英语人>词典>汉英 : 使入迷 的英文翻译,例句
使入迷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
enchant  ·  enchanted  ·  entrance  ·  entranced  ·  mesmerise  ·  enchants  ·  entrances

更多网络例句与使入迷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From the first casting of the parts, to the epilogue, it was all bewitching


The Tiger Shark can grow to 14 feet and weigh up to 1400 pounds and impact its prey with a powerful burst of speed, which can disorient and confuse its victim before sinking its teeth into its soon to be bloody rare steak of the sea.


Beauty only pleases the eyes, but elegant habitude ecstasizes the soul.


Rumi is also the most part.


The energy you exude this new year will have you both truly spellbound.


While he was waiting for her boyfriend in the tea room, a sweet melody filled her with ecstasy.


And the strictly annalistic and use of constructivism to the geometric structure, especially the crisscross structure fully fascinated the Japanese designing community.


So long as your life keeps changing, your language, as a rendering tool, will constantly undergo representational redescription, which makes your language expressive level higher and higher.


A storyteller in western Africa who perpetuates the oral tradition and history of a village or family.


更多网络解释与使入迷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

carry away:使入迷,冲走

16.knock down撞倒,拆除; | 17.carry away使入迷,冲走; | 18.cover with用----覆盖;


ecrustaceous /无壳质的/ | ecstasize /使心醉神迷/心醉神迷/入迷/ | ecstatic /狂喜的人/狂喜的/

To absorb; engross:使全神贯注;使入迷

a body consumed by cancer 被癌症毁坏的身体 | 6)To absorb; engross 使全神贯注;使入迷 | e.g. consumed with jealousy.妒忌得不得了

have a fancy for:爱好; 爱上; 入迷

take sb.'s fancy 使某人喜爱[中意]; 讨好某人 | have a fancy for 爱好; 爱上; 入迷 | have a fancy that 总觉得要

infatuated:入迷的 (形)

infatuate 使迷恋, 使糊涂 (动) | infatuated 入迷的 (形) | infatuation 迷惑, 醉心, 迷恋 (名)


merit 优点,长处;功绩,功劳 | mesmerize 使入迷 | metabolic 新陈代谢的


audience 观众;听众 | spellbinding 极有趣的;使人入迷的 | delightful 令人愉快的, 讨人喜欢的

You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized:你使我着迷,如此入迷

All I ever think about is you我所想的只有你 | You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized你使我着迷,如此入迷 | And I just got to know而我也是刚刚才知道


immerses沉浸、使陷入 | fascinates 使入迷 | indulges 纵容


facilitates 使容易、使便利 | immerses沉浸、使陷入 | fascinates 使入迷