英语人>词典>汉英 : 传道 的英文翻译,例句
传道 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
evangelize  ·  preach  ·  propagandism  ·  evangelized  ·  evangelizes  ·  evangelizing  ·  preached  ·  preaches

propagate doctrines of the ancient sages · deliver a sermon
更多网络例句与传道相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Theologically, of course, the results of evangelism are in the hands of the Spirit, not the evangelist.


They may not bow down to them but they follow them to the point of idolization, but teachers and preachers are simply instruments of God.


The others agreed, saying,"Good idea, while we need to proselytize, we must not forget to preach to our own kids."


In his early years of ministry, the English preacher Charles Simeon (1759–1836) was a harsh and self-assertive man.


"Good. Would you describe that person theologically?" He's been asking that question for 35 years and he says that he has found that the answers tend to fall in one of two categories.


In the China Inland Mission, when the number of missionaries had gone up to 200, at a Conference held in China they felt so deeply the need of more labourers for districts quite unprovided for, that after much prayer they felt at liberty to ask God to give them within a year 100 additional labourers and 10,000 to meet the expenses.


The Vaudois ministers were trained as missionaries, everyone who expected to enter the ministry being required first to gain an experience as an evangelist.


Others agreed,"Good idea, we need to missionize others while not forget to missionize our kids."


Others agreed,"Good idea, we need to missionize others while not forget to missionize our own kids."


Currently, Minister Whirley serves full-time as Principal at Riverdale Christian Academy, a K-12 private school here in Baton Rouge, while also ministering to our youth part-time at CCCBR.

现今,Whirley传道在一所幼儿园-十二年级的学校,Riverdale Christian Academy任全时间校长,同时在本教会兼任半职青少年传道

更多网络解释与传道相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


>的道与>里传道(preach)和传道者(apostle)的道,是不是同一个东西?至少可以认为它们有相似的内涵. 库仑(CharlesAugustindeCoulomb)法国物理学、军事工程师. 1736年6月14日生于昂古莱姆.

apostle:使徒(指耶稣十二使徒), 传道者, 最初的传道者

multipole magnet 多极磁铁 | apostle 使徒(指耶稣十二使徒), 传道者, 最初的传道者 | prescriptivism 规定主义(指传统语法)

Zelda looked at the chimney sweep. Her father, the vicar:柔达看着扫烟囱的人 她的父亲是个传道者

Pillowcases!|有枕头套耶! | "Zelda looked at the chimney sweep. Her father, the vicar.."|"柔达看着扫烟囱的人 她的父亲是个传道者..." | Vicar?|传道者?

db db:以后台方式传道输送

D D 重建别带单位的数据库 | db db 以后台方式传道输送 | di di 交互式传道输送

Ecclesiastes:传道书 传道篇

箴言 箴言篇 Proverbs | 传道传道篇 Ecclesiastes | 雅歌 雅歌篇 Song of Songs


上面是我的理解,大家切磋切磋. "福音传道者"(evangelist)具体指什么?gee-whiz 我是猜的,真正含义?上面是我的理解,大家切磋切磋. "福音传道者"(evangelist)具体指什么?gee-whiz 我是猜的,真正含义?


evangelist 福音传道者 | evangelistic 福音传道者的 | evangelistic 福音书作者的


>的道与>里传道(preach)和传道者(apostle)的道,是不是同一个东西?至少可以认为它们有相似的内涵. 库仑(CharlesAugustindeCoulomb)法国物理学、军事工程师. 1736年6月14日生于昂古莱姆.


propagandist /宣传者/传道者/宣传的/传道的/ | propagandize /宣传/传教/传道/进行宣传/ | propagation /增殖/繁殖/广传/


evangelisation /传福音/ | evangelise /传福音/传道/ | evangelism /福音传道/福音传道者的工作/福音主义/