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使休克 的英文翻译、例句


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One hand mechanical obstruct led to the increase of veinous resistance and the obstacle of microcirculation, the other hand the adhesive PMN was activated in excess, the white blood cells released a lot of enzymes, in which PMN-elastase can decompose the components of cell and many albumens, inclusive of immunoglobulin、alexin and fibrication. These components induced the injury of the pancreatic capillary vessels and cell and lysosome enzy made the tissue protein hydrolyze and produced unsaturated fatty acids, which destroyed the structure and function of cellar membrane. The inflammatory cellar factors activate other immunocytes to produce the injury and necrosis of tissue, which aggravated the pathological injury and led to shock、pyaemia and MODS. So ICAM-1 and LFA-1 played an important role in SAP. Frossard found that the expression of ICAM-1 in the rat model, especially in serum、pancreas and lung. All these showed ICAM-1 is an important factor in AP and concomitant lung injury.


objective to raise the level of regarding congnition,prevention,diagnosis and therapy on multiple organ dysfunction syndrome.methods report the process and correlative therapy on one case who occured with mods involving 6 organs after hemorrhagic shock lead to heartbeat and respiration stopping suddenly and resuscitated resulting in left nephrostome titanium nip falled off accidentally from left kidney lymphatic fastening.at the same time,the author reviewed correlative literature and introduce the investigative progress about mods.results one case who happened with mods following hemorrhagic shock,heartbeat and respiration stopped suddenly was diagnozed and resuscitaed.6 organ dysfuncted including brain,heart,lung,liver,kidney and the digestive system.after being given therapy integrated chinese and western medicines,allopathy and nutritional treatment,all circadian parameters of the case came back in gear and discharged at last.conclusion the mechanism about mods is very complicated.because of serious infection,hurt and oxygen-lack,excessive inflammatery reaction activates multifarious cell factors and inflammatery mediums,which improve the happen-rate of mods.wiping off pathogeny,providing life-sustain treatment and recognising sirs and mods in time and adopting corresponding therapy,such as treatment integrated chinese and western medicines,can improve the hit-rate of cure on mods.

作者:王静恩,蔡金芳,王志华,谢晓洪多器官功能障碍综合征;中西医结合;治疗;休克,出血性目的提高对多器官功能障碍综合征(multiple organ dysfunction syndrome,mods)的认识、预防、诊断、治疗水平。方法报告成功抢救1例经腹腔镜左肾淋巴管结扎手术后左肾静脉钛夹意外脱落失血性休克,导致心跳呼吸骤停复苏后再手术并发mods累及6个脏器功能衰竭过程及有关治疗,并复习相关文献,介绍目前关于mods的研究进展。结果确诊1例因失血性休克心跳呼吸骤停复苏后并发mods,累及脑、心、肺、肝、肾、血液、胃肠等6个脏器。经积极采取中西医结合对症、支持救治,各生理指标全部恢复正常,康复出院。结论 mods的发生机制非常复杂,在严重感染、创伤、缺氧等打击下,失控的过度炎症反应激活多种细胞因子和炎症介质的释放,使mods发生率升高。尽早去除病因,尽早给予各种生命支持治疗,尽早对可能发生全身炎症反应综合征、mods识别并给予干预治疗,包括中西医结合治疗能改善mods的救治成功率。

It should improve both our comprehension of coagulation abnormalities in sepsis and how those abnormalities link up to inflammation, but it may also add to the therapeutic armamentarium with which sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock can be more successfully treated.


Sanchez ET ,Botella LM ,Velasco B ,et al. Synergistic cooperation between hypoxia and transforming growth factor2beta pathways on humanvascular endothelial growth factor gene expression. J Biol Chem ,2001,19,276:38527238535.[3] Blancher C,Moore JW,Talks kl,et al.Relationship of hyposia-inducible factor HIF-1alpha expression to vascular endothelial growth factor I nduction and hypoxia survival in human breast cancer cell lines.


In addition, excessive collarband oppression of the neck carotid sinus in pressure sensors, neural reflex, causing blood pressure and heart slows down, the brain occurs vbi, headache and dizziness, nausea, eye emit a beautiful wait for a phenomenon, especially with hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, very easy occurrence faints and shock.


