英语人>词典>汉英 : 住在都市的 的英文翻译,例句
住在都市的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与住在都市的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'd like to live in the city, but my company is based in Ridley Park.


I live in the suburbs of Shat in , which is New Territory's largest city.


I learned lots of street smarts during the year when lived in New York.


I learned lots of steet smarts during the year when lived in New York.


It mainly proceeds from Mead's theory of self in expounding the stigmatized mind of the urban indigenous inhabitants and the formation of self, and also analyzes the living strategy of the urban indigenous inhabitants in face of accusations of identity stigmatization using the theory of the presentation of self by Goffman.

摘要 本论文采取符号互动理论的观点,探讨都市原住民在污名情境下的社会互动模式与生活策略,主要从Mead的自我理论论述都市原住民污名化心灵与自我的形成过程,并从Goffman的自我表演理论来分析都市原住民面对身分污名指涉的生活策略。

In a beautiful city like Hong Kong, there should not be any caged homes or cubicles which are as cramped as tiny birdcages. In the poor living environment of caged homes, we should not find our children who need space to grow. Unfortunately, there are 23,000 Hong Kong children living in such places


In Tokyo, one of the world's most densely populated cities, the concept of having roommates or sharing quarters has never been popular. The majority of young Tokyoites choose to live in cramped, cluttered, soulless studios known as usagi goya in Japanese, or 'rabbit hutches.

在东京这个全世界人口最密集的都市之一,跟人合租的观念从未盛行过,东京绝大多数的年轻人选择住在拥挤、杂乱、没有情调的小房子里,日语中称之为usagi goya,即&兔子窝&。

In Tokyo, one of the world's most dense ly populated cities, the concept of having roommates or sharing quarters has never been popular. The majority of young Tokyoites choose to live in cramped, cluttered, soulless studios known as usagi goya in Japanese, or 'rabbit hutches.

在东京这个全世界人口最密集的都市之一,跟人合租的观念从未盛行过,东京绝大多数的年轻人选择住在拥挤、杂乱、没有情调的小房子里,日语中称之为usagi goya,即&兔子窝&。

Entering kindergarten is a rarely-seen experience shared by aboriginal students, and this experience does academically bridge them to their schoolings at elementary school.


更多网络解释与住在都市的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

City of God:天主之城

奥古斯丁在>(City of God)这本书中构想了两座都市:一座是"世上之城",以自爱和自满为标志,住在那里的人只爱自己,不爱他人,狂妄自尊,以致连天主都遭藐视;另一座是"天上之城"(天主之城),以爱天主和谦虚为标志,

fellow scientist:同行科技家

feed vi.以...为吃的东西 | fellow scientist同行科技家 | fellow-citizen n.住在同一都市的人


exurban 城市远郊的 | exurbanite 住在城市远郊的人 | interurban 都市间的