英语人>词典>汉英 : 使受精 的英文翻译,例句
使受精 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fertilise  ·  fertilize  ·  impregnate  ·  milt  ·  fertilizes  ·  impregnated  ·  impregnates

更多网络例句与使受精相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, it remains unclear how reliable cleistogamy is for gene flow mitigation: a Co-Extra research project on rapeseed investigating the matter has published preliminary results which cast doubt on the attainment of a high degree of reliability.


Egg selection enables only the healthiest eggs to be taken from the ovaries for fertilisation. It can be useful for women with diminished number and quality of eggs.


On the other hand, if you do get tomate, having bigsexual organs is likely to increase the chance that it will beyoursperm, rather than another male's, that fertilise the female'seggs.


Weirder still, a woman could conceivably use sperm made from her bone marrow to inseminate her own eggs.


The only use for males is to inseminate the queen; afterwards they are either driven out of the nest or killed.


And some scientists doubt that Nayernia's engineered sperm could ever be functional enough to inseminate an egg successfully.


The porine is the polyembryony animal, many obtains the ovocyte from the porine ovary although but the maturity quite to be low; Because the ROSI technology is does not have to grow the mature sole round sperm cell to pour into directly completely in the ovicell nature, jumped over the spermatozoon in to pass through the physiology and the biochemistry, if the ovicell nature mature or the activation degree were insufficient, added the round immature sperm cell maturity quite inferior reason, very possibly Causes the ROSI micro fertilization defeat.


After that , the comparison of the fertilizable competences of ICSI and IVF on cryopreservated oocytes was studied in this article , in order to establish an optimized method to improve the fertilizable competences of oocytes up to the level of embryos .


When GA_3 was used before flowering at the concentration of 25mg/kg in KYOHO, the seedlessness was due to not being fertilized and when used after flowering in MEI GUI XIANG, the seedlessness was due to the degeneration of fertilized embryo.


Following chemical activation, blastocysts rate of the treated oocytes was similar to untreated oocytes.8 Following fertilization, however, few oocytes inhibited with CHX developed into morulae/blastocysts, due to a high incidence of polyspermy.9 Cortical granule migration occurred during inhibition, but CHX inhibition impaired CG migration, significantly no oocytes inhibited by CHX completed CG migration after maturation.10 CHX inhibition had no effects onα-microtubles and microfilaments of goat oocytes.


更多网络解释与使受精相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


fersmanite /硅钛钙石/ | fertilisation /使肥沃/受精/ | fertilise /施肥料/使丰饶/使受精/


fertilisation /使肥沃/受精/ | fertilise /施肥料/使丰饶/使受精/ | fertiliser /肥料/受精媒介物/


fertilisemilt 使受精 | fertiliser 受精媒介物 | fertilitygenitalityvirility 生殖力


fertilise /施肥料/使丰饶/使受精/ | fertiliser /肥料/受精媒介物/ | fertilizability /能育性/


153驯养 教化domesticate | 154使受精fertilize | 155再生 重建regeneration


99. dizziness 头昏眼花 | 100. fertilize 使肥沃,使多产,使受精 | 101. pelvis 骨盆


inscribe 刻铭 | inseminate 播种,使受精 | insert 插入

inseminate t:向...受精, 栽植, 使受胎

845. insanitary adj. 不卫生的, 有碍健康的 | 846. inseminate t. 向...受精, 栽植, 使受胎 | 847. insidious adj. 阴险的 n. 隐袭的


第四篇 昆虫的生物学 第三章 胚胎发育 性成熟的昆虫,通过交配雄虫以不同的方式把精子送入雌虫的体内,这一过程叫受精(insemination). 而精子使卵受精(fertilization)是在卵产出之前在中输卵管或阴道内发生的,其实质是雄性原核与雌性原核结合为合子(zygote).

test-tube conception:试管受精

IVF in-vitro fertilization, 试管受精 test-tube conception | test-tube conception 试管受精 | fertilization n. [医] 受精, 授精 使肥沃, 土地肥沃法, 施肥