote democratization and openness in decision-making, and strengthen the public service and acts of administrative bodies at all levels of supervision and constraints on the exercise of such power by the process of forming a comprehensive and reasonable mechanism for binding.


更多网络解释与使平等相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


第二节 田径(Athletics)田径运动项目源于各类残疾的康复活动,二战以后逐渐发展成为残奥会的田径项目. 田径项目经过了半个多世纪的发展演变逐渐纳入了各残疾类别,为了使每个残疾类别的运动员参赛时处在一个相对平等的环境中,

social democracy:社会民主

[45] 可以说,社会民主(Social Democracy)在西方的发展,使社会下层自雅典民主和罗马共和衰亡以来第一次能以合法形式有效参与社会政策的制订,它所代表的不同呼声与诉求开始能和原先"正统"的意识形态在政治舞台上进行相对平等的角逐.


equably /均等地/均一地/均匀地/ | equalisation /使均等/同等化/ | equalise /使相等/使平等/使均一/


""我不会答应,"他说,"但如换到 是不平等(inequality)理论,则另当别论. "我喜欢他的回答. 我曾证明,再笨的人 也不至于笨到平均值六万标准差(standard deviation)以下,这项萨缪尔森不平等理 论使我名噪一时. 不论后继的学者就此再加发挥,




equalise 使均一 | equalise 使平等 | equalitarian 平均主义的


equalisationequalization 同等化 | equalise 使均一 | equalise 使平等

Heat evaporates water:热使水蒸发

The pool of water on the playground evaporated in the sun.操场上水坑里的水在阳光下蒸发了. | Heat evaporates water. 热使水蒸发. | Evenness n. 平均, 平等, 平坦

Nursed her back to health:精心地照顾她,使她恢复健康

She sang the baby to sleep. 她给孩子唱歌唱到孩子睡着. | nursed her back to health. 精心地照顾她,使她恢复健康 | helping minority women to economic equality.帮助少数民族妇女取得经济上的平等权利


5coordinate使平等,使协调 | 6fiere激烈的 | 7consolidation巩固,加强