An early event in a cellular heat shock response is the transmittance of stress signal from cell surface into the interior and the...


The dose-response curve of histamine was shifted parallely to the right. pA2 was 9.34±0.61. The guinea-pigs were effectively reduced the rate of histamine induced death, decreased reaction extent of shock (P<0.01) and prolonged latency period of shock (P<0.05) by orally administered cetirizine ranged from 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 mg.kg-1. The capillary permeability to intracutaneous injection of histamine was potently inhibited by orally administered cetirizine ranged from 0.0625 to 0.25 mg.kg-1 in mice, blue area obviously decreased (P<0.01), and dose-response curve existed obviously. In which the effect of these dosage groups were superior to the group of chlorphenamine.

结果:西替利嗪3×10-8~3×10-7mol.L-1可剂量依赖性地对抗组胺引起的肠肌收缩,使组胺的量效曲线平行右移,pA2为9.34 ± s 0.61,西替利嗪0.1,0.2及0.4 mg.kg-1口服给药时,能明显减轻豚鼠静脉注射组胺所致休克反应的严重程度(P<0.01),并可延长豚鼠惊厥反应的潜伏期及降低死亡率(P<0.05),西替利嗪0.0625~0.25 mg.kg-1口服给药可显著对抗组胺引起的小鼠皮肤血管通透性的增高,使蓝染面积显著缩小(P<0.01),且存在明显的量效关系,3个剂量组的作用均优于氯苯那敏组。

Only a properly matched antenna system will allow maximum power transfer from the 50 transmission line to the radiating element.


Arrhythmias are detected by electrocardiography and treated by electric shock (often with an implanted pacemaker) or by drugs such as quinidine and digitalis.


Arrhythmias are detected by electrocardiography and treated by electric shock (often with an implant ed pacemaker) or by drugs such as quinidine and digitalis.


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myocardial infarction:心肌梗塞

心肌梗塞(myocardial infarction)是冠状动脉闭塞血流中断,使部分心肌因严重的持久性缺血而发生局部坏死. 临床上有剧烈而较持久的胸骨后疼痛发热、白细胞增多、红细胞沉降率加快血清心肌酶活力增高及进行性心电图变化,可发生心律失常、休克或心力衰竭.

ionic atmosphere:离子氛

当浓度用质量摩尔浓度表示时,离子强度 I 等于:离子氛(ionic atmosphere)这是德拜-休克尔理论中的一个重要概念. 他们认为在溶液中,每一个离子都被反号离子所包围,由于正、负离子相互作用,使离子的分布不均匀.

murine toxin:鼠毒素

(三)鼠毒素(Murine toxin)鼠疫杆菌产生的外毒素(毒性蛋白质),主要作用是抑制辅酶还原,损害心肌细胞内线粒体呼吸,毒害末稍血管系统及淋巴管内皮细胞,造成血压下降及休克,又可使肝、肾及心肌组织变性、出血、坏死.

septic shock:败血症性休克

感染性休克常伴有败血症,故又称败血症性休克(septic shock). 1.低血容量性休克 低血容量性休克(hypovolemic shock)的始动发病环节是血容量减少. 快速大量失血、大面积烧伤所致的大量血浆丧失、大量出汗、严重腹泻或呕吐等情况所引起的大量体液丧失都可使血容量急剧减少而导致低血容量性休克.

traumatic shock:创伤性休克

摘要:进入频道了解更多讯息部位:科室:,, 症状: 检查: 自测: 创伤性休克(traumatic shock)是由于机体遭受剧烈的暴力打击,重要脏器损伤、大出血等使有效循环血量锐减微循环灌注不足;以及创伤后的剧烈疼痛、恐惧等多种因素综合形成的机体代偿失调的综合征.


shock n. 打击,震动,休克;vt.使休克,使受电击 | sideflash 侧向闪光 | spread out 展开

medical attention:药物治疗

shock n. 震动,冲突,震惊,冲击,打击,突击,禾束堆,休克,乱蓬蓬的一堆;vt. 使震动 | dizzy a. 晕眩的,眼花缭乱的;vt. 使晕眩 | medical attention 药物治疗