英语人>词典>汉英 : 位在正中的 的英文翻译,例句
位在正中的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与位在正中的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At about the centre of the oaken panels, that lined the hall, was suspended a suit of mail, not, like the pictures, an ancestral relic, 8ttt8.com of the most modern date; for it had been manufactured by a skilful armourer in London, the same year in which Governor Bellingham came over to New England.

大厅四周全都镶嵌着橡木护墙板,正中位置 www.d dd tT。 com 上悬接着一副甲胄,那可不象画中的那种遗物,面是当时的最新制品;因为8 Tt t 8。 com 那是在贝灵汉总督跨海来到新英格兰那一年,由伦敦的一位技术熟练的工匠打造的,包括 www 。ddd tt。

At about the centre of the oaken panels, that lined the hall, was suspended a suit of mail, not, like the pictures, an ancestral relic, but of the most modern date; for it had been manufactured by a skilful armourer in London, the same year in which Governor Bellingham came over to New England.


Objective To assess the application of the center head hanging Dix-Hallpike test in the diagnosis of the benign paroxysmal positional vertigo of posterior semicircular canal.

目的 评价正中悬头位Dix-Hallpike诱发检查法在诊断后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, BPPV)中的意义。

On magnetic resonance imaging, PSP is characterized by atrophy of the midbrain tegmentum. The atrophy of the rostral MT, when detected by mid-sagittal MRI, looks like the bill of hummingbird and is therefore referred to as the "hummingbird" sign.


The patient avoided eating food rich of protein for three days and fasting for 12 hours before the blood samples were obtained at 7:00-8:00 in the morning, and had laid on bed for 15 minutes at least, 2ml of the blood samples were taken from median antebrachial vein, put into the heparinized tubles, then centrifugating by 1500/minute for 10 minutes,obtained the plasma from the blood, the plasma sample were kept in -72℃ refrigerator, ELISA method was used to determine the homcysteine level.


During CT scan,patients were in supine position, and the teeth in the middle of the contactposition on the jaw; and maintain a static head and body during the scanningprocess, did not swallow; measurement parameters including: soft palatelength, maximum thickness of the soft palate, pharynx lateral spacing, uvula length and base width of the free edge ofsoft palate to the throat wall spacing, velopharyngeal cross-sectional area,angina cross-sectional area,thickness of retropharyngeal wall.


To evaluate normal development and anomalies of corpus callosum in childhood, magnetic resonance images of 149 children and 20 adults with normal findings were collected to measure the thickness of genu, body and splenium and the length of corpus callosum on the midsagittal T1-weighted images.


It went to the heart of the nagging worry about the silver-tongued young senator from Illinois: that he lacked even the slightest executive experience, and that in his brief career he had never really stood up to powerful interests, whether in his home city of Chicago or in the wider world.


Methods: The terminal position of the muscular contraction path and centric relation position with different vertical dimension were recorded for ten edentulous patients with gothic arch.


In the very middle of the temple sat a majestic woman in a flowing robe of green colour.


更多网络解释与位在正中的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

flexor retinaculum:屈肌支持带

pollicis longus)肌腱走在腕隧道外侧部,且有其专用之滑液鞘.正中神经走在屈肌支...持带(flexor retinaculum)后侧,位於屈指浅肌与桡侧屈腕肌(flexor carpi radialis)...的狭窄空间.11.


跑步时,脚在著地的同时,踝关节的内翻与足背收缩动作,可以避免脚与地面的巨大撞击,而且,跑者的体重会沿著足部的外侧缘传递,此时足部呈轻旋后(supination),接著体重自外侧经过横弓(transuerse arch) 转移到足底肉球,此时足部由正中位变为旋前,


l 每一位罗盘携带者在主要负责保持前进方向的同时,他们也可以对他们附近的地区进行目视搜索(visual search)l 特别应当注意瀑布(falls)可能出现的地方,以及可能搭建避难所的地方每只队伍通常包括3-5人,队长通常位于队伍的正中.