英语人>词典>汉英 : 传染病 的英文翻译,例句
传染病 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
contagion  ·  epidemic  ·  infection  ·  infections

infectious disease · germ disease · communicable disease
更多网络例句与传染病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If he is found to have been contaminated with a quarantinable epidemic disease, or a monitored infectious disease, or if he is suspected of having been contaminated with a quarantinable epidemic disease or a monitored infectious disease, he is then required to undergo necessary sanitization and his casebook shall be taken back to keep on file for reference.


By analysis of such models, a method, which is used to find out the region of convergence and to study the local stability for strong nonlinear system, are derived. Thus, we can consider the strong nonlinear neural networks using such method.


Firstly, we consider SIQR epidemical models with continuous and pulse vaccinations; the reproduction numbers have been obtained for those models; by using Dulac function, we prove the global stabilities of equilibrium of SIQR model with continuous vaccination. In the SIQR epidemical models with pulse vaccinations, we have also discussed the existence of the infection-free periodic solution, the global stabilities of the infection-free periodic solutions, and the effectiveness of pulse vaccination and continuous vaccination policies has been compared for the two models.


ConclusionThe main infectious diseases in Cheng jiang are intestinal infection from 1996 to 2005,among which,the main influencing factors are typhoid and paratyphoid.


The resurgence and emergence of infectious diseases and the increase of noninfectious diseases (angiocardiopathy, tumor, diabetes, etc.) will threaten the human health. Unintentional injuries and psychoneurosis will affect the people's psychosomatic health and cause heavy social burdens. Aging of the population, pollution of environment, development of the international tourism, variation of the microbes and many other factors will make disease control enormous challenges in the 21st century.


Article 3 Infectious diseases specified in this Law shall include quarantinable infectious diseases and infectious diseases to be monitored.

第三条 本法规定的传染病是指检疫传染病和监测传染病

Article 3 Infectious diseases specified in this Law shall include quarantinable infectious diseases and infectious diseases to be monitored.

第三条 本法规定的传染病是指检疫传染病和监测传染病。检疫传染病,是指鼠疫、霍乱、黄热病以及国务院确定和公布的其他传染病

This paper first reviews definitions of new infectious diseases and the status of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases. Then it describes the worldwide distribution of new infectious diseases. Finally, it presents an analysis of important factors contributing to new infectious diseases including a combination of biological, environmental, ecological, social and economic factors.


New infectious diseases, including both emerging infectious diseases and reemerging infectious diseases, have raised growing worldwide concerns.


There were altogether 15990 cases of reported infectious disease.The time from diagnose to report,from report to verify and from diagnose to verify are 40.4 hours,1.4 hours and 44.9 hours respectively.The time from diagnose to report takes up 89.98% of the whole time.There was no zero or failing report area and the re-report percentage was 0.01%.The incidence of infectious disease was 29.40% higher than the annual average rate of the previous 5 years.


更多网络解释与传染病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

communicable diseases:(传染病)

传染病(communicable diseases)是由病毒、细菌、支原体、螺旋体、真菌等感染人体后产生的有传染性的疾病. "非典"是传染性非典型肺炎的简称(以下同). "非典"是指目前在世界部分国家和我国局部地区的病例发生及蔓延,主要以近距离空气飞沫和密切接触为主的呼吸道传染病.

Infectious disease hospital:传染病医院

infectious disease 传染病 | infectious disease hospital 传染病医院 | infectious disease notification 传染病报告

infectious disease notification:传染病报告

infectious disease hospital 传染病医院 | infectious disease notification 传染病报告 | infectious disease of digestive tract 消化道传染病

infectious diseases:传染病

传染病(Infectious Diseases)是由各种病原体引起的能在人与人、动物与动物或人与动物之间相互传播的一类疾病. 常可引起传播、流行而严重危害人民健康. 因为传染病区别于其他疾病的重要临床特点是其具有传染性,患者一经确诊为传染病,


migraine,偏头痛 | murrain,瘟疫,传染病,家畜传染病 | rainbow,彩虹,五彩缤纷


直接型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,direct | 蠕虫型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,helminthic | 肉媒介型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,meat-borne


\\"循环型人畜共同传染病\\",\\"zoonosis,cycle\\" | \\"直接人畜共同传染病\\",\\"zoonosis,direct\\" | \\"蠕虫型人畜共同传染病\\",\\"zoonosis,helminthic\\"


直接型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,direct | 蠕虫型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,helminthic | 肉媒介型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,meat-borne


蠕虫型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,helminthic | 肉媒介型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,meat-borne | 异型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,meta


肉媒介型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,meat-borne | 异型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,meta | 腐生型人畜共同传染病 zoonosis,sapro