英语人>词典>汉英 : 伐木 的英文翻译,例句
伐木 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
log  ·  lumber  ·  lumbering  ·  woodcutting  ·  fallage  ·  logs  ·  lumbered  ·  lumbers

felling operation
更多网络例句与伐木相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He has sometimes been willing to enforce the law against loggers: in February he sent troops to Tailandia, a town in Pará state where illegal logging is the main industry, after inspectors from the environment ministry were thrown out by sawmill workers.


He has sometimes been willing to enforce the law against loggers: in February he sent troops to Tail ndia, a town in Pará state where illegal logging is the main industry, after inspectors from the environment ministry were thrown out by sawmill workers.

有些时候他也愿意加强针对伐木工人的执法:2月份他派部队到Tail ndia,Pará州的一个小镇,那儿非法伐木是其主要工业,之前来自环境部的调查人员被锯木厂的工人们扔了出来。

Not far away, The Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show showcases competitions in logrolling, speed climbing, chopping and ax throwing!


Increased Lumber Mill's cost to 375, buffed Shredder's armor, hitpoints, attackspeed, cleave range and added an explode on death ability and an inducted rage ability


Under the head, production of materials, we must include the industry of the wood-cutter, when employed in cutting and preparing timber for building, or wood for the purposes of the carpenter's or any other art.


President Abraham Lincoln's an honoree, too, and not for his legendary woodchopping( woodchopper的变形:劈柴者,伐木者,砍柴人,樵夫) skills.


She had lived on the tree which she named it "Luna"for one year.She wanted to prevent The Pasific Lumbermill from cutting a forest named Lidawart in California. She have overcome many unimaged difficulties ,especially at first the helicoper of the Lumbermill bothered Juliar in day and night and the police watched her in 24 hours .


Before daybreak he would awake , leave the inn after rigorously paying his bill , and reaching the forest , he would , under presence of making studies in painting , test the hospitality of some peasants , procure himself the dress of a woodcutter and a hatchet , casting off the lion s skin to assume that of the woodman ; then , with his hands covered with dirt , his hair darkened by means of a leaden comb , his complexion embrowned with a preparation for which one of his old comrades had given him the recipe , he intended , by following the wooded districts , to reach the nearest frontier , walking by night and sleeping in the day in the forests and quarries , and only entering inhabited regions to buy a loaf from time to time


Sometimes the cycle of destruction starts with illegal logging , which etches the first trails into the forest .


The calculation of carbon stock changes for the purpose of accounting for harvested wood products, if so elected, on land that is to be accounted for under either reforested land or elected forest management land shall be based on the total increment of carbon stock growth in the eligible forest minus any changes in soil carbon, minus carbon stocks left over from timber harvest activities, minus carbon stocks from any wood residues from wood mills, minus carbon stocks from wood products used for the purposes of paper, wood chips or other short-lived wood products, minus a carbon release estimate of harvested wood products produced and then destroyed during the commitment period, times a conversion factor from carbon to carbon dioxide equivalent.


更多网络解释与伐木相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


feet 英尺 | feller 伐木机 | felling machine 伐木

feller skidder:伐木-集材机

伐木-归堆机 feller-buncher | 伐木-集材机 feller-skidder | 伐木-打枝-归堆机 feller-delimber-buncher

feller buncher:伐木归堆联合机

felled tree 伐倒木 | feller buncher 伐木归堆联合机 | feller-processor 伐木造材联合机

feller buncher:伐木-归堆机

[森林]采伐联合机 forest harvesting combine, tree harvester | 伐木-归堆机 feller-buncher | 伐木-集材机 feller-skidder

feller lumber:采伐木

fell 采伐,伐木 | feller lumber 采伐木 | feller skidder 采伐运木滑轨

felling axe:伐木斧

伐根高 stump height | 伐木斧 felling axe | 伐木锯 felling saw


HarpermachineHarper长网纸机,长网薄页纸机 | harvester伐木机 | harvesting伐木;采伐


harvester伐木机 | harvesting伐木;采伐 | hatch人孔;升降孔

Lumbering operation:伐木

伐材业,伐木 Lumbering | 伐木 Lumbering operation | 伐木工作 Lumber-job

wood chopper:柴刀,伐木刀

wood chisel 木凿 | wood chopper 柴刀,伐木刀 | wood chopper's maul 伐木木锤