英语人>词典>汉英 : 作出推论 的英文翻译,例句
作出推论 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
infer  ·  inferred  ·  inferring  ·  infers

更多网络例句与作出推论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The diverse types of tracheary elements and perforation plates in secondary xylem of A. asiatica show that previous knowledge about the tracheary elements and perforation plates in secondary xylem of A. asiatica is not complete and thus any inferences about the aboriginality and evolution of a taxon made depending on these traits are not reliable.


Problems with correlated omitted variables, multicollinearity, endogeneity and limited degrees of freedom combine to make meaningful inferences very difficult.


There are comments in some of the authorities to which we have referred which suggest that in some circumstances a trial judge may fairly inform the jury that an explanation has been made for the first time at trial provided that the judge also makes it clear that an accused has the right to remain silent and make no explanation in answer to police questions.

但在判词第57 段,包法官指出如果被告人在受警诫的情况下,又或在非警诫的情况下,曾经对有关方面作出某些回应,而回应的内容却在审讯时与被告人选择作供的供词中有不相符的地方,控方和法庭方面是可以就不符的地方作出批评和要求陪审团作出某些推论。

This paper analyzes the suitability of political party in the following five points: it expatiates on the Huntington's suitability and carries a foreshadowing of what is to follow later in the first part. In the second part, through probing into political party, it realized the general deficiency of Thailand political party. In the third part, it aims to the Thailand political ecology to analyze the military power, monarchal power and patron-client relations. It realized that the Thailand political ecology exercises a great influence on the development of political party. In the fourth part, from deducing the relationship between political party and political ecology, it realizes, it's the weak suitability lead to the military coup is inevitable. In the fifth part, it reflects further on how to strengthen the suitability of political party. It thinks that political party should have more effects on promoting the process of democratization.


It is a theory which, though nursed into importance by political passions, derived all its sap from the speculations of lawyers. True it certainly is that the famous Englishmen, for whom it had first had attraction, valued it chiefly for its political serviceableness, but, as I shall presently attempt to explain, they would never have arrived at it, if politicians had not long conducted their controversies in legal phraseology.


Nor is it possible to draw any inference from the fact that Saadia calls the book in Arabic "Kitab al-Adab"; for he certainly did not give this appellation (which he had no reason to translate) as the title, but, contrary to the opinion of Harkavy "Studien und Mittheilungen," v.

也不可能作出任何推论的事实, Saadia呼吁书的阿拉伯文&基塔铝文学&,因为他肯定没有放弃这一称谓的标题,但相反,认为Harkavy (& Studien与Mittheilungen ,&诉200 )和布劳,仅仅作为一种内容的说明这本书。

According to the theory of Agglomerating thinking, I demonstrate that real Artificial Intelligence is impossible to realize at present, and I guess how to make a real Artificial Intelligence computer.


No inference is here intended, that the laws, provided by the State against false and defamatory publications, should not be enforced; he who has time, renders a service to public morals and public tranquillity, in reforming these abuses by the salutary coercions of the law; but the experiment is noted, to prove that, since truth and reason have maintained their ground against false opinions in league with false facts, the press, confined to truth, needs no other legal restraint; the public judgment will correct false reasonings and opinions, on a full hearing of all parties; and no other definite line can be drawn between the inestimable liberty of the press and its demoralizing licentiousness.


Or it may be, we should infer that the races which we were comparing had once obeyed a great system of common institutions of which the Jus Gentium was the reproduction, and that the complicated usages of separate commonwealths were only corruptions and depravations of the simpler ordinances which had once regulated their primitive state.


Can be little old Beria Beria said those nice words, have cited the strong circumstantial evidence or logical inference to make, difficult to deny people.


更多网络解释与作出推论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


假定我们一如既往地以同样的方式行事或作出反应,那么最有可能发生的结果便是我们仍然维持现状. 面对这一预设,有些人也许认为它有点难以置信. 这就是为什么我觉得有必要提出布拉德伯里( Bradbury)的推论,该推论是这样说的:若要利用一种能力,你就必须:


在用测时仪进行这种实验时,或根据这些实验作出推论时,我们必须记住,计时单位为1‰秒的计时器(chronoscope)不能被视做是一块简单的表. 但是,如果不去注意精密的测时法可能含有的差错根源的话,那么单凭计时器上的时间读数往往会产生误导.


体罚可以有很多具体的形式,比如掌掴(smacking)、棒打(flogging)、鞭打(whipping)等等. 但是,规定体罚的范围并无助于保护儿童. 因为,教师和父母在为体罚儿童的行为进行辩解时,利用的恰恰是"合理惩戒"这个借口. 据此,我们可以作出推论,

Econometric analysis:計量分析

分析:经济计量分析(econometric analysis)是用统计推论方法对经济变量之间的关系作出数值估计的一种数量分析方法. 它首先把经济理论表示为可计量的数学模型即经济计量模型,然后用统计推论方法加工实际资料,使这种数学模型数值化.

