英语人>词典>汉英 : 伙伴关系 的英文翻译,例句
伙伴关系 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fellowship  ·  fellowships  ·  partnerships

更多网络例句与伙伴关系相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper is about a new danymic analysis method of supply chain partnership relation based upon celestial body track theory.


It is against this background, the "ISO28000-based supply chain partnership with the risk of early warning" of this issue, the paper will be in the group with the ISO28000 standards in the supply chain partnership venture to combine research, the establishment of the supply chain partnership risk warning Index system, the use of artificial neural network technology supply chain partnership model and risk early warning empirical research, corporate decision-making so as to provide a strong basis to ensure the smooth progress of the supply chain.


Subsection 4 of the immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations states that a foreign national shall not be considered a spouse,a common-law partner,a conjugal partner or an adopted child of a person if the marriage,common-law partnership,conjugal partnership or adoption is not genuine and was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act.


You therefore do not meet the requirements of section 12 (1) of the immigration and refugee protection act ,2002 .in that you are a person described in section 4 of the immigration and refugee protection regulations ,revised on july 22,2004 subsection 12 (1) of the act states that a foreign national may be selected as a member of the family class on the basis of their relationship as the spouse ,common-law partner ,child ,parent or other prescribed family member of a canadian citizen or permanent residence subsection 4 of the regulations states that of the purpose of these regulations , a foreign national shall not be considered a spouse ,a common-law partner,a conjugal partner or adopted child of a person if the marriage, common-law partnership,conjugal partnership or adoption is not genuine and was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or status or privilege under the act subsection 11(1) of the act provides that a foreign national must,before entering canada, apply to an officer for a visa or any other document required by the regulations.

和提供的资料,在您的采访时对2楼3月, 2008年你有没有感到满意,我认为你进入了婚姻与您的赞助商以外的其他的主要目的是获得入学加拿大作为一个家庭成员阶层。因此,你不符合要求的第12 ( 1 )的移民和难民保护法, 2002年,在这方面你是一个人第4条所述的移民和难民保护条例,修订于七月22,2004 第12 ( 1 )该法的国家的外国国民可以选择作为一个家庭成员阶层的基础上,他们的关系作为其配偶,共同普通法伙伴,子女,父母或其他指定的家庭成员一加拿大公民或永久居留第4条规定的国家的目的,这些规定,外国国民,不得视为配偶,一个共同的普通法伙伴,夫妻合伙人或领养的孩子,一个人如果结婚,共同法的伙伴关系,夫妻间的伙伴关系或通过是不是真正被进入的主要目的是获取任何身份或地位或特权,根据该法第11 ( 1 )该法规定,外国公民必须,才可进入加拿大,适用人员为签证或任何其他文件所规定的规例。

In my mind, the dog/human partnership is very similar to a human/human partnership with one very important exception: the dog cannot make an informed decision to participate and thus is always a draftee, not a volunteer.

在我心目中,狗/人类的伙伴关系是非常类似人类/人类伙伴关系的一个非常重要的例外:狗不能作出明智的决定参加,并因此永远是draftee ,而不是义工。

Minister Yang: Since China established formal ties with the European Economic Community in 1975, China's relations with Europe have steadily moved forward and we are satisfied with the progress made.


The two sides agreed to promote the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, global efforts and welcomed the recent holding of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership for the third session of the Executive Committee, as well as the partnership to find ways to strengthen the international framework for civilian nuclear energy cooperation commitment.


These conclusions provide essential basis for enterprises to carry on long-term planning and strategy layout of supply chain. The innovation points of the thesis include:(1) The effect of supply chain partnership on competitive advantage was objectively reflected by quantifing "partnership quality".(2) The middling variable supply chain integration was included and had made up for the blank spot of the field.(3) The mechanism of the effect of supply chain partnership


Unfortunately, it is your partnership sector that is hosting Neptune, so even if you were to leave to look for someone else, you would still have the Neptunian influence affecting any new partnerships.


With the angle of the theories and substantial evidence this text has further exp lored the interaction relation of SCP and headquarters economy on foundation of having discussed the connotation, utility and classification of the SCPps founding pattern. Finally, this text p roposes the train of thought and suggestions for a case that is new development of Guangzhou Yuexiu districtkps headquarters economy.


更多网络解释与伙伴关系相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

example a marriage or civil partnership certificate:例如结婚证书或民间的伙伴关系

Unless single, please provide evidence of your marital status for 除非单,请提供您的婚... | example a marriage or civil partnership certificate. 例如结婚证书或民间的伙伴关系. | 2.6 Date of birth 2.6出生...


1前言供应链管理的关键在于供应链各个节点企业之间的连接与合作,使相互之间在设计、生产、竞争等方面相互协调,形成无缝连接的整体优势,因此,合作伙伴关系的建立是供应链管理的核心. 合作伙伴关系(Fellowship)又称为供应链合作关系(SupplyChainPartnership,SCP)、供应链联盟(

strategic partnership:战略伙伴关系

"李洁明对美中之间"战略伙伴关系"(strategic partnership)的定位提出质疑;他认为,说美中两国之间拥有"战略往来关系"(strategic relationship)更为准确.


PPA 购电协议 | REPS 可再生能源战略合作伙伴关系项目 | RME 菜籽甲基脂

Sorcery Partnerships:巫术伙伴关系

New Projects新开工项目 | Sorcery Partnerships巫术伙伴关系 | Personality个性

strengthen partnerships:加强伙伴关系

交叉感染cross transmission; cross-infection | 加强伙伴关系strengthen partnerships | 加速科研成果向生产力的转化facilitate a faster transition from research to actual production

Set up business partnership within the department and between departments:在本部门与跨部门间建立有效的业务伙伴关系

11. Bring forward brand developm... | 12. Set up business partnership within the department and between departments. 在本部门与跨部门间建立有效的业务伙伴关系; | 13. Explore potentials in the department...

strategic partnering:战略伙伴关系

Strategic control 战略控制 | Strategic partnering 战略伙伴关系 | Strategic planning 战略规划

partnering management model:伙伴关系管理模式

协同供应商管理模式:The Management Model of Cooperating with Suppliers | 伙伴关系管理模式:partnering management model | 人力资源管理模式:Human resource management model

Building Partnerships:建立伙伴关系

imports and exports good ideas 接受和提出好的意见technical competencies: | building partnerships 建立伙伴关系 | change process 改进流程