英语人>词典>汉英 : 使丧失文明 的英文翻译,例句
使丧失文明 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This issue in order to focus on "post-colonial criticism"(Yi Xiao-bin ,2004:64-68) for perspective, from a historical and cultural background to be, as well as the characterization of discourse analysis,"Robinson Crusoe" set up by the The sovereign state / colony, his master / slave, white / color, cultural center / edge of culture, civilization / barbarity, Christian / tribal people, such as food dualistic system of colonial discourse deconstruction, revealing the implication of colonialism in the works Awareness and to explain how the guns Robinson backed in a planned way from the language of religious belief and two of the "Friday" naked colonial culture, it lost its original cultural identity, resulting in self-identity Loss of the dilemma.


The paper focuses on the theme of nature and childhood as well as its social significance in the 19 th century British Romantic literature.The theme signifies that in a modern society dominated by mechanical civilization,humanity seems inevitably to be metamorphosed materialistically,utilitarianistically,and pragmatistically,and separated altogether from the world of freedom,kind-heartedness,grand imagination,pure curiosity and emotional intensity.

本文着重论述了英国 19世纪浪漫主义文学的自然与童心主题及其深刻的社会历史意义,认为在大机器文明主宰下的现代社会里,人性不可避免地趋向物化、实用主义和功利主义化,丧失了原本在自然状态下充分拥有的自由和善良的意志、崇高的想象力、纯真的好奇心和强烈的情感世界,使人变得封闭、迟钝和缺乏创造力,而这将导致整个人类文明的匮乏与衰退。

更多网络解释与使丧失文明相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


decisive 决定性的 | decisively 决然地 | decivilize 使丧失文明


使丧失文明decivilize | 使丧失勇气unnerve | 使丧失资格disqualify


decisively 决然地 | decivilize 使丧失文明 | deck cabin 甲板舱室