英语人>词典>汉英 : 传记 的英文翻译,例句
传记 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
biographies  ·  biography  ·  memoir  ·  memoirist

life history
更多网络例句与传记相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Douglas Hurd's fascinating, eminently readable biography of Peel stands in a long tradition of British politicians writing about politicians, from Lord Rosebery on Lord Randolph Churchill and Roy Jenkins on Herbert Asquith to William Hague on William Pitt the Younger.


Adam Zamoyski's significantly updated biography of Chopin (to coincide with the bicentenary of his birth on February 22nd) is a scholarly yet highly readable account of the Polish composer's life. But it is no hagiography.


This paper discusses the eight ways in which artistic invention is made in biography,concerning the subject matter,the biographee s personality,the textual structure,the reasonable imagination and fiction,the description of details ,the mental activities,the design of dialogues,and the use of language skills.


He is a biographer and has written biographies for many famous people.


Biographic research as a method of social science tries to analyze individual narrations in order to understand how people construct their social world by articulating meanings.


Many biographies of the old times,nowadays and the foreign biographies are published,which constitute a false prosperity of biographic literature.


In brief, this article is to put the individual research into the collective research of community which to compare and explore the film biography"s works of this special theme lognitudinal and transverse. With the Chinese and the Western comparison of film biography and with the evolutive course of Chinese ones at various stages, this article lead the theory out of the history and analyse the person by the theory which stand out DingYinNan"s creative status and features who is the great master of Chinese biographic moviedom.


This study includes the definitions of psychobiography, psychobiographical methods, the issues of doing psychobiography, the process to construct a psychobiography as well as the application and possible contributions of psychobiography.


A handsome man two years older, Miles in turn would introduce Wilde to the sculptor Lord Ronald Gower,"a notorious sodomite, with a penchant for 'rough trade,'" on whom Wilde "would base the character of Lord Henry Wotton, the corrupting prophet of strange sins" in The Picture of Dorian Gray .


Postmodernism discredits the truthfulness of biography and subverts its traditions, such as the anti-biography of Edison by D. Nye, The Woman Warrior by M. H. Kingston, A Memoir of Ronald Reagan by E. Morris and Will in the World by S. Greenblatt. Much fictitious and imaginary content is added to the biographical forms due to different objectives.


更多网络解释与传记相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


迪斯雷利所言,或许稍微偏颇,但可作为传记作者(biographer)的一个警戒. 所以我写这部传记是本着两个原则:取材严谨,行文简洁. 文中所述均有根据,然既非学术论文,就不一一注明来历,因此注解不求多,能省略者则省略之. 大体上这部传记,


biographer 传记作者 | biographic 传记的 | biographical 传记

biographic:传记的, 传记体的

biographer | 传记作者 | biographic | 传记的, 传记体的 | biographical dictionary | 人物传略辞典


biographer /传记作家/ | biographic /传记/传记体的/ | biographic data /传记作者/

biographic data:传记作者

biographic /传记/传记体的/ | biographic data /传记作者/ | biographical /传记的/


biographic 传记的 | biographical 传记的 | biographically 传记体地


biographer 传记作者 | biographical 传记(体)的 | biography 个人经历;传记

biographical data:传记式资料

biographical characteristics 传记特点 | biographical data 传记式资料 | biographical inventory 传记式量表



biographize:为...写传记 写传记

biographically | 传记体地 | biographize | 为...写传记传记 | biography | 传记