英语人>词典>汉英 : 传递 的英文翻译,例句
传递 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
parties  ·  party  ·  pass  ·  passes  ·  transfer  ·  transferring  ·  partied  ·  partying

hand round · pass on
更多网络例句与传递相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, the thermal transmission of deep basement reservoir and its relation with structure are discussed at the first time in Tianj in city. The type of thermal transmission near the fault zone is mainly convection, that in the intra-block mixed conduction and convection together.


Chapter 3, in the above system, gives out the definitions of topological new transitivity, topological transitivity, topological strong transitivity and topological conjugate of a sequence of maps, studies basic properties of the above topological conjugate, and obtains some main results, proves topological new transitivity and topological transitivity are equivalent u-under a compact metric space, a sequence of full maps and interchangeable with each other, and that some conclusions associated with topological conjugate.


The calculation result shows the velocity of heat and mass transfer is finite and has the characteristics of wave. The compare of the results of hyperbolic equation and those of parabolic equations shows there is a delay between both the thermal and the mass of the former and those of latter.


Secondly, a conjecture about the stability for these systems is proposed based on the sufficient and necessary condition of the isolated transfer function being positive real. When the zeros and poles of the transfer functions lie in the imaginary axis, a known conclusion is derived from the conjecture; while the zeros and poles are on the real axis, a new result is obtained and is proved in this note. Finally, according to the conjecture, an example with poles existing on the complex plane is presented, which is not only interesting but also challenging.

然后, 基于所有孤立部分传递函数都正实的充分必要条件给出了上述系统为稳定的一个猜想,当传递函数的零极点都位于虚轴上时,由这一猜想得到了一个已知的结论;当传递函数的零极点都位于实轴上时,由这一猜想得到了一个新的结论,本文证明该结论是正确的;最后,根据这一猜想,给出了传递函数极点位于复平面的一个例子,它涉及到一类系数矩阵为时变正定矩阵的振动方程的稳定性问题,值得去深入研究。

The transfer distance is shortened, friction is reduced, and interferer between the installation of the instruments and the model making is also reduced obviously.


Three kinds of BCRC No.51534, 10322 and 10675 would be selected and acted as an experimental sample of Escherichia coli. Results shows that Escherichia coli of No.51534 will appear better performance because the maximum of open circuit voltage, closed current and power density are 1.01V, 22mA and 1342mW/m2, respectively. Concerning the effect of culture time with respect to different phase type on the electricity performance of MFCs, the time points on the intersection between lag phase and logarithmic phase, the middle of point of stationary phase for growth curve of Escherichia coli would appear a good performance of MFCs. In addition, the BCRC No. 51534 Escherichia coli possessing a better performance of MFCs than others would be suggested and applied to further studying. Comparison with the performance of MFCs with respect to electron mediator under different mole number, result shows that electron mediator of methylene blue with 4.63mM would appear a better electricity performance of MFCs than others. Concerning the different material of proton exchange membrane with PTFE-Nafion, Nafion 211, 212 and 117 with respect to the performance of MFCs, result shows that the Nafion 117 applied in MFCs will have a better performance of MFCs than other cases. Finally, the effect of molar concentration on the performance of MFCs would be expected at the studied cases of 0.4M, 0.2M, 0.1M and 0.05M respectively for cathode oxidant, result shows that a good performance of MFCs will happen at the condition of 0.2M. Those observations will be useful to improvement of MFCs in the further study.

於上述电池系统条件下,进行大肠杆菌生长曲线、电子传递介质、质子交换膜、电极与阴极氧化剂对电池电性效能分析;选择编号10322、10675与51534之大肠杆菌为实验菌株,依定量培养之生长曲线取出代表不同时生长特性时期的培养时间,利用亚甲基蓝作为电子传递介质进行实验分析从所测得的电量进行分析,以编号51534之大肠杆菌的微生物燃料电池有最大的开路电压为1.01V及最大闭路电流为22mA;当极化曲线中电压为0.47V、电流为11.4 mA时有最大的功率密度为1342 mW/m2;加以负载有平均工作功率密度294 mW/m2;从生长曲线与电性效能来分析,得知生长曲线的迟滞期与对数期的转变点与静止期的中间点有最佳电性效能表现;对於加入不同莫耳数之电子传递介质methylene blue、neutral red与thionine之电池效能表现,则以加入4.63mM methylene blue电子传递介质的电池有较佳平均功率密度230 mW/m2;另对於质子交换膜PTFE-Nafion、Nafion 211、Nafion 212与Nafion 117之电池效能表现,以Nafion 117质子交换膜的电池有较佳平均功率密度340 mW/m2;对於分析加入不同莫耳数浓度0.4M、0.2M、0.1M与0.05M的阴极氧化剂之电池效能,则以0.2M的阴极氧化剂的电池可得到较佳平均功率密度429 mW/m2。

A new method of calculating stable bearing capacity for overlength pile s;2. Load transfer performance of overlength pile s;3. Considering that there is little study about shaft resistance transfer behavior of overlength pile and the theory is based on short pile yet,shaft load transfer function of overlength single pile which considering depth influence is presented.


Relay conjoins relief work 火炬传递之前进行默哀 BOCOG said that the Olympic torch relay will join in earthquake relief activities around China in the coming months.


