英语人>词典>汉英 : 体应力 的英文翻译,例句
体应力 的英文翻译、例句


stress of a body
更多网络例句与体应力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The deflection curve differential equation of beam body structure on elastic foundation is solved, relationship of variables between its internal force and coefficient of elastic foundation is formulated.


The failure criterions of principal stress, octahedral stress and strain space are established.


Based on the elastic-plastic plane strain theory, we set up FEM model including the influence of the constitution stress to simulate the mining process, and use the results of simulat.


One third of the tensor is often called the bulk stress.


In this paper the authors have presented the swarm fluctuation model of unit stress level in seismogenic system from the macroscopic scale, which is used as physical bases to explain the anomaly field, effect of post-earthquakes, and new anomalies after earthquakes.


The focus in long bone appears patchy geographic type, the courser of its long axis was coherent with the stress bone trabecula; the focus in vertebral bodies show laterigrade band-like which was distributed in the middle of the vertebral bodies or near the termibal lamella and plumbed with stress bone trabecula of the vertebral bodies.


Therefore, this study aimed to implement FE models of C-type scoliotic spine to investigate the influence of different loading conditions and vertebral rotations on variation of Cobb's angle and vertebral stress. There were three parametric FE models with different vertebral rotations.

因此本研究可望藉由胸椎C形脊柱侧弯模型探讨不同施力方式及不同椎体旋转角度对柯卜氏角度(Cobb's angle)及椎体应力分布之影响。

Objective To determine the optimal thread pitch for an experimental cylinder implant in Ansys Work-bench Design Xplorer environment.


From the result,the stress status evaluation based on geology dynamic division has important significance for the design and implementation of coal mining engineering. geology dynamic division ; geotectonic model ; stress status


Analysis on the stress status of sprayed porcelain coatings;2. Earthquakes in the Shanxi-Reservoir,Zhejiang Province:source parameters determining and description of the tectonic fault and static stress status ;3. From the result,the stress status evaluation based on geology dynamic division has important significance for the design and implementation of coal mining engineeri.


更多网络解释与体应力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

stress concentration:应力集中

所以,本装置使得螺钉承受了人体上半身之重量,容易产生应力集中(stress concentration)的现象,导致螺钉容易断裂;此外,骨质疏松症(osteoporsis)椎体内的松质骨之骨密度大量下降,更使得螺钉有如打入一堆沙中,无法有效固定椎体.


马氏体(Martensite)是在钢淬火时得到的一种高硬度产物的名称,马氏体转变是固态相变的基本形式之一. 在许多金属、固溶体和化合物中可观察到马氏体转变. 一个晶体在外加应力的作用下通过晶体的一个分立体积的剪切作用以极迅速的速率而进行的相变称为马氏体转变.

octahedral normal stress:八面体正应力

octahedral deviatoric 八面体偏量 | octahedral normal stress 八面体正应力 | octahedral shear stress 八面体剪应力

octahedral normal stress:八面体法向应力

octahedral layer 八面体层 | octahedral normal stress 八面体法向应力 | octahedral shear stress 八面体剪应力

octahedral deviatoric:八面体偏量

octahedra octahedron的复数 | octahedral deviatoric 八面体偏量 | octahedral normal stress 八面体正应力

stress redistribution:岩体应力重分布

岩体扩容现象 dilatancy of rock mass | 岩体应力重分布 stress redistribution | 岩体原位测试 In-situ measurement of rocks

tectonic stress type of rock burst:构造应力型冲击地压

体应力状态分析:rock stress state analytical system | 构造应力型冲击地压:tectonic stress type of rock burst | 应力集中系数:stress-strain of surrounding rock

octahedral shearing strain:八面体剪应变

octahedral shear stress theory 八面体剪应力理论 | octahedral shearing strain 八面体剪应变 | octahedral shearing stress 八面体剪应力

stress of a body:体应力

stress function 应力函数 | stress of a body 体应力 | stress tensor 应力张量


瑞典奥托昆普(Outokumpu)2507是一种铁素体(ferritic)-奥氏体(austenitic)双相不锈钢. 它综合了许多铁素体钢和奥氏体钢最有益的性能. 由于该钢铬和钼的含量很高,因此具有极好的抗点腐蚀和均匀腐蚀的能力. 双相显微组织保证了该钢具有很高的抗应力腐蚀破裂能力,