英语人>词典>汉英 : 传染 的英文翻译,例句
传染 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
contagion  ·  infect  ·  infecting  ·  infects  ·  contagions  ·  infections

be contagious
更多网络例句与传染相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Corresponding discussions are made regarding the models of both bilinearity contagiosity and standard contagiosity.


The communicability period occurs during acute infection and until the infectious agent is no longer present in feces, usually within 4 weeks after illness.


So if the person is contaminated, perhaps now I am contaminated, but I have no symptoms.


Dysentery is infected to healthy people via dejecta,hands and mouth,even by tablewares, toys and tools patients used.


In this step, the workpiece surface data such as the chamfering point P; the normal vector N; the feed vector F and the tool axis vector D are converted to the tool attitude data such as the tool axis vector D; the geometrical tool vector Tg and the functional tool vector Tf .


Caused by infection or capable of causing infection; viruses and other infective agents.


I think what me-sandy said is right, of which the chinse meaning is


When vaccinal ratio is greater than zero, the critical infection value becomes greater with the time increasing.


Pigs dont easily infect people, and when they do, the virus often fizzles in its new host, unable to infect other people.


But the fundmental reasons are that the contagious countries have their own finacial vulnerability.At the same time,international monetary system aggravates financial contagions.


更多网络解释与传染相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apparent infection:显性传染

传染的三种可能结局:隐性传染(inapparent infection);带菌状态(carrier state);显性传染(apparent infection). 36 华东理工大学>上课讲义第三节特异性免疫特异性免疫(specific immunity) 获得性免疫(acquired immunity) 适应性免疫(adaptive immunity):机体针对某一种或一类微生物或其产物所产生

communicable period:传染期

病人排出病原体的整个时期,称为传染期(communicable period).传染期的流行病学意义 流行病学意义在于它是决定传染病病人隔离期限的 病人排出病原体的整个时期,称为传染传染期 .

contagious - incommunicable:有传染力的 - 不会传染的

134 constrain - release 限制 - 解放 | 135 contagious - incommunicable 有传染力的 - 不会传染的 | 136 convergent - moving apart 收缩 - 分开


第二节 传染与抗传染免疫 (一)基本概念 关于传染的概念:病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能,破坏机体内环境的相对稳定性,且在一定部位生长繁殖,引起不同程度的病理生理过程,称为传染(infection).


lazaret 传染病院 | lazarette 传染病院 | lazaretto 传染病院


lazaret /传染病院/麻疯病院/ | lazarette /传染病院/麻疯病院/ | lazaretto /传染病院/麻疯病院/

local infection:局部传染

显性传染(apparent ifection)或传染病(infectious disease):1.局部传染(local infection) 病原菌侵入动物机体后,局限于一定部位生长繁殖和毒害动物机体,称为局部传染.

infectio per solum:土壤传染

* infectio per lacteum 乳传染 | * infectio per solum 土壤传染 | * infectio puerperalis 产后传染

transmission, contaminative:污染性传染

传染,传导,传送 transmission | 污染性传染 transmission,contaminative | 机械性传染 transmission,mechanical

Epidemy! Epidemy:传染!传染

"Fatal Infection... Far All! 致命传染......人人难逃! | Epidemy! Epidemy!" 传染!传染! | Feeding On Fragments Of Gangrene 以坏疽的碎片为食