In this paper,the raft is approximated by a thin plate with regular shape at first.Then the floating raft system is divided into several subsystems,such as plate raft,elastic foundation,etc,which are respectively modeled by four-parameter net method.After that,dynamic absorber and active absorber are put into a uniform frame to obtain the model of plate raft subsystem coupling with them.At last,according to the force and velocity relationship among each subsystem\'s interfaces,the entire plate floating raft system is modeled by subsystem structural admittance synthesis method.As the main structure of floating raft system is elastic,it is inevitably to study the optimization of actuators\' mounting positions before designing control law.In this paper,two new criterions are proposed for it.


Based on the return map and the principle of closed vectors, a new method is proposed to extract unstable periodic orbits embedded in chaotic attractors. As examples, the UPOs embedded in chaotic attractors of Logistic, Hénon and Lorenz are extracted respectively by this method. And our results of Skewed Hénon map also be compared with Nusse's. These results suggest that this method is valid for unstable periodic orbits from period one to period infinite of arbitrary dimension chaotic system. The dynamic considerations of spiking and UPO coding for individual neuron and neural system under external periodic and chaotic exciting stimulus also be studied in this dissertation. A lot of spiking phenomena, such as synchronization, period, and chaos appear alternatively with the changing of the stimulus frequency. For the small stimulus frequency the neuron could completely convey the periodic signal in synchronous anti-phase into interspike intervals sequences. For the slow time–scale chaotic input, the output two ISI sequences are reciprocally related to input signals, and their oscillation wave shape in time course can be derived from that of the input signals variation, furthermore, the similar input sequence and order of UPOs, distribution of LES and value of KYD remain in attractors reconstructed from ISI sequences.

发现周期信号在单个神经元传递过程中,随着激励频率的改变,神经元输出的峰峰间期interspike interval时间序列呈现出周期、混沌和准周期的交错变化,特别当外加激励信号频率较低时,周期信号可以通过神经元ISI序列以反相同步的周期运动形式传递下去;同时无论是周期还是混沌激励信号,在神经系统中的传递均与其自身强度和神经元之间的耦合强度的大小密切相关;快变时间尺度的混沌激励信号在耦合的神经系统传递过程中,会造成大量基本信息的丢失;而慢变时间尺度的混沌激励信号在神经系统传递中,它的非线性特征信息,如混沌吸引子、不稳定周期轨道、Lyapunov指数谱和分形维数,会通过系统输出的ISI序列部分地重现出来,如与输入慢变时间尺度的混沌激励信号相比,神经系统输出的ISI序列具有:相似几何形状的混沌吸引子、相近的Lyapunov指数谱和分形维数、局部结构相同的不稳定周期轨道的排列方式。

更多网络解释与传递相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

delivered image:传递的影像 传递图片

delimiter 定界符 定界符 | delivered image 传递的影像 传递图片 | delivery context 传递上下文 传递上下文

clectron transfer flavoprotein:电子转移黄素蛋白,电子传递黄素蛋白

electron transfer chain 电子传递链 | clectron transfer flavoprotein 电子转移黄素蛋白,电子传递黄素蛋白 | electron transfer system 电子传递体系

heat transfer:热量传递

1)以动量传递(momentum transfer)理论为基础:2)以热量传递(heat transfer)理论为基础: 加热、冷却、蒸发等3)以质量传递(mass transfer)理论为基础: 吸收、精馏、萃取、干燥等流体中发生的这三种传递现象(transport phenomena)都是由于流

momentum transfer:动量传递

热管的研究 在理论上来说,热管内部的作用是一个与热传递,质量传递(Mass transfer)及动量传递(Momentum transfer)等有关的问题. 这些传递情形随著热管在蒸发部份和冷凝部份之间的导热量而改变. 通常情形下,热管的导热量愈大时,

pass by value:传值(函式引数的一种传递方式) 按值传递

pass by reference ;传址(函式引数的一种传递方式) ;传地址/按引用传递 | pass by value ;传值(函式引数的一种传递方式) ;按值传递 | passthru ;通过

pass by address:传址(函式引数的传递方式)(非正式用语) 传地址

pass ;传送/传递/遍(数) | pass by address ;传址(函式引数的传递方式)(非正式用语) ;传地址 | pass by reference ;传址(函式引数的一种传递方式) ;传地址/按引用传递

transitive law:传递 ,传递法则

transitive 传递的,可迁的 | transitive law 传递 ,传递法则 | transitiveness 传递


transitive law 传递 ,传递法则 | transitiveness 传递性 | transitivity law 传递

pass box:传递箱

传递箱(Pass Box)为置于洁净室隔间墙上之装置,其功能是做为洁净室内外物品传递之缓冲区,其可防止于传递物品时由于门的开启而破坏了洁净室气流与室压,更可减少作业人员走动的时间而防止外区尘埃的进入,也因此传递箱的进出口应具有不可同时开启的连锁控制,

t-RNA, transfer RNA:传递RNA, 传递核糖核酸

T噬菌体 T-phage | 传递RNA, 传递核糖核酸 t-RNA, transfer RNA | 传递RNA, 传递核糖核酸 t-RNA, transfer RNA