英语人>词典>汉英 : 使上涨 的英文翻译,例句
使上涨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
swell  ·  swells

更多网络例句与使上涨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The entrepreneur that because numerous capital is abundant,arrives first year after year today by October is right classic furniture collects the annatto such as rosewood of Hainan chrysanthemum pear, Vietnam chrysanthemum pear, flocculus of the market intervene, large quantities of capital are entered also make annatto raw material rises in price flying, the growth that annatto market is in twice all the time period.


The blue chip index rose by some 200 points as it surged to a new high at the start of the fourth quarter.


Agricultural commodities and products will face continued cost escalation in a tight capacity environment where these types of movements compete against intermodal and coal carloadings.


Mentality from the developer perspective,唯愿prices are rising, but the land, credit dual pressure, making a number of developers,"eager to sell", despite the policy changes brought about by the supply of land will be decreased, but the domestic supply of optimism increase will not bring prices up, and even the possibility of slightly reduced.


True, three quick-fire hikes during the last three months of 2007 seemed to keep consumer price inflation in check over that period, at just above 6 per cent.


The failure of charge policy on the price of real estate speeds up the rise of house price, aggravates those middle-low income group's shoulder, restrains the development of other industries, results in the unbalance between economy structure and social structure, invites new unjustness on social distribution, contuses the enthusiasm of labours badly, brings profound social problems, and even induces the breakout of finance crisis, presenting a mass of bad debts towards finance organization, all of which make the whole country economy be in hot water.


Canberra's decision to extend its review period for the investment did provide time for public hostility to build and eventually, as commodity prices rallied, for Rio's rising share price to make the deal less attractive to its board.


In addition, although the price of corn is only about 5.5 U.S. dollars/bushel currently, more than twice relative to that in 2005, its increase only causes 2 cents more in the cost of cornflake and 11 cents more in the cost for per gallon of milk when cows are fed with corn.


This article mainly perspectives challenges on cost control of fibreboard processing enterprises from raw materials, finance ,external policy.


While I was doing this, I found the Tyde began to flow, tho' very calm, and I had the Mortification to see my Coat, Shirt and Wast-coat which I had left on Shore upon the Sand, swim away; as for my Breeches which were only Linnen and open knee'd, I swam on board in them and my Stockings: However this put me upon rummaging for Clothes, of which I found enough, but took no more than I wanted for present use, for I had other things which my Eye was more upon, as first Tools to work with on Shore, and it was after long searching that I found out the Carpenter's Chest, which was indeed a very useful Prize to me, and much more valuable than a Ship Loading of Gold would have been at that time; I got it down to my Raft, even whole as it was, without losing time to look into it, for I knew in general what it contain'd.


更多网络解释与使上涨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bull tongue shovel:重型窄锄铲

bull the market 使股票等的行情上涨 | bull tongue shovel 重型窄锄铲 | bull weeks 缺勤少时期

face with:使面临

at present 当前 | face with 使面临 | on the rise 在上涨(增长)

genetically modified:转基因

这是因为笔者不认为各国政府会坐视粮价天天上涨而不设法抑制,因为粮荒会激发民变;另一方面,联合国估计目前全球有饥民八亿至十亿人,粮食问题不解决,世界肯定大乱;此外,笔者相信转基因(genetically modified)的耕作技术进一步改进会使耕地增产百分之七至十,


gotoone'shead让某人感到飘飘然,使某人充满自负 | gotosleep睡觉 | goup上升,上涨

n. inflatee:通货膨胀受害人

vt. inflate 使通货膨胀,使物价上涨 | n. inflatee 通货膨胀受害人 | n. inflationg 通货膨胀

Kurdish guerrillas:库尔德游击队

此外,引起投资者担心的还有:土耳其军队入境伊拉克北部地区搜索库尔德游击队(Kurdish guerrillas)的报道加剧了紧张局势,使原油价格上涨,已超过每桶66美元.

price index:物价指数

因此又为新一轮要求增加工资埋下种子. 第四种理论是经济结构论,它重视经济中的结构失调,比如在发展中国家当进口的增长快于出口时,会使这些国家货币的国际价值下跌并造成国内物价上涨. 参阅通货紧缩(deflation)和物价指数(price index).

Let the hurricane set in motion... yeah:让飓风使潮水上涨

Let the waves up take me down 让涌起的潮水带我下落 | Let the hurricane set in motion... yeah 让飓风使潮水上涨 | Let the rain come down 让雨落下吧


在上述期间, 伊朗无核葡萄干(sultana)和葡萄干(raisin)的出口量下降了3%. 但是竞争性的价格以及超过预想的140 000吨的低产量增加了更多的采购兴趣, 使价格稳定地上涨, 从约700美元/吨上涨到 1 200美元/吨. 但是出口总值下降了3%,

feedstock oil:原料油

麦格里指出,其盈利较差主要是由於购买原油、原料油(feedstock oil)及油制品的成本上升及工资上涨等,使整体营运成本增加36%至四千九百一十亿元;另一方面,政府又加徵暴利税二百八十九亿元,更使整体盈利受压.