英语人>词典>汉英 : 作痛 的英文翻译,例句
作痛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pain  ·  paining

更多网络例句与作痛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finally, there is Agamemnon, because he was stabbed at gunpoint by Weng, and now the wound is still Zuotong.


My head is throbbing and I have a bad earache.


Its nature and flavour are sweet, sour and mild. Frutus Choerospondiatis which is mainly used for the treatment of stagnation of the vital energy and blood, chest pain, palpitation and shortness of breath and irritability can promote the vital energy and blood circulation and tranquilize the mind by nourishing the heart.


Main Indications: Lumbago, gout, arthrodynia, myasthenia, limb numbness, pains induced by acclimation fever and rheumatism osteocope and arthritis, etc.

适应﹕ 腰腿疼痛,关节作痛,筋骨无力,四肢麻木,血少风多,偏正头风,头痛脑胀,神经衰弱,以及因水土或风湿所引起之大骨节和关节炎等症。

更多网络解释与作痛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The aching hollowness in sleight of hand:还有我灵巧戏法背后阵阵作痛的空虚

The landscape of cracked mirrors in the soul, 你无法观察到我... | The aching hollowness in sleight of hand. 还有我灵巧戏法背后阵阵作痛的空虚. | And yet you love me, simple as the rush 但是你仍然爱我,简...

Michelia Linn:含笑属

[文摘]含笑(Michelia figo)又名香蕉花,寒宵,为木兰科(Magnoliaceae),含笑属(Michelia Linn)植物,是中国传统的中药材. 其味苦、涩,性平. 含笑以其花蕾入药,在花期采集,晾干或低温烘干,亦可鲜用. 临床上主要用于治疗月经不调、痛经、胸肋间作痛等病症,

My nose throbs:(阵阵作痛)

My nose is stuffy (充满鼻屎). | My nose throbs (阵阵作痛). | My son shows symptoms of chicken pox (水痘). He has

Michelia figo:含笑

[文摘]含笑(Michelia figo)又名香蕉花,寒宵,为木兰科(Magnoliaceae),含笑属(Michelia Linn)植物,是中国传统的中药材. 其味苦、涩,性平. 含笑以其花蕾入药,在花期采集,晾干或低温烘干,亦可鲜用. 临床上主要用于治疗月经不调、痛经、胸肋间作痛等病